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Ms. Leila Nadya Sadat

Ms. Leila Nadya Sadat
James Carr Professor of
International Criminal Law and Director
Whitney R. Harris World Law Institute
Washington University School of Law

Biography Biography in PDF

Criminal Law and Procedure
International Criminal Justice
The Legacy of the Nuremberg Trials: Seventy Years Later
Video | Audio
(28/10/2016, 37 minutes)

International Criminal Law
Interpreting the Statute of
the International Criminal Court
Video | Audio
(18/10/2018, 34 minutes)

Heads of State and Other Officials before
the International Criminal Court
Video | Audio
(28/10/2019, 61 minutes)
Criminal Law and Procedure
International Criminal Justice
The Legacy of the Nuremberg Trials: Seventy Years Later
A. Legal Instruments

Charter of the International Military Tribunal, Annex to the Agreement for the prosecution and punishment of the major war criminals of the European Axis, London, 8 August 1945, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 82, p. 284.

Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice, San Francisco, 26 June 1945.

Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Paris, 9 December 1948, United Nations,  Treaty Series, vol. 78, p. 277.

Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field, Geneva, 12 August 1949, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 75, p. 31.

Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea, Geneva, 12 August 1949, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 75, p. 85.

Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, Geneva, 12 August 1949, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 75, p. 287.

Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, Geneva, 12 August 1949, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 75, p. 135.

International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid, New York, 30 November 1973, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1015, p. 243.

Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, New York, 10 December 1984, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1465, p. 85.

Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to paragraph 2 of Security Council resolution 808 (1993) (S/25704), 3 May 1993.

Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Security Council resolution 955 (1994) of 8 November 1994.

Statute of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, Freetown, 16 January 2002.

Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Rome, 17 July 1998, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2187, p. 3.

International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, New York, 20 December 2006, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2716.

Amendments on the crime of aggression to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Kampala, 11 June 2010, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2922.

B. Jurisprudence

International Court of Justice, Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro), Judgement, I.C.J. Reports 2007, p. 43.

International Court of Justice, Questions relating to the Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite (Belgium v. Senegal), Judgement, I.C.J. Reports 2012, p. 422.

Special Court for Sierra Leone, Prosecutor v. Charles Ghankay Taylor, Case No. SCSL-03-01-T, Judgement of 18 May 2012.


District Court of Jerusalem, Israel, Attorney General v. Adolf Eichmann, Criminal Case No. 40/61, 11 December 1961.

Supreme Court (Criminal Law Chamber), France, The Prosecutor v. Klaus Barbie, Case No. 87-84240, Judgement of 3 June 1988.

Supreme Court (Criminal Law Chamber), France, France v. Paul Trouvier, Case No. 92-82409, Judgement of 27 November 1992.

Supreme Court of Canada, R v. Imre Finta, Case No. 23023, 23097, 24 March 1994.

Supreme Court of Cassation, Italy, Public Prosecutor v. Karl Hass and Erich Priebke, 16 November 1998.s

House of Lords, Regina v. Bartle and the Commissioner of Police for Metropolis and others ex parte Pinochet, 25 November 1998.

Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, Prosecutor v. Kaing, Case No. 001/18-07-2007/ECCC/TC, Judgement of 26 July 2010.

Tribunal A de Mayor Riesgo, The People of the Republic of Guatemala v. José Mauricio Rodríguez y José Efraín Ríos Montt, C-01076-2011-00015, 10 May 2013.

C. Documents

Trial of the Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Opening Statement for the United States of America by Robert H. Jackson, Chief of Counsel for the United States, 21 November 1945, p. 98.

Historical Survey of the Question of International Criminal Jurisdiction (Memorandum Submitted by the Secretary-General), 1949 (A/CN.4/7Rev.1,), Appendix 8.

Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its first session, 12 April 1949 (A/CN.4/13, reproduced in Yearbook of International Law Commission, 1949, vol. I).

Security Council resolution 1315 (2000) of 14 August 2000.

Security Council resolution 1373 (2001) of 28 September 2001.

United Nations Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court, 15 June to 17 July 1998, Rome (A/CONF.183/13 (Vol. I)), Annex 1, Resolution E.

Resolution RC/Res.6 of the Review Conference of the Rome Statute, 11 June 2010, Annex III.

First Report on Crimes Against Humanity by Mr. Sean Murphy, Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/680, 17 February 2015).

First Report on Crimes Against Humanity by Mr. Sean Murphy, Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/690, 21 January 2016).

D. Doctrine

J. Allain, “The Continued Evolution of International Adjudication”, in Canadian Council on International Law (eds.), Looking Ahead: International Law in the 21st Century, Kluwer Law International, New York, 1979, pp. 50-71.

