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Prof. Natalino Ronzitti

Mr. Natalino Ronzitti
Professor of International Law
Libera Università degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli of Rome

Biography Biography in PDF

Lecture Series
Publications of Prof. Natalino Ronzitti
La successione internazionale tra Stati (Milano, Giuffrè, 1970)
Le guerre di liberazione nazionale e il diritto internazionale (Pisa, Pacini, 1974)
“Resort to Force in Wars of National Liberation” in Cassese, A (ed), Current Problems of International law. Essays on UN Law and on the Law of Armed Conflicts (Milano, Giuffrè, 1975, 319)
“Wars of National Liberation: a Legal Definition” (1975) 1 Italian Yearbook of International Law 192
“La disciplina dello jus cogens nella Convenzione di Vienna sul diritto dei trattati” (1978) 15 Comunicazioni e studi 243
“Malta’s Permanent Neutrality” (1980-1981) 5 Italian Yearbook of International Law 171
“Sommergibili non identificati, pretese baie storiche e contromisure dello Stato costiero” (1983) 66 Rivista di diritto internazionale 5
(ed with Calamia, A and Mengozzi, P) I rapporti di vicinato tra Italia e Jugoslavia (Milano, Giuffrè, 1984)
“Is the Gulf of Taranto a Historic Bay?” (1984) 11 Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce 275
(ed) La questione delle Falkland/Malvinas nel diritto internazionale (Milano, Giuffrè, 1984)
“Nuovi sviluppi nel campo della neutralità permanente in tempo di pace: la neutralità “disarmata” e “attiva” del Costa Rica” (1984) 67 Rivista di diritto internazionale 575
“Trattati contrari a norme imperative del diritto internazionale?” in Studi in onore di G. Sperduti (Milano, Giuffrè, 1984, 209)
“Alcuni problemi giuridici sollevati dal dirottamento dell’Achille Lauro” (1985) 68 Rivista di diritto internazionale 584
“Demilitarization and Neutralization in the Mediterranean” (1985) 6 Italian Yearbook of International Law 33
“Il passaggio inoffensivo nel mare territoriale e la Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite sul diritto del mare” (1985) 68 Rivista di diritto internazionale 32
Rescuing Nationals Abroad through Military Coercion and Intervention on Grounds of Humanity (Dordrecht, Nijhoff, 1985)
“International Terrorism in the Mediterranean - A Legal Response” (1986-3) 21 International Spectator 13
“New Criticism on the Gulf of Taranto Closing line: a Restatement of a Different View” (1986) 12 Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce 465
“Use of Force, Jus Cogens and State Consent” in Cassese, A (ed), The Current Legal Regulation of the Use of Force (Dordrecht, Nijhoff, 1986, 147)
“Cross-border Relations between Italy/Yugoslavia, Italy/Austria and Italy/Switzerland” in Ercmann, S (ed), Transatlantic Colloquy on Cross-Border Relations: European and North American Perspectives (Zürich, Schulthess Polygraphischer Verlag, 1987, 83)
(ed with de Guttry, A) I rapporti di vicinato tra Italia e Austria (Milano, Giuffrè, 1987)
“La guerre du Golfe, le déminage et la circulation des navires” (1987) 33 Annuaire français de droit international 647
“Passage Through International Straits in Time of International Armed Conflict” in Il diritto internazionale al tempo della sua codificazione. Studi in onore di Roberto Ago (Milano, Giuffrè, 1987, vol II, 363)
“The Regime of Mineral Resources in Antarctica” in Francioni, F and Scovazzi, T (eds), International Law for Antarctica (Milano, Giuffrè, 1987, 445)
“L’Italia, il Golfo persico e il diritto marittimo di guerra” (1988) 71 Rivista di diritto internazionale 123
“Neutrality, the Right of Shipping and the Use of Force in the Persian Gulf War” (1988) 82 Proceedings of the ASIL 603
“The Crisis of the Traditional Law Regulating International Armed Conflicts at Sea and the Need for its Revision” in Ronzitti, N (ed), The Law of Naval Warfare: a Collection of Agreements and Documents with Commentaries (Dordrecht, Nijhoff, 1988, 1)
(ed) The Law of Naval Warfare: a Collection of Agreements and Documents with Commentaries (Dordrecht, Nijhoff, 1988)
“The Right of Self-Defense and the Law of Naval Warfare” (1988) 14 Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce 571
(ed with de Guttry, A) I rapporti di vicinato tra Italia e Svizzera (Milano, Giuffrè, 1989)
“Le désarmement chimique et le Protocole de Genève de 1925” (1989) 35 Annuaire français de droit international 149
“Mercato interno, ordinamento italiano e pubblica amministrazione” (1989) 25 Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale 515
(ed) Europa e terrorismo internazionale: analisi giuridica del fenomeno e Convenzioni internazionale (Milano, Franco Angeli, 1990)
“L’attuazione del diritto comunitario da parte delle regioni e delle province autonome” (1990) 26 Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale 587
