Election of members of the
Committee on Budget and Finance

Last update: 12 September 2003

The Assembly of States Parties, at its 10 meeting, held on 21 April 2003, elected the following members of the Committee on Budget and Finance:

African States:*
  • Dah Kindji, Lambert (Benin)
  • Muwanga, John F. S. (Uganda)
Asian States:**
  • Gharaibeh, Fawzi (Jordan)
  • Hahn, Myung-jae (Republic of Korea)
Latin American and Caribbean States:**
  • Arnábal, Santiago Wins (Uruguay)
  • Gallardo Aparicio, Eduardo E. (Bolivia)
Western European and Other States:**
  • Dutton, David (Australia)
  • Lovell, Peter (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
  • Paschke, Karl Th. (Germany)
  • Tilemans, Michel-Etienne (Belgium)

* Elected by secret ballot. Results of the vote: Number of ballot papers: 81. Number of invalid ballots: 0. Number of valid ballots: 81. Number of abstentions: 0. Number of States Parties voting: 81. Two thirds required majority: 54. Number of votes obtained: Dah Kindji, Lambert (Benin): 70. Muwanga, F.S. (Uganda): 61. Mwango, Chitundu Norman (Zambia): 25.
** Elected by consensus/acclamation.

The Assembly further adopted a resolution (contained in document ICC-ASP/1/9 (E, F, S, R, C, A)) authorizing the partially constituted Committee on Budget and Finance to commence its functions, and deciding that the two remaining members from the European European States shall join the work of the Committee upon their election by the Assembly of States Parties. The resolution further defers the drawing of the lots for the terms of the Committee's members until the election of the two remaining members. The Assembly further decided that the term of office of all members would commence on 21 April 2003.

The Assembly of States Parties, at its 1st meeting, of its second session, held on 8 September 2003, further elected the following two members of the Committee on Budget and Finance:

Eastern European States:*
  • Steinbuka, Inna (Latvia)
  • Sopková, Elena (Slovakia)

Drawing of lots

The President of the Assembly of States Parties, at the Assembly's 5th meeting held on 12 September, drew lots in accordance with resolution ICC-ASP/1/Res.4 as amended by the Assembly Resolution contained in document ICC-ASP/2/L.3, to determine the cadence of the term of office of the members of the Committee. Under resolution ICC-ASP/1/Res.4 as amended by the resolution contained ICC-ASP/2/L.3, the respective terms of office are: 6 members for two years and 6 members for three years. The result of the drawing of lots, in the order drawn by the Presdident, was as follows:

Term of two years:

  • Steinbuka, Inna (Latvia)
  • Tilemans, Michel-Etienne (Belgium)
  • Paschke, Karl Th. (Germany)
  • Lovell, Peter (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
  • Gallardo Aparicio, Eduardo E. (Bolivia)
  • Muwanga, John F. S. (Uganda)

The term of three years:

  • Gharaibeh, Fawzi (Jordan)
  • Sopková, Elena (Slovakia)
  • Hahn, Myung-jae (Republic of Korea)
  • Dutton, David (Australia)
  • Arnábal, Santiago Wins (Uruguay)
  • Dah Kindji, Lambert (Benin)


Opening of the nomination period for the election in 2004 to replace the members whose term will expire in April 2005

The Assembly of States Parties, at the 5th meeting of its second session, held on 12 September 2003, decided that the nomination period for the election in 2004 to replace the members whose term will expire in April 2005 would run from 1 March to 30 June 2003


The Committee on Budget and Finance was established by the Assembly of States Parties at its 1st meeting, held on 3 September 2002, in its resolution ICC-ASP/1/Res.4 (English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Arabic).

In accordance with paragraph 8 of resolution ICC-ASP/1/Res.5 (E, F, S, R ,C ,A) and Corr.1 (E, F, S, R ,C ,A), adopted on 3 September 2002, the distribution of seats for the first election is as follows:

- African States, two seats;
- Asian States, two seats;
- Eastern European States, two seats;
- Group of Latin American and Caribbean States, two seats;
- Western European and Other States; four seats.

Following the extension of the period for the nominations of the candidates for membership on the Committee on Budget and Finance from 15 February 2003 to 7 March 2003, by the Assembly of States Parties at its 8th meeting, held on 7 February 2003, the President of the Assembly, acting in accordance with the decision of the Assembly at its 8th meeting, by a letter dated 7 March 2003 informed all States Parties that the required number of nominations had not been received, and that therefore the nomination period was being further extended until 21 March 2003. The nomination period was thus closed on 21 March 2003.

As of 21 March 2003, the following nominations were received (see document ICC-ASP/1/8: E, F, S, R, C, A):

African States:

Dah Kindji, Lambert (Benin)
Muwanga, John F. S. (Uganda)
Mwango, Chitundu Norman (Zambia)

Asian States:**

Gharaibeh, Fawzi (Jordan)
Hahn, Myung-jae (Republic of Korea)

** By a letter dated 7 March 2003, the Government of Nauru announced the withdrawal of the nomination of Mr. Frederick W. Pitcher

Eastern European States:

[No nominations]

Latin American and Caribbean States:

Arnábal, Santiago Wins (Uruguay)
Gallardo Aparicio, Eduardo E. (Bolivia)

Western European and Other States:

Dutton, David (Australia)
Lovell, Peter (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Paschke, Karl Th. (Germany)
Tilemans, Michel-Etienne (Belgium)

The election of members of the Committee was held at the resumed session of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute, which took place at United Nations headquarters, New York, from 21 to 23 April 2003 (see Note Verbale LA/COD/42(e) of 7 November 2002 (English, French, Spanish))


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