M. C. Bassiouni, “Crimes Against Humanity: The Need for a Specialised Convention”, Columbia Journal Transnational Journal, vol. 31, 1994, pp. 457-494.

A. Cassese, “Terrorism is also Disrupting Some Crucial Legal Categories of International Law”, European Journal of International Law, vol. 12, 2001, pp. 993-1001.

F. de Menthon, Le Procès de Nuremberg: importance juridique et politique, Éditions du Mail, 1946.  

W. E. Davis and H. Turku, “Access to Justice and Alternative Dispute Resolution”, Journal of Dispute Resolution, vol. 2011, 2011, pp. 47-66.

B. B. Ferencz, “The Nuremberg Principles of the Gulf War”, St. John’s Law Review, vol. 66, 1992, pp. 711-732.

J. N. Foster, “A Situational Approach to Prosecutorial Strategy at the International Criminal Court”, Georgetown Journal of International Law, vol. 47, 2016, pp. 439-505.

W. R. Harris, Tyranny on Trial, Southern Methodist University Press, Texas, 1999.

W. I. Hull, The Two Hague Conferences and Their Contributions to International Law, Ginn & Company, Boston, 1908. 

A. Huneeus, “International Criminal Law by Other Means: The Quasi-Criminal Jurisdiction of the Human Rights Bodies”, American Journal of International Law, vol. 107, 2013, pp. 1-104. 

G. Jarrow, Robert H. Jackson: New Deal Lawyer, Supreme Court Justice, Nuremberg Prosecutor, Calkins Creek, Pennsylvania, 2008.

L. Reydams and J. Wouters, “The Politics of Establishing International Criminal Tribunals”, in L. Reydams et al. (eds.), International Prosecutors, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012,  pp. 6-80.

Y. Ronen, “The Impact of the ICTY on Atrocity-Related Prosecutions in the Courts of Bosnia Herzegovina”, Penn State Journal of Law and International Affairs, vol. 3, 2014, pp. 113-160. 

L. N. Sadat, “The Interpretation of the Nuremberg Principles by the French Court of Cassation: From Touvier to Barbie and Back Again”, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, vol. 32, 1994, pp. 289-380.

L. N. Sadat, “The Proposed Permanent International Criminal Court: An Appraisal”, Cornell International Law Journal, vol. 29, 1996, pp. 665-726.

L. N. Sadat, “Shattering the Nuremberg Consensus: U.S. Rendition Policy and International Law”, Yale Journal of International Law, vol. 3, 2008, pp. 65-77.

L. N. Sadat, “The Nuremberg Paradox”, The American Journal of Comparative Law, vol. 58, 2010, pp. 151-204.

L. N. Sadat, Forging a Convention for Crimes against Humanity, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2011.

L. N. Sadat, “The Contribution of the ICTR to the Rule of Law”, in C. C. Jalloh and A. B. M. Marong (eds.), Promoting Accountability under International Law for Gross Human Rights Violations in Africa, Brill, Leyden, 2015, pp. 118-129.

L. N. Sadat, “Genocide in Syria: International Legal Options, International Legal Limits, and the Serious Problem of Political Will”, Impunity Watch Law Journal, vol. 5, 2015, pp. 1-20.

K. Sellars, “Introduction”, in K. Sellars (eds.), Trials for International Crimes in Asia, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2015, pp. 1-24.

H. Shawcross, Life Sentence: The Memoirs of Lord Shawcross: Memoirs of Hartley Shawcross, Constable, London, 1995.

W. Schabas, “Genocide Trials and the Gacaca Courts”, Journal of International Criminal Justice, vol. 3, 2005, pp. 879-895.

T. Taylor, The Anatomy of the Nuremberg Trials: A Personal Memoir, Back Bay Book, Boston, 1992.

International Criminal Law
Interpreting the Statute of the International Criminal Court
A. Legal Instruments

Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice, San Francisco, 26 June 1945.

Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, Vienna, 23 May 1969, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1155, p. 331.

Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Rome, 17 July 1998, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2187, p. 3.

B. Jurisprudence
C. Documents
D. Doctrine

C. Roxin, Täterschaft und Tatherrschaft, 9th edition, De Gruyter, Berlin, 2015.

L. N. Sadat and J. M. Jolly, “Seven Canons of ICC Treaty Interpretation: Making Sense of Article 25’s Rorschach Blot”, Leiden Journal of International Law, vol. 27, 2014, pp. 755–788.

