International Law Commission International Law Commission

Last update: July 22, 2015

First Session (1949)


The general and limited distribution documents of the International Law Commission (in the “A/CN.4” series) are issued, in all six official languages, as official documents of the United Nations. The Commission’s Summary Records are first made available in provisional form, in English and French only. They are subsequently edited and translated into the other official languages, and published in the Yearbook of the International Law Commission. Some of the Commission’s other documents are also later edited and published in the Yearbook, together with the Commission’s annual report to the General Assembly.

General Documents

Symbol Title
A/CN.4/1/Rev.1 Survey of International Law in Relation to the Work of Codification of the International Law Commission
A/CN.4/2 + Add.1 Preparatory Study Concerning a Draft Declaration on the Rights and Duties of States
A/CN.4/3 Draft Agenda
A/CN.4/4 + Corr.1 Statute of the International Law Commission and other resolutions of the General Assembly relating to the International Law Commission
A/CN.4/5 The Charter and Judgment of the Nünberg Tribunal — History and Analysis
A/CN.4/6 + Corr.1 Ways and Means of Making the Evidence of Customary International Law more Readily Available
A/CN.4/7/Rev.1 Historical Survey of the Question of International Criminal Jurisdiction
A/CN.4/8 International and national organizations concerned with questions of international law
A/CN.4/9 Agenda for the First Meeting
A/CN.4/10 List of documents
A/CN.4/11 Table of Equivalents as between the Articles of the Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Nations adopted by the American Institute of International Law and the Draft Declaration on the Rights and Duties of States proposed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Panama
A/CN.4/12 Formulation of the Principles Recognized in the Charter of the Nünberg Tribunal and in the Judgment of the Tribunal — The Principles as Stated by Sir Hartley Shawcross before the American Bar Association in 1946
A/CN.4/13 + Corr.1–3 Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its first Session, 12 April–9 June 1949, Official Records of the General Assembly, Fourth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/925)
A/CN.4/14 International and national organizations concerned with Questions of International Law

Working Papers

Symbol Title
A/CN.4/W.1 Working Paper No. 1 based on Parts I and III of the Survey of international law in relation to the work of codification of the International Law Commission
A/CN.4/W.2 List of topics contained in Part II of the Survey of international law in relation to the work of codification of the International Law Commission
A/CN.4/W.3 Tentative list of topics for codification adopted by the international Law Commission
A/CN.4/W.4 + Rev.1–4 Draft Declaration on the Rights and Duties of States — Summary of action taken by the Commission with regard to the Draft (A/CN.4/2)
A/CN.4/W.5 Draft Declaration on the Rights and Duties of States — As proposed by the Sub-Committee on the draft Declaration — incorporated in document A/CN.4/SR.19, footnote 2
A/CN.4/W.6 Formulation of the principles recognized in the Nürnberg Tribunal and in the Judgment of the Tribunal — Draft proposed by the Sub-Committee on the formulation of the Nürnberg principles — incorporated in document A/CN.4/SR.25, footnote 9
A/CN.4/W.7 Draft Declaration on the Rights and Duties of States — Summary of action taken by the Commission after second rading of the Draft
A/CN.4/W.8 Draft Declaration on the Rights and Duties of States — Summary of action taken by the Commission after third reading of the draft — incorporated in document A/CN.4/SR.23, footnote 1
A/CN.4/W.9 Working Paper based on Part III of the preparatory work done by the Secretariat upon ways and means of making the evidence of customary international law more readily available (A/CN.4/6) — incorporated in document A/CN.4/SR.31, footnote 10
A/CN.4/W.10 + Add.1–3 + Rev.1 Chapters I and II of the draft Report to the General Assembly on the work of the first session
A/CN.4/W.11 Formulation of the principles recognized in the Charter of the Nürnberg Tribunal and in the Judgment of the Tribunal — Proposal by Professor Georges Scelle — incorporated in document A/CN.4/SR.28, para.88
A/CN.4/W.12 Formulation of the principles recognized in the Charter of the Nürnberg Tribunal and in the Judgment of the Tribunal: Texts recommended by the Sub-Committee

Summary Records

Symbol Title
A/CN.4/SR.1 Summary record of the 1st meeting
A/CN.4/SR.2 Summary record of the 2nd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3 Summary record of the 3rd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.4 Summary record of the 4th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.5 Summary record of the 5th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.6 Summary record of the 6th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.7 Summary record of the 7th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.8 Summary record of the 8th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.9 Summary record of the 9th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.10 Summary record of the 10th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.11 Summary record of the 11th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.12 Summary record of the 12th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.13 Summary record of the 13th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.14 Summary record of the 14th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.15 Summary record of the 15th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.16 Summary record of the 16th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.17 Summary record of the 17th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.18 Summary record of the 18th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.19 Summary record of the 19th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.20 Summary record of the 20th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.21 Summary record of the 21st meeting
A/CN.4/SR.22 Summary record of the 22nd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.23 Summary record of the 23rd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.24 Summary record of the 24th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.25 Summary record of the 25th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.26 Summary record of the 26th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.27 Summary record of the 27th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.28 Summary record of the 28th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.29 Summary record of the 29th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.30 Summary record of the 30th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.31 Summary record of the 31st meeting
A/CN.4/SR.32 Summary record of the 32nd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.33 Summary record of the 33rd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.34 Summary record of the 34th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.35 Summary record of the 35th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.36 Summary record of the 36th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.37 Summary record of the 37th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.38 Summary record of the 38th meeting

Some documents are not available on this website for the following reasons:

  • In some cases, documents have deliberately been excluded from this website, including draft documents such as the draft report of the International Law Commission, which serves as the basis for the Commission adoption of its annual report, and which, accordingly, is superceded as soon as the final version is adopted;
  • In connection with more recent documentation (post-1995), where a Yearbook of the International Law Commission volume does not yet exist, links are provided to the version available on the United Nations Optical Disk System, i.e. the version which the Commission itself considered (and not the final edited version to be included in a Yearbook); in some cases such documents (or particular language versions thereof) are not available on that System, for technical reasons.
  • Unless otherwise indicated, summary records are available in English and French only. Additional language versions are made available as and when the respective volumes of the Yearbook are published.
  • In the case of documents issued in mimeograph format in earlier years, those that were subsequently reproduced in the Yearbook of the International Law Commission have been made available. Where hard copies of the individual documents not in the Yearbook still exist, attempts have been made to also have those digitized and placed on this site to provide as complete a collection as possible;
  • Up until 1955 documents were issued in the original language of submission, and the other linguistic versions were not always produced, i.e. some documents were only issued in English or in French or in Spanish;