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Ms. Sonja Boelaert

Ms. Sonja Boelaert
Senior Legal Adviser
Council of the European Union

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Lecture Series

Publications of Ms. Sonja Boelaert

Academic articles relating to the European Institutions (from 2004 onwards):
Ricardo Gosalbo Bono and Sonja Boelaert, ‘The European Union’s Comprehensive Approach to Combating Piracy at Sea: Legal Aspects’, 86 pages, in Panos Koutrakos and Achilles Skordas (eds), The Law and Practice of Piracy at Sea. European and International Perspectives, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2014, pp. 81-166.
Sonja Boelaert, Chapter on "European Union Court"  in C. Giorgetti (ed.), The Rules, Practice, and Jurisprudence of International Courts and Tribunals, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden/Boston, 2012,  pp. 415-454.
Sonja Boelaert, “Le rôle du DIH dans les programmes communautaires et l’aide humanitaire”  dans « Le droit international humanitaire et l’Union européenne », Actes du Colloque de l’Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, 18 et 19 juin 2009, Editions Pedone, 2010, pp. 157-171.
S. Boelaert-Suominen, ‘The European Community, the European Court of Justice and the Law of the Sea', International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law’, vol 23, N° 4, 2008,  pp.643-713.
S. Boelaert-Suominen, ‘Het juridisch statuut van onderdanen van derde landen na de richtlijn langdurig ingezetenen: Europees en internationaal perspectief’ (Article in Dutch on the Legal status of long-term residents: European and international perspective), in M.-C. Foblets, Ph. Debruycker, S. Lust, D. Vanheule, Migratie-en Migrantenrecht Deel 12, Recente Ontwikkelingen, Die Keure, Brugge, 2007.
S. Boelaert-Suominen, ‘Niet-EU onderdanen en de richtlijn 2003/109/EG van de Raad betreffende de status van langdurig ingezeten onderdanen van derde landen: vijf stappen vooruit en mogelijk drie stappen achteruit', Tijdschrift voor Vreemdelingenrecht’, Nr 2 (2006).
S. Boelaert-Suominen, ‘Non-EU nationals and Council Directive 2003/109/EC on the status of third-country nationals who are long-term residents: Five paces forward and possibly three paces back’, 2005, volume 42, issue 4, pp. 1011-1052.

Other Academic publications:
S. Boelaert-Suominen, International Environmental Law and Naval War: The Effect of Marine Safety and Pollution Conventions During International Armed Conflict  (PhD thesis), (364 pp.) published by the Naval War College Press, Rhode Island, in 2000.
S. Boelaert-Suominen, De Internationale Tribunalen voor the Voormalig Joegoslavie en Rwanda, anno 2001: Unieke Plaats in de Internationale Rechtsorde en Belangrijke Bijdragen tot de Ontwikkeling van het Internationaal Strafrecht, (“The international tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, anno 2001: Unique position in the International Legal System and Important Contributions to the Development of International Criminal Law” contribution to seminar proceedings.
S. Boelaert-Suominen “Repression of IHL Violations at National and International Levels”, contribution to a conference held by the ICRC and the European Union in Bruges held on 27 and 28 October 2000, published in the Proceedings of the Conference (Current Challenges in International Humanitarian Law), Collegium No 21- IX-2001, Special Edition, Actes du Colloque de Bruges, Défis contemporains en droit international humanitaire, pp. 52-56.
S. Boelaert-Suominen, Prosecuting Superiors for Crimes Committed by Subordinates: A Discussion of the First Significant Case Law Since the Second World War, published in the Virginia Journal of International Law (summer 2001).
S. Boelaert-Suominen, The Yugoslavia Tribunal and the Common Core of Humanitarian Law applicable to all Armed Conflicts, article published in the Autumn 2000 issue of the Leiden Journal of International Law.
S. Boelaert-Suominen, The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and the Kosovo Conflict, (30 pp.) article published in the March 2000 special issue of the ICRC Review (International Review of the Red Cross) on Kosovo.
S. Boelaert-Suominen, Universal Jurisdiction, Grave Breaches and internal armed conflict: Is Customary Law Moving Towards a Uniform Enforcement Mechanism for all armed conflicts?, (50pp.) article published in the May/June 2000 issue of the International Journal of Conflict and Security Law (formerly Journal of Armed Conflict Law).
S. Boelaert-Suominen, The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) Anno 1999: Its place in the International Legal System, mandate and Most Notable jurisprudence. (60pp), article published in the Polish Yearbook of International law 1999-2000.
S. Boelaert-Suominen, Het Internationaal Gerechtshof en de Bescherming van het Milieu tijdens Internationale Gewapende Conflicten, pp. 59- 99, (1998) in Deketelaere, K., Faure, M. & Verhoosel, G., Grensoverschrijdende Milieuproblemen: Uitdagingen voor de nationale en internationale rechtsorde, contribution to a book on Belgian and international environmental law, in which I discuss the advisory opinions rendered in 1996 by the International Court of Justice of 1996 regarding Nuclear Weapons (in Dutch).
S. Boelaert-Suominen, ‘Iraqi War Reparations and the Laws of War: a Discussion of the Current Work of the United Nations Compensation Commission with Specific Reference to Environmental Damage during Warfare’, published in the Austrian Journal of Public Law (ZÖR), 1996, 225-316.
S. Boelaert, ‘Legal Aspects of Aquatic Biological Diversity’, paper delivered at the FAO Expert Consultation on Utilization and Conservation of Aquatic Genetic Resources, November 1992, Grottaferrata, Italy, abstract published in FAO Fisheries Report No. 491, pp. 30-31 (1993).
S. Boelaert & Peter Verbanck, ‘Misbruik van Voorwetenschap’, Tijdschrift voor Rechtspersoon en Vennootschap, 1988, No. 4, pp. 237-273. (in Dutch) (Article in Dutch on Insider Trading Law in general, and on the EC. draft Insider Trading Directive and the Belgian Insider Trading Bill in particular).
S. Boelaert, A. De Cort, ‘L' Action Unilatérale en Référé’, Le droit des affaires- Het Ondernemingsrecht, 1988, No. 7, pp. 71-91.
S. Boelaert & N. Bonucci, ‘An Italian Raid on an Old Belgian Lady’, International Financial Law Review, June 1988, pp. 21-23. (Article in English on the take-over bid launched by De Benedetti, on the Belgian Société Générale).
S. Boelaert, ‘Het Wetsontwerp op de Privacy’, VERVOLMAKINGSCYCLUS VOOR VERZEKERINGSGENEESKUNDE, 1985-86, pp. 127-147 (in Dutch) (Paper on privacy law and on the privacy law bill submitted to the Belgian parliament.