• Faculty Member
  • Scholarly Writings
Publications Mr. Andrés Rigo Sureda
The Evolution of the Right of Self-determination. A case Study of U.N. Practice, Sijthoff. Leiden, 1973.
“La surveillance exercée par la Banque Mondiale” (with C. Vuylsteke) in L'Inspection Internationale (G. Fischer and D. Vignes editors), Brussels, 1976.
“The Restructuring of the Global Environment Facility” Current Legal Issues, vol. 4, IMF, 1997.
“The World Bank and Institutional Innovation” in The World Bank, International Financial Institutions, and the Development of International Law, (E. Brown-Weiss, L. Boisson de Chazournes, and A. Rigo Sureda, editors), American Society of International Law, 1999.
“International Institutions and International Environmental Law: The World Bank's Contribution,” paper presented at The European Conference on International Law, The Hague, 1999. Published in Spanish in Anuario Español de Derecho Internacional, 2000.
“El Banco Mundial y los Bancos Regionales de Desarrollo”, in Curso de Derecho Internacional XXVII, Inter-American Juridical Committee of the Organization of American States, 2001.
“Process Integrity and Institutional Independence in International Organizations: The Inspection Panel and the Sanctions Committee of the World Bank” in International Organizations and International Dispute Settlement (L. Boisson de Chazournes, C. Romano and R. Mackenzie, editors) 2002.
“Informality and Effectiveness in the Operation of the World Bank”, Journal of International Economic Law, 2003.
“The Law Applicable to the Activities of International Development Banks”, Recueil des cours of The Hague Academy of International Law, vol. 308, 2005.
“Arbitraje de inversión” in Comentario a la Ley de Arbitraje (A. de Martín and S. Hierro, editors), 2006.
“Introduction to Investor-State Arbitration. A Case Study: Wena Hotels Limited (Wena) v. Arab Republic of Egypt”, contribution to The Legal Practice in International Law and European Community Law: A Spanish Perspective (C. Jiménez Piernas, editor) 2006.
“La noción de inversión protegida” in Arbitraje Internacional. Tensiones actuales (F. Mantilla-Serrano, editor) 2006.