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Mr.Thomas Mayr-Harting

Mr. Thomas Mayr-Harting
Head of the European Union Delegation to the United Nations in New York

BiographyBiography in PDF

Regional Organizations
European Union
The European Union in the United Nations
Video | Audio
(17/12/2014, 35 minutes)
Regional Organizations
European Union
The European Union in the United Nations
A. Legal Instruments

Treaty establishing the European Economic Community (renamed as the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, as amended by Article 2 of the Lisbon Treaty), Rome, 25 March 1957, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 298, p. 11.

Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community (with protocols, annexes and final act),  Lisbon, 13 December 2007, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2702, p. 3.

B. Documents

General Assembly resolution 65/276 of 3 May 2011 (Participation of the European Union in the work of the United Nations).

C. Additional References

For more information on the work of the European Union Delegation to the United Nations in New York, please visit the official website.

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