International Law Commission International Law Commission

Last update: July 15, 2015

Ninth Session (1957)


The general and limited distribution documents of the International Law Commission (in the “A/CN.4” series) are issued, in all six official languages, as official documents of the United Nations. The Commission’s Summary Records are first made available in provisional form, in English and French only. They are subsequently edited and translated into the other official languages, and published in the Yearbook of the International Law Commission. Some of the Commission’s other documents are also later edited and published in the Yearbook, together with the Commission’s annual report to the General Assembly.

General Documents

Symbol Title
A/CN.4/105 Provisional Agenda
A/CN.4/106 Second Report on International Responsibility by Mr. F.V. Garcia-Amador, Special Rapporteur
A/CN.4/107 Second Report on the Law of Treaties by Mr. G.G. Fitzmaurice, Special Rapporteur
A/CN.4/108 Report on Consular intercourse and immunities by Mr. J. Zourek, Special Rapporteur
A/CN.4/109 + Corr.1 Report concerning the Draft Convention on Arbitral Procedure adopted by the Commission at its Fifth session by Mr. G. Scelle, Special Rapporteur (with a "model draft" on arbitral procedure annexed)
A/CN.4/110 Report of the International Law Commission covering the Work of its Ninth session, 23 April–28 June 1957, Official Records of the General Assembly, Twelfth Session, Supplement No. 9 (A/3623)

Limited Documents

Symbol Title
A/CN.4/L.70 + Add.1–3 Draft report of the intrnational Law Commission covering the work of its ninth session

Summary Records

Symbol Title
A/CN.4/SR.382 Summary record of the 382nd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.383 Summary record of the 383rd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.384 Summary record of the 384th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.385 Summary record of the 385th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.386 Summary record of the 386th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.387 Summary record of the 387th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.388 Summary record of the 388th meeting.
A/CN.4/SR.389 Summary record of the 389th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.390 Summary record of the 390th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.391 Summary record of the 391st meeting
A/CN.4/SR.392 Summary record of the 392nd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.393 Summary record of the 393rd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.394 Summary record of the 394th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.395 Summary record of the 395th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.396 Summary record of the 396th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.397 Summary record of the 397th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.398 Summary record of the 398th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.399 Summary record of the 399th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.400 Summary record of the 400th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.401 Summary record of the 401st meeting
A/CN.4/SR.402 Summary record of the 402nd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.403 Summary record of the 403rd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.404 Summary record of the 404th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.405 Summary record of the 405th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.406 Summary record of the 406th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.407 Summary record of the 407th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.408 Summary record of the 408th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.409 Summary record of the 409th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.410 Summary record of the 410th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.411 Summary record of the 411th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.412 Summary record of the 412th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.413 Summary record of the 413th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.414 Summary record of the 414th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.415 Summary record of the 415th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.416 Summary record of the 416th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.417 Summary record of the 417th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.418 Summary record of the 418th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.419 Summary record of the 419th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.420 Summary record of the 420th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.421 Summary record of the 421st meeting
A/CN.4/SR.422 Summary record of the 422nd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.423 Summary record of the 423rd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.424 Summary record of the 424th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.425 Summary record of the 425th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.426 Summary record of the 426th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.427 Summary record of the 427th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.428 Summary record of the 428th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.429 Summary record of the 429th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.430 Summary record of the 430th meeting

Some documents are not available on this website for the following reasons:

  • In some cases, documents have deliberately been excluded from this website, including draft documents such as the draft report of the International Law Commission, which serves as the basis for the Commission adoption of its annual report, and which, accordingly, is superceded as soon as the final version is adopted;
  • In connection with more recent documentation (post-1995), where a Yearbook of the International Law Commission volume does not yet exist, links are provided to the version available on the United Nations Optical Disk System, i.e. the version which the Commission itself considered (and not the final edited version to be included in a Yearbook); in some cases such documents (or particular language versions thereof) are not available on that System, for technical reasons.
  • Unless otherwise indicated, summary records are available in English and French only. Additional language versions are made available as and when the respective volumes of the Yearbook are published.
  • In the case of documents issued in mimeograph format in earlier years, those that were subsequently reproduced in the Yearbook of the International Law Commission have been made available. Where hard copies of the individual documents not in the Yearbook still exist, attempts have been made to also have those digitized and placed on this site to provide as complete a collection as possible;
  • Up until 1955 documents were issued in the original language of submission, and the other linguistic versions were not always produced, i.e. some documents were only issued in English or in French or in Spanish;