Heads of State and Other Officials before the International Criminal Court
A. Legal Instruments

Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907 (Text of the Conventions available on the website of Yale Law School’s Avalon Project).

Treaty of Peace with Germany, Versailles, 28 June 1919.

Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice, San Francisco, 26 June 1945.

Charter of the International Military Tribunal, Annex to the Agreement for the prosecution and punishment of the major war criminals of the European Axis, London, 8 August 1945, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 82, p. 284.

Charter of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, Tokyo, 19 January 1946, Treaties and Other International Act Series 1589.

Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Paris, 9 December 1948, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 78, p. 277.

Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, Vienna, 23 May 1969, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1155, p. 331.

African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Nairobi, 27 June 1981, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1520, p. 217.

Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia,  Security Council resolution 827 (1993) of 25 May 1993, as amended.

Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Security Council resolution 955 (1994) of 8 November 1994, as amended.

Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Rome, 17 July 1998, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2187, p. 3, as amended

Agreement between the United Nations and the Government of Sierra Leone on the establishment of a Special Court for Sierra Leone (with Statute), Freetown, 16 January 2002, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2178, p.137.

Agreement between the United Nations and the Royal Government of Cambodia concerning the prosecution under Cambodian law of crimes committed during the period of Democratic Kampuchea, Phnom Penh, 6 June 2003, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2329, p. 137.

Protocol on Amendments to the Protocol on the Statute of the African Court of Justice and Human Rights, 27 June 2014.

B. Jurisprudence

Permanent Court of International Justice, The Case of the S.S. Lotus (France v. Turkey), Judgment of 7 September 1927, P.C.I.J., Series A, No 10, p. 5.

International Court of Justice, North Sea Continental Shelf, Judgment of 20 February 1969, I.C.J. Reports 1969, p. 3.

International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, Prosecutor v. Anto Furundžija, Judgement of 10 December 1998, Trial Chamber, IT-95-17/1-T.

United Kingdom, House of Lords, Regina v. Bartle and the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis and Others (Appellants), Ex Parte Pinochet (Respondent); Regina v. Evans and Another and the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis and Others (Appellants), Ex Parte Pinochet (Respondent) (On Appeal from a Divisional Court of the Queen's Bench Division), Judgement of 24 March 1999.

International Court of Justice, Arrest Warrant of 1I April 2000 (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Belgium), Judgment of 14 February 2002, I.C.J. Reports 2002, p. 3.

Special Court for Sierra Leone, Prosecutor v. Charles Ghankay Taylor, Decision of 31 May 2004, Case No. SCSL-2003-01-I.

International Criminal Court, Prosecutor v. Omar Hassan Ahmad Al Bashir ("Omar Al Bashir"), Warrant of Arrest for Omar Hassan Ahmad Al Bashir of 4 March 2009, Pre-Trial Chamber I, ICC-02/05-01/09.

International Criminal Court, Situation in the Republic of Kenya, Decision of 6 November 2009, ICC-01/09.  

International Criminal Court, The Prosecutor v. Omar Hassan Ahmad Al-Bashir, Decision of 19 October 2011, Pre-Trial Chamber I, ICC-02/05-01/09. 

International Criminal Court, The Prosecutor v. Omar Hassan Ahmad Al-Bashir, Decision of 11 December 2017, Pre-Trial Chamber II, ICC-02/05-01/09.

African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights, Anudo Ochieng Anudo v. United Republic of Tanzania, Judgement of 22 March 2018, Application No. 012/2015. 

International Criminal Court, The Prosecutor v. Omar Hassan Ahmad Al-Bashir, Judgment of 6 May 2019, Appeals Chamber, ICC-02/05-01/09 OA2.

C. Documents

Commission on the Responsibility of the Authors of the War and on Enforcement of Penalties, “Report Presented to the Preliminary Peace Conference”, Paris, 29 March 1919, reproduced in American Journal of International Law, vol. 14, 1920, p. 95.

International Law Commission, The Principles of International Law recognized in the Charter and the Judgment of the Nürnberg Tribunal, reproduced in Yearbook of the International Law Commission, 1950, vol. II, p 191.

International Law Commission, Draft Code of Crimes against the Peace and Security of Mankind, 1996, reproduced in Yearbook of the International Law Commission, 1996, vol. II, Part Two, p. 12.   

International Law Commission, Draft Statute for an International Criminal Court, reproduced in Yearbook of the International Law Commission, 1994, vol. II, Part Two, p. 20.

Security Council resolution 1593 (2005) of 31 March 2005.

African Union Assembly decision Assembly/AU/13(XIII) of 3 July 2009 (Decision on the Meeting of African States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC)).