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United Nations - Office of Legal Affairs

Archive:Material posted in 1994-2004 by Hans Corell, former Under-Secretary-General, The Legal Counsel of the UN

Global Compact

  • Global Compact
  • Address by the Legal Counsel to the 1998 Tällberg Workshop: Human Rights and the Free Market - Is the Business of Human Rights also the Business of Business? (“The meaning and role of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights”)
    - in English [PDF]

    Note: This address was delivered on 26 June 1998, more than half a year before the Global Compact was announced in 1999. The purpose of the address was to make an introduction to the Workshop. The address should be read in the light of the fact that the author was asked to present challenges and even to be controversial.
  • Address by the Legal Counsel at the 2004 Midwinter Council Meeting of the American Bar Association’s Section of Business Law on 17 January 2004: “The Business Lawyer and International Law - Reflections on the Lawyer’s Role with Respect to Teaching of International Law, the Global Compact and International Trade Law”
    - in English [PDF]
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