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United Nations - Office of Legal Affairs

Strategy for an Era of Application
of International Law - Action Plan

Adopted by the Senior Management Group and Approved by the Secretary-General, June 2000

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8. Education of United Nations Staff

If the Secretariat, Programmes, Funds and Agencies are to take effective steps to promote the better application of international law, it is essential that staff members be aware of international law and appreciate its central place in the work of the Organization.

No general programme currently exists to promote awareness and understanding of international law among staff members.Such measures are undertaken by certain Secretariat units only. Such awareness seems to be limited to staff directly involved in the application of international law in their activities.

The Secretariat should identify:
 The basic level of knowledge of international law and pertinent legal instruments that is required or that is desirable for all those who work in the Organization;

The particular level of knowledge of international law and pertinent legal instruments that is required or desirable for those working in specific fields of the Organization;

Staff members should, at the time of their appointment, be briefed and provided with training and reference materials, ensuring that they possess the relevant level of knowledge of international law and are familiar with the pertinent legal instruments;

Training courses in international law should be developed and run as part of the staff development programme to ensure that staff members possess and maintain the relevant level of knowledge of international law and are kept up to date with pertinent developments in their fields. (Law schools and private law firms might be approached with a view to their providing such courses on a pro bono basis.)

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