(ed) Maritime Terrorism and International Law (Dordrecht, Nijhoff, 1990)
“The Aegean Demilitarization, Greek Turkish Relations and Mediterranean Security” in The Aegean Issues: Problems and Prospects (Ankara, 1990, 295)
“The Application of Customary International Law Concerning Armed Conflicts in the National Legal Order: Introductory Report” in Bothe, M (ed), National Implementation of International Humanitarian Law (Dordrecht, Nijhoff, 1990, 36)
“The Internal Market, Italian Law and the Public Administration” (1990) 25 International Spectator 38
“International Supply of Conventional Armaments: Legal Aspects and Implications of UN General Assembly Resolution 43/75 I” (1991) 26 International Spectator 69
“Problems of Arms Control Treaty Interpretation” in The International Law of Arms Control and Disarmament. Proceedings of the Symposium - Geneva, 28 February - 2 March 1991 (United Nations, 1991, 115)
“The Pentagonale within a New European Architecture - An Italian View” in Neuhold, H (ed), The Pentagonal/Hexagonal Experiment (Vienna, Braumüller, 1991, 105)
“The Right of Self-Defense at Sea and its Impact on the Law of Naval Warfare” (1991) 17 Thesaurus Acroasium 261
“Un passo avanti nella procedura CSCE per la protezione dei diritti umani” (1991) 74 Rivista di diritto internazionale 619
(with Bothe, M, Hanski, R and Kurzidem, T), “National Implementation of the Australia Group Export Constraints and the National Preparation for the Implementation of the CWC. The case of Germany, Italy and Finland” in Brauch, G et al (eds), Controlling the Development and Spread of Military Technology. Lessons from the Past and Challenges for the 1990s (Amsterdam, VU University Press, 1992, 221)
“National Implementation of the International Control Regime: Implementing the Chemical Weapons Regime” in Brauch, G (ed), Controlling Military Research and Development and Exports of Dual Technologies as a Problem of Disarmament and Arms Control Policy in the 1990s (Mosbach, 1992, 151)
(with Gioia, A) “The Law of Neutrality: Third States’ Commercial Rights and Duties” in Dekker, IF and Post, HHG (eds), The Gulf War of 1980-1988 (Dordrecht, Nijhoff, 1992, 221)
(ed with de Guttry, A) Iran-Iraq War (1980-88) and the Law of Naval Warfare (Cambridge, Grotius, 1993)
“Le droit humanitaire applicable aux conflits armés en mer” (1993-V) 242 Recueil des Cours de l’Académie de droit international de La Haye 9
“Naval Arms Control in the Mediterranean: Law of the Sea Aspects and Legal Policies” (1993-4) 28 International Spectator 39
“The CSCE and its Institutions” (1993-1) 28 International Spectator 31
(ed with de Guttry, A) I rapporti di vicinato tra Italia e Francia (Padova, CEDAM, 1994)
“La coopération transfrontalière selon la législation italienne” in DFAE, La coopération transfrontalière régionale dans le Canton du Valais (Bern, 1994, 15)
(with de Guttry, A) “Rapporti di vicinato e Comunità Europee” in de Guttry, A and Ronzitti, N (eds) I rapporti di vicinato tra Italia e Francia (Padova, CEDAM, 1994, 1)
“La convention sur l’interdiction de la mise au point, de la fabrication, du stockage et de l’emploi des armes chimiques et sur leur destruction” (1995) 99 Revue générale de droit international public 881
“La decisione sull’estensione a tempo indefinito del Trattato di non proliferazione nucleare” (1995) 78 Rivista di diritto internazionale 755
“Relations between the Chemical Weapons Convention and Other Relevant International Norms” in Bardonnet, D (ed), The Convention on the Prohibition and Elimination of Chemical Weapons: a Breakthrough in Multilateral Disarmament (Dordrecht, Nijhoff, 1995, 167)
“La Corte internazionale di giustizia e la questione della liceità della minaccia o dell’uso delle armi nucleari” (1996) 79 Rivista di diritto internazionale 861
“Le manuel de San Remo sur le droit applicable aux conflits armés en mer” (1996-10) Espaces et ressources maritimes 94
“Il trattato tra Italia e Croazia sulle minoranze” (1997) 80 Rivista di diritto internazionale 684
“Missile Warfare and Nuclear Warheads. An Appraisal in the Light of the 1996 ICJ Advisory Opinion on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons” (1997) 27 Israel Yearbook on Human Rights 251
(ed with Bothe, M, and Rosas, A), The OSCE in the Maintenance of Peace and Security: Conflict Prevention, Crisis Management and Peaceful Settlement of Disputes (The Hague, Kluwer Law International, 1997)
“OSCE Peace-keeping” in Bothe, M, Ronzitti, N and Rosas A (eds), The OSCE in the Maintenance of Peace and Security: Conflict Prevention, Crisis Management and Peaceful Settlement of Disputes (The Hague, Kluwer Law International, 1997, 237)
