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United Nations - Office of Legal Affairs

Strategy for an Era of Application
of International Law - Action Plan

Adopted by the Senior Management Group and Approved by the Secretary-General, June 2000

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6. Informing the General Public about International Law and about Means of Recourse Against Violations of this Law

The best guarantee of the application of international law is a general public which is informed about at least the most significant of the rules of international law that have been developed for their benefit. The general public should, therefore, have readily available to it the necessary information to be able to advocate and secure its proper implementation. Electronic communications are increasingly facilitating the realisation of this objective.

The UN maintains a large number of webpages containing information on treaties and other international legal matters. They may not be sufficiently interlinked and may not contain links to the sites of the specialized agencies or of other UN-system organizations. In general, they do not contain links to outside, non-UN sources.

The Secretariat, Programmes, Funds and Agencies should include on their websites treaty texts and other instruments and documents of international legal significance. This might be done, inter alia, by interlinking those sites, as well as by linking them, to the extent possible and permissible, with the sites of UN-system organizations and of relevant NGOs enjoying consultative status with ECOSOC (11);

To the extent possible, the Organization's websites should aim to provide pertinent information and assistance to those who wish to know how to take steps towards securing the rights and benefits for which international law provides or obtaining redress for violations of those rights or denial of those benefits;

The international law homepage on the UN Website should include;

A new sub-site entitled "Calendar of Events" linking to UN-system conferences,meetings, workshops being organized in all parts of the world;

A new sub-site entitled "Proceedings of meetings and conferences", which would post major presentations or reports presented at conferences or meetings organized by the UN Secretariat, Programmes, Funds and Agencies;

Public information campaigns should be launched on a country-specific basis to promote awareness of specific treaties, in particular those that are the subject of the campaign described in Section 1 of this Plan;

Seminars and briefing sessions on specific treaties might be organized and run for the private sector, where appropriate.

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