Chapter I. Legislative texts concerning the legal status of the United Nations and related intergovernmental organizations |
Chapter II. Treaties concerning the legal status of the United Nations and related
intergovernmental organizations |
A. |
Treaties concerning the legal status of the United Nations |
1. |
Status of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations. Approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 13 February 1946 |
5 |
2. |
Agreements relating to missions, offices and meetings |
(a) |
Agreement between the Republic of Austria and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Finance Corporation and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency regarding the establishment of liaison offices in Vienna. Washington, 21 July 2010 |
5 |
(b) |
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the United Nations regarding the establishment of the United Nations Office for Sustainable Development. Cancún, 8 August 2010. |
15 |
(c) |
Framework Agreement between the United Nations and the Republic of Turkey on arrangements regarding privileges and immunities and certain other matters concerning United Nations conferences and meetings held in Turkey. New York, 23 February 2011 |
23 |
(d) |
The Memorandum of Understanding between the African Union and the United Nations and the Government of the State of Qatar regarding arrangements in connection with the peace talks in Doha (Qatar). Doha, 3 March 2011 |
27 |
(e) |
Exchange of letters constituting an agreement between the United Nations and Bolivia concerning the Sub-regional Seminar titled “Implementing Andean Community Decision 552” to be held in La Paz, Bolivia, 11–12 April 2011. New York, 8 April 2011 |
31 |
(f) |
Exchange of letters constituting an agreement between the United
Nations and Mongolia concerning the Expert Group Meeting “Cooperatives in Development: Beyond 2012” to be held in Ulaanbaatar,
Mongolia, from 3 to 6 May 2011. New York, 25 and 26 April 2011 |
34 |
(g) |
The Agreement between the United Nations and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan relating to the establishment of the Subregional Office for North and Central Asia of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. Astana, 4 May 2011 |
38 |
(h) |
Memorandum of Understanding between the United Nations and the Government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka concerning contributions to the United Nations Stand-By Arrangements System. New York, 20 May 2011 |
42 |
(i) |
Memorandum of Understanding between the United Nations and the Argentine Republic and the Republic of Chile concerning contributions
to the United Nations Stand-By Arrangement System. Buenos Aires, 14 June 2011 |
43 |
(j) |
Exchange of letters constituting an agreement between the United Nations and the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia concerning the regional course in international law, to be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. New York, 2 June 2011 and 14 July 2011 |
47 |
(k) |
The Status of Forces Agreement between the United Nations and the
Government of the Republic of South Sudan concerning the United
Nations Missions in South Sudan (“SOFA”). Juba, 8 August 2011 |
50 |
(l) |
The Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Contribution Agreement to launch the United Nations Center for Counter-Terrorism (UNCCT).
New York, 19 September 2011 |
65 |
(m) |
Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the United Nations concerning contributions to the United Nations Stand-By Arrangement System. New York, 22 November 2011 |
69 |
(n) |
Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the United Nations. Baghdad, 25 December 2011 |
70 |
3. |
United Nations Development Programme |
(a) |
Agreement between the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the United Nations Development Programme for the establishment of the UNDP Regional Centre for Arab States in Cairo, Egypt. New York, 29 July 2010 |
74 |
(b) |
Agreement between the Government of Malaysia and the United Nations Development Programme concerning the establishment of the UNDP Global Share Service Centre. Kuala Lumpur, 24 October 2011 |
84 |
4. |
United Nations Population Fund |
(a) |
Agreement between the United Nations Population Fund and the Government of the Republic of Turkey for the Establishment of the UNFPA Eastern Europe and Central Asia Regional Office in Istanbul, Turkey. New York, 1 July 2010 |
90 |
(b) |
Agreement between the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the United Nations Population Fund for the establishment of UNFPA Arab States regional office in Cairo, Egypt. New York, 29 July 2010 |
101 |
5. |
Memoranda of Understanding between the United Nations and the
International Criminal Court |
(a) |
Memorandum of Understanding between the United Nations and the International Criminal Court concerning Cooperation between the United Nations Office of Internal Oversight Services and the International Criminal Court. New York, 25 February and 18 March 2011 |
111 |
(b) |
Memorandum of Understanding Between the United Nations and the International Criminal Court Concerning the Provision by the United Nations Office at Nairobi of Support Services and Facilities to the Registry of the Court in Connection with its Activities in the Republic of Kenya. Nairobi, 9 June 2011 and The Hague, 13 June 2011 |
120 |
B. |
Treaties concerning the legal status of intergovernmental organizations related to the United Nations |
1. |
Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies.
Approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 21 November 1947 |
133 |
2. |
International Labour Organization |
133 |
3. |
Food and Agriculture Organization |
(a) |
Agreements regarding the establishment of Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO) Representations |
134 |
(b) |
Agreements based on the standard Memorandum of Responsibilities in respect of FAO sessions |
134 |
4. |
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization |
134 |
5. |
International Fund for Agricultural Development |
Headquarters agreement between the Republic of Malawi and the
International Fund for Agricultural Development on the establishment
of IFAD’s country office |
135 |
6. |
United Nations Industrial Development Organization |
(a) |
Framework agreement between the Swiss Confederation, acting
through the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs of Switzerland
(SECO) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
(UNCTAD), the International Trade Centre (ITC), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) on the implementation of interagency trade-related assistance in selected Least Developed Countries (LDCs), signed on 9 May 2011 |
142 |
(b) |
Grant agreement between the United Nations Industrial Development
Organization and the International Fund for Agricultural Development, dated 3 February, regarding the implementation of a project entitled “Youth as catalysts for small scale agri-business development and growth in Western and Central Africa”, signed on 7 February and
31 May 2011 |
142 |
(c) |
Exchange of letters between the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and the Republic of South Sudan regarding the continuation of the UNIDO operations in the Republic of South Sudan, signed on 9 July 2011 |
142 |
(d) |
Inter-agency agreement between the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization
of the United Nations regarding the implementation of a project in the Republic of South Sudan entitled “Sustainable food security through community-based livelihood development and water harvesting”, signed on 5 and 22 July 2011 |
142 |
(e) |
Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the United Nations System**on the framework for cooperation with and support for the Indonesian national reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) + programme in the Republic of Indonesia, signed on 20 September 2011 |
143 |
(f) |
Memorandum of Understanding between the United Nations Industrial
Development Organization and the Foreign Economic Cooperation Office, Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People’s Republic of China (FECO), signed on 2 September and 8 October 2011 |
143 |
Chapter III. General review of the legal activities of the United Nations and related intergovernmental organizations |
A. |
General review of the legal activities of the United Nations |
1. |
Membership of the United Nations |
147 |
2. |
Peace and security |
147 |
(a) |
Peacekeeping missions and operations |
147 |
(b) |
Political and peacebuilding missions |
159 |
(c) |
Other bodies |
165 |
(d) |
Missions of the Security Council |
168 |
(e) |
Action of Member States authorized by the Security Council |
168 |
(f) |
Sanctions imposed under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United
Nations |
171 |
(g) |
Terrorism |
180 |
(h) |
Humanitarian law and human rights in the context of peace and
security |
182 |
(i) |
HIV and AIDS |
184 |
3. |
Disarmament and related matters |
(a) |
Disarmament machinery |
184 |
(b) |
Nuclear disarmament and non-proliferations issues |
187 |
(c) |
Biological and chemical weapons issues |
189 |
(d) |
Conventional weapons issues |
190 |
(e) |
Regional disarmament activities of the United Nations |
193 |
(f) |
Other issues |
196 |
4. |
Legal aspects of peaceful uses of outer space |
198 |
5. |
Human Rights |
(a) |
Sessions of the United Nations human rights bodies and treaty bodies |
201 |
(b) |
Racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and all forms
of discrimination |
206 |
(c) |
Right to development and poverty reduction |
209 |
(d) |
Right of peoples to self-determination |
212 |
(e) |
Economic, social and cultural rights |
214 |
(f) |
Civil and political rights |
222 |
(g) |
Rights of the child |
230 |
(h) |
Migrants |
232 |
(i) |
Internally displaced persons |
234 |
(j) |
Minorities |
235 |
(k) |
Indigenous issues |
236 |
(l) |
Terrorism and human rights |
237 |
(m) |
Promotion and protection of human rights |
239 |
(n) |
Persons with disabilities |
242 |
(o) |
Contemporary forms of slavery |
243 |
(p) |
Miscellaneous |
244 |
6. |
Women |
(a) |
Commission on the Status of Women |
246 |