“Is the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court a Real Breaktrough in International Law?” (1998-3) 33 International Spectator 9
(ed with Bothe, M and Rosas, A) The New Chemical Weapons Convention – Implementation and Prospects (The Hague, Kluwer Law International, 1998)
“Economic and Technological Development and Trade in Chemicals” in Bothe, M, Ronzitti, N and Rosas, A (eds), The New Chemical Weapons Convention – Implementation and Prospects (The Hague, Kluwer Law International, 1998, 533)
“Aspetti istituzionali del governo della moneta europea” in Studi in onore di Francesco Capotorti (Milano, Giuffrè, 1999, vol 2, 373)
“Lessons of International Law from NATO’s Armed Intervention Against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia” (1999-3) 34 International Spectator 45
Raids aerei contro la Repubblica federale di Iugoslavia e Carta delle Nazioni Unite” (1999) 82 Rivista di diritto internazionale 476
“Is the non liquet of the Final Report by the Committee Established to Review the NATO Bombing Campaign Against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia acceptable?” (2000) 82 International Review of the Red Cross 1017
(ed) NATO, conflitto in Kosovo e Costituzione italiana (Milan, Giuffrè, 2000)
“Options for Kosovo’s Final Status” (2000-2) 35 The International Spectator 103
“Perceptions par l’Europe méditerranéenne de la politique extérieure de la France” (2000) 1 Annuaire français de relations internationales 333
“Azioni belliche e risarcimento del danno” (2002) 85 Rivista di diritto internazionale 682
“Coastal State Jurisdiction over Refugees and Migrants at Sea” in Ando, N et al (eds), Liber Amicorum Judge Shigeru Oda (The Hague, Kluwer Law International, 2002, 1271)
“Compensation for Violation of the Law of War and Individual Claims” (2002) 12 Italian Yearbook of International Law 39
“L’adattamento dell’ordinamento italiano alle norme imperative del diritto internazionale” (2002) 85 Rivista di diritto internazionale 503
“Una legge organica per l’invio di corpi di spedizione all’estero?” (2002) 85 Rivista di diritto internazionale 139
“The Legality of Covert Operations against Terrorism in Foreign States” in Bianchi, A (ed), Enforcing International Law Norms Against Terrorism (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2004, 17)
(ed) I rapporti di vicinato dell’Italia con Croazia, Serbia – Montenegro e Slovenia (Roma / Milano, Luiss University Press – Giuffrè, 2005)
“Il Trattato sulle minoranze tra Italia e Croazia e la sua attuazione nell’ordinamento italiano” in Ronzitti, N (ed), I rapporti di vicinato dell’Italia con Croazia, Serbia – Montenegro e Slovenia (Roma / Milano, Luiss University Press – Giuffrè, 2005, 29)
“Italy’s Non-belligerency during the Iraqi War” in Ragazzi, M (ed), International Responsibility Today (Leiden, Brill, 2005, 197)
“The Report of the High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Changes, the Use of Force and the Reform of the United Nations” (2004) 14 Italian Yearbook of International Law 3
(ed with Bothe, M, and O’Connell, ME) Redefining Sovereignty: The Use of Force After the Cold War (Ardsley / New York, Transnational Publishers, 2005)
“The Current Status of Legal Principles Prohibiting the Use of Force and Legal Justifications of the Use of Force” in Bothe, M, O’Connell, ME and Ronzitti, N (eds), Redefining Sovereignty: The Use of Force After the Cold War (Ardsley-New York, Transnational Publishers, 2005, 91)
Diritto internazionale dei conflitti armati (3rd edn, Torino, Giappichelli, 2006)
“La convención de Naciones Unidas sobre el derecho del mar y el procedimiento para la pronta liberación de buques y tripulantes” in Del Vecchio, A (ed), La gestion de los recursos marinos y la cooperacion internacional (Roma, IILA – LUISS, 2006, 153)
“Legal Constraints Affecting Reconstruction Operations” in Dufourcq, J, and Yost, DS (eds), NATO-EU Cooperation in Post-Conflict Reconstruction (Rome, NATO Defense College, 2006, 14)
“The Expanding Law of Self-Defence”, (2006) 11 Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 343
(ed with Venturini, G), The Law of Air Warfare – Contemporary Issues (Utrecht, Eleven International Publishing, 2006)
“The Codification of Law of Air Warfare” in Ronzitti, N, and Venturini, G (eds), The Law of Air Warfare – Contemporary Issues (Utrecht, Eleven International Publishing, 2006)
Introduzione al diritto internazionale (2nd edn, Torino, Giappichelli, 2007)
“Access to Justice and Compensation for Violations of the Law of War” in Francioni, F (ed.), Access to Justice as a Human Right (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007, 95-134)
“The 2006 Conflict in Lebanon and International Law”, in (2007) XVI Italian Yearbook of International Law, 3-19
(ed. with Venturini, G), Le immunