Second United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea
(Geneva, 17 March — 26 April 1960)
Subsequent to the adoption of the 1958 Conventions on the Law of the Sea, at the first United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to convene a Second United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea to consider the topics of the breadth of the territorial sea and fishery limits, which had not been agreed upon in the said Conventions (resolution 1307 (XIII) of 10 December 1958). The Conference was held from 17 March to 26 April 1960 and adopted two resolutions in its Final Act (A/CONF.19/L.15). Substantive decisions on the topics of the breadth of the territorial sea and fishery limits were deferred to a later stage.
See: Introductory Note.