(b) |
Economic and Social Council |
247 |
(c) |
General Assembly |
248 |
(d) |
UN-Women |
250 |
(e) |
Security Council |
251 |
7. |
Humanitarian matters |
(a) |
Economic and Social Council |
251 |
(b) |
General Assembly |
252 |
8. |
Environment |
(a) |
United Nations Climate Change Conference in Durban |
254 |
(b) |
Economic and Social Council |
255 |
(c) |
General Assembly |
256 |
9. |
Law of the Sea |
(a) |
Reports of the Secretary-General |
257 |
(b) |
Meeting of States Parties to the Convention |
260 |
(c) |
Consideration by the General Assembly |
261 |
10. |
Crime prevention and criminal justice |
(a) |
Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention
against Corruption |
263 |
(b) |
Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice |
263 |
(c) |
Economic and Social Council |
266 |
(d) |
General Assembly |
266 |
11. |
International drug control |
(a) |
Commission on Narcotic Drugs |
268 |
(b) |
Economic and Social Council |
270 |
(c) |
General Assembly |
270 |
12. |
Refugees and displaced persons |
(a) |
Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees |
272 |
(b) |
United Nations Economic and Social Council |
272 |
(c) |
General Assembly |
272 |
13. |
International Court of Justice |
(a) |
Organization of the Court |
275 |
(b) |
Jurisdiction of the Court |
276 |
(c) |
General Assembly |
276 |
14. |
International Law Commission |
(a) |
Membership of the Commission |
277 |
(b) |
Sixty-third session of the International Law Commission |
277 |
(c) |
Sixth Committee |
281 |
(d) |
General Assembly |
282 |
15. |
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law |
(a) |
Forty-fourth session of the Commission |
283 |
(b) |
General Assembly |
285 |
16. |
Legal questions dealt with by the Sixth Committee and other related subsidiary bodies of the General Assembly |
285 |
(a) |
Nationality of natural persons in relation to the succession of States |
286 |
(b) |
Criminal accountability of United Nations officials and experts on
mission |
288 |
(c) |
United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study,
Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law |
291 |
(d) |
Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization |
293 |
(e) |
The rule of law at the national and international levels |
297 |
(f) |
The scope and application of the principle of universal jurisdiction |
299 |
(g) |
The law of transboundary aquifers |
303 |
(h) |
Measures to eliminate international terrorism |
305 |
(i) |
Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly |
311 |
(j) |
Administration of justice at the United Nations |
312 |
(k) |
Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country |
315 |
17. |
Ad hoc international criminal tribunals |
(a) |
Organization of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former
Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda |
317 |
(b) |
General Assembly |
319 |
(c) |
Security Council |
320 |
(d) |
Amendments to the Statutes of International Criminal Tribunal
for the former Yugoslavia and International Criminal Tribunal for
Rwanda |
321 |
(e) |
Amendments to the Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda |
322 |
B. |
General review of the legal activities of intergovernmental organizations related to the United Nations |
1. |
International Labour Organization |
(a) |
Recommendation and resolutions adopted by the International Labour Conference during its ninety-ninth session (Geneva, June 2010) |
322 |
(b) |
Guidance documents submitted to the Governing Body of the International Labour Office |
326 |
(c) |
Legislative advisory services |
327 |
(d) |
Committee on Freedom of Association |
327 |
2. |
Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations |
(a) |
Membership of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) |
327 |
(b) |
Constitutional and general legal matters |
328 |
(c) |
Legislative matters |
328 |
3. |
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization |
(a) |
Constitutional and procedural questions |
330 |
(b) |
International regulations |
330 |
(c) |
Human rights |
331 |
(d) |
Copyright activities |
331 |
4. |
International Civil Aviation Organization |
(a) |
Membership |
332 |
(b) |
Depositary actions in relation to multilateral air law instruments |
332 |
(c) |
Other legal activities |
332 |
5. |
International Maritime Organization |
(a) |
Membership of the Organization |
334 |
(b) |
Work undertaken by the Legal Committee of the IMO |
334 |
(c) |
Amendments to treaties |
340 |
6. |
Universal Postal Union |
343 |
7. |
World Intellectual Property Organization |
343 |
(a) |
Core Task I: Developing international IP laws and standards |
344 |
(b) |
Core Task II: Delivering global IP protection services |
346 |
(c) |
Core Task III: Encouraging the use of IP for economic development |
348 |
(d) |
Core Task IV: Actions promoting a better understanding of IP |
348 |
(e) |
Core Task V: Actions providing a forum for debate |
350 |
8. |
International Fund for Agricultural Development |
(a) |
Membership |
352 |
(b) |
Other resolutions |
353 |
(c) |
Other legal activities |
354 |
9. |
United Nations Industrial Development Organization |
(a) |
Constitutional matters |
355 |
(b) |
Agreements and other arrangements concluded in 2011 |
355 |
10. |
World Trade Organization |
(a) |
Membership |
361 |
(b) |
Dispute settlement |
363 |
(c) |
Waivers under article XI of the WTO Agreement |
364 |
11. |
International Atomic Energy Agency |
(a) |
Member States of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) |
366 |
(b) |
Privileges and immunities |
366 |
(c) |
Treaties under IAEA auspices |
366 |
(d) |
IAEA legislative assistance activities |
369 |
(e) |
IAEA Action Plan on Nuclear Safety |
370 |
(f) |
Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on
the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management |
370 |
(g) |
Non-binding instrument on the transboundary movement of
scrap metal |
371 |
(h) |
Safeguards agreements |
371 |
12. |
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) |
(a) |
Membership |
372 |
(b) |
Legal Status, Privileges and Immunities and International Agreements |
372 |
(c) |
OPCW legislative assistance activities |
373 |
13. |
Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization |
374 |
(a) |
Membership |
374 |
(b) |
Legal Status, Privileges and Immunities and International Agreements |
374 |
(c) |
Legislative assistance activities |
375 |
14. |
International Monetary Fund |
(a) |
Membership |
376 |
(b) |
Issues pertaining to the representation at the IMF |
377 |
(c) |
Key policy decisions of the IMF |
377 |
15. |
World Health Organization |
(a) |
Constitutional developments |
382 |
(b) |
Other normative developments and activities |
382 |
16. |
World Bank |
(a) |
Recent reforms to the World Bank Group’s sanctions regime |
385 |
(b) |
Other legal activities |
392 |
Annex. Articles on the Responsibility of International Organizations, 2011 |
393 |
Chapter IV. Treaties concerning international law concluded under the auspices of the United Nations and related intergovernmental organizations |
A. |
Treaties concerning international law concluded under the auspices of the
United Nations |
Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on a Communications procedure. New York, 19 December 2011 |
409 |
B. |
Treaties concerning international law concluded under the auspices of
intergovernmental organizations related to the United Nations |
International Civil Aviation Organization |
Convention on Domestic Workers. Geneva, 16 June 2011 |
417 |
Chapter V. Decisions of Administrative Tribunals of the United Nations and related intergovernmental organizations |
A. |
United Nations Dispute Tribunal |
427 |
1. |
Judgment No. UNDT/2011/005 (10 January 2011): Comerford-Verzuu v.
Secretary-General of the United Nations |
427 |
2. |
Judgment No. UNDT/2011/012 (13 January 2011): Tolstopiatov v.
Secretary-General of the United Nations |
429 |
3. |
Judgment No. UNDT/2011/032 (10 February 2011): Obdeijn v. Secretary-General of the United Nations |
430 |
4. |
Judgment No. UNDT/2011/050 (10 March 2011): Ostensson v. Secretary-General of the United Nations |
432 |
5. |
Judgment No. UNDT/2011/098 (10 June 2011): Mezoui v. Secretary-General of the United Nations |
433 |
6. |
Judgment No. UNDT/2011/115 (27 June 2011): Ibrahim v. Secretary-General of the United Nations |
435 |
7. |
Judgment No. UNDT/2011/126 (12 July 2011): Villamoran v. Secretary-General of the United Nations |
436 |
8. |
Judgment No. UNDT/2011/138 (2 August 2011): Bagula v. Secretary-General of the United Nations |
439 |
9. |
Judgment No. UNDT/2011/162 (16 September 2011): Mushema v. Secretary-General of the United Nations |
440 |
10. |
Judgment No. UNDT/2011/174 (7 October 2011): Baron v. Secretary-General of the United Nations |
442 |
11. |
Judgment No. UNDT/2011/202 (29 November 2011): Bangoura v. Secretary-General of the United Nations |
444 |
12. |
Judgment No. UNDT/2011/205 (30 November 2011): Marshall v. Secretary-General of the United Nations |
445 |
B. |
Decisions of the United Nations Appeals Tribunal |
1. |
Judgment No. 2011-UNAT-109 (11 March 2011): Hastings v. Secretary-General of the United Nations |
448 |
2. |
Judgment No. 2011-UNAT-120 (11 March 2011): Gabaldon v. Secretary-General of the United Nations |
449 |
3. |
Judgment No. 2011-UNAT-121(11 March 2011): Bertucci v. Secretary-General of the United Nations |
450 |
4. |
Judgment No. 2011-UNAT-130 (8 July 2011): Koda v. Secretary-General
of the United Nations |
451 |
5. |
Judgment No. 2011-UNAT-131(8 July 2011): Cohen v. Secretary-General
of the United Nations |
452 |
6. |
Judgment No. 2011-UNAT-139 (8 July 2011): Basenko v. Secretary-General of the United Nations |
454 |
7. |
Judgment No. 2011-UNAT-145 (8 July 2011): Eid v. Secretary-General
of the United Nations |
455 |
8. |
Judgment No. 2011-UNAT-160 (3 October 2011): Villamoran v. Secretary-General of the United Nations |
456 |
9. |
Judgment No. 2011-UNAT-164 (21 October 2011): Molari v. Secretary-General of the United Nations |
457 |
10. |
Judgment No. 2011-UNAT-165 (21 October 2011): Cherif v. International
Civil Aviation Organization |
458 |
11. |
Judgment No. 2011-UNAT-172 (21 October 2011): Vangelova v. Secretary-General of the United Nations |
459 |
C. |
Decisions of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization |
1. |
Judgment No. 3003 (6 July 2011): A. T. S. G. v. International Fund for
Agricultural Development (IFAD) |
460 |
2. |
Judgment No. 3046 (6 July 2011): M. V. (No. 8) v. World Meteorological
Organization (WMO) |
462 |
3. |
Judgment No. 3020 (6 July 2011): F.M. v. World Trade Organization (WTO) |
463 |
4. |
Judgment No. 2959 (2 February 2011): I.K.M. v. Organisation for the
Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) |
465 |
5. |
Judgment No. 2972 (2 February 2011): R.B. and D.B. v. European
Patent Organisation (EPO) |
466 |
6. |
Judgment No. 2996 (2 February 2011): M. C.B. v. European Molecular
Biology Laboratory (EMBL) |
467 |
7. |
Judgment No. 2966 (2 February 2011): Amaizo v. United Nations
Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) |
469 |
8. |
Judgment No. 3012 (6 July 2011): Toa Ba v. World Health Organization (WHO) |
470 |
9. |
Judgment No. 3009 (6 July 2011): Hoening (no. 3) v. Universal Postal
Union (UPU) |
471 |
D. |
Decisions of the World Bank Administrative Tribunal |
1. |
Decision No. 448 (25 May 2011): JYK (No. 1 and No. 2) v. International
Bank for Reconstruction and Development |
473 |
2. |
Decision No. 455 (25 May 2011): BP v. International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development |
475 |
3. |
Decision No. 460 (11 October 2011): DMK v. International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development |
478 |
E. |
Decisions of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Monetary Fund |
1. |
Judgment No. 2011–1 (16 March 2011): Ms. C. O’Connor (No. 2),
Applicant v. International Monetary Fund (IMF), Respondent |
480 |
2. |
Judgment No. 2011–2 (14 November 2011): Ms. D. Pyne, Applicant v. International Monetary Fund (IMF), Respondent |
482 |
Chapter VI. Selected legal opinions of the secretariats of the United Nations
and related intergovernmental organizations |
A. |
Legal opinions of the Secretariat of the United Nations |
1. |
Privileges and immunities [see also: additional legal opinions] |
(a) |
Note to the Permanent Representative of [State] concerning the non-reimbursement of certain amounts of Value-Added Tax paid by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) |
487 |
(b) |
Note to [Under-Secretary-General of the Department of Political Affairs] concerning [United Nations Mission] sharing lists of national staff with [State] |
489 |
2. |
Procedural and institutional issues |
(a) |
Note to the Assistant Secretary-General of the Office of Legal Affairs,
concerning a claim by International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) Defence Counsel for payment of fees for legal services rendered |
491 |
(b) |
Interoffice memorandum to the Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs, concerning a request for declassification of documentation |
492 |
(c) |
Interoffice memorandum to the Under-Secretary-General, Special Adviser on Africa, High Representative, and the Secretary-General of the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries concerning the Credentials of the delegation representing [State] at the Fourth United Nations Conference on Least Developed Countries |
494 |
(d) |
Interoffice memorandum to the Director, Legal Support Office, Bureau of Management (BOM), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), concerning request by [Fund] to access UNDP audit and investigation work and records |
496 |
(e) |
Interoffice memorandum to the Chief, a.i., Office of Operations, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), concerning the Global Partnership for Sustainable Tourism (“GPST”) |
497 |
(f) |
Note to the Assistant Secretary-General of the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management (DGACM), concerning, a request for documents by Defence Counsel for [accused] |
501 |
(g) |
Memorandum to the Chief of Financial Resources Management Service, United Nations Office at Geneva, concerning outstanding debts of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in respect of disarmament and other conferences administered in Geneva |
501 |
(h) |
Note concerning a request from Permanent Mission of [State] to provide research support for a book being written independently |
504 |
(i) |
Interoffice memorandum to the Chief of the Disarmament Forum, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), concerning establishment of a distinctive emblem for the UNIDIR |
506 |
3. |
Procurement |
(a) |
Interoffice memorandum to the Director, Logistics Support Division of the Department of Field Support, concerning the definition of force majeure included in a Letter of Assist |
507 |
(b) |
Interoffice memorandum to the Director, Procurement Division, Office of Central Support Services of the Department of Management (OCSS/DM), concerning application for an Open Individual Trade Control Export License from the [State 1] [Organization] |
509 |
4. |
International humanitarian law |
Letter to [name] Permanent Representative of [State] to the United Nations, New York, concerning the definition of the term “armed conflict” |
511 |
5. |
Conflict resolution |
Interoffice memorandum to the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General for Yemen, concerning the Secretary-General’s Good Offices, the [Entity] initiative and Amnesty |
512 |
6. |
Other issues |
Letter to the Permanent Representative of [State] regarding registration affecting the Organization in the Internet’s domain name and addressing system |
516 |
B. |
Legal opinions of the secretariats of intergovernmental organizations related to the United Nations |
1. |
International Labour Organization |
(a) |
Provisional Record No. 15, 100th session, Report of the Committee on Domestic Workers |
519 |
(b) |
Provisional Record No. 18, Part 1, 100th session, Report of the Committee on the Application of Standards |
520 |
2. |
International Fund for Agricultural Development |
(a) |
Legal advice concerning a Head of State seeking International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD or the Fund) Funding to attend Governing Council |
520 |
(b) |
Legal advice on the possibility of making information regarding nationality and date of birth mandatory on the online job application form |
521 |
(c) |
Legal advice concerning credentials and country representation on Governing Council |
523 |
(d) |
Interoffice memorandum concerning the participation of [State] in the Replenishment Consultation |
526 |
(e) |
Interoffice memorandum to the Executive Management Committee concerning the legal dimensions of establishing a private sector
funding facility |
528 |
(f) |
Legal opinion concerning the ranking of the lending terms applied to IFAD financing |
530 |
(g) |
Legal advice concerning the modalities of [State]’s reengagement with IFAD |
533 |
(h) |
Legal advice concerning the implications of the partition of the Republic of Sudan |
536 |
(i) |
Legal advice regarding reporting obligations for [State] |
539 |
(j) |
Legal advice regarding [State]’s complementary contribution to the Eighth Replenishment |
541 |
3. |
United Nations Industrial Development Organization |
(a) |
Interoffice memorandum to the Unit Chief and the Deputy to the Director, Financial Management of Technical Cooperation Unit regarding the payment of the uniform social tax and national income tax on behalf of United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) national experts in [State] |
543 |
(b) |
Interoffice memorandum to the Director of [Branch Name] regarding
outside activity at [non-governmental organization] |
547 |
(c) |
Interoffice memorandum to the Unit Chief and Deputy to the Director,
Staff Services and Employee Relations Unit regarding legal opinion on whether there is an obligation to refund [State 1] income tax to a staff member employed as a national of [State 2] |
549 |
(d) |
Interoffice memorandum to the Unit Chief and Deputy to the Director,
Staff Services and Employee Relations Unit regarding second legal opinion on the obligation to refund [State 1] income tax to a staff member employed as a national of [State 2] |
552 |
(e) |
Interoffice memorandum to the Director of [Branch Name] regarding
UNIDO as Member or Observer at [association] of [international entity] |
555 |
(f) |
Internal email message to the Director, Policymaking Organs Secretariat regarding procedures to be followed to become a member of UNIDO |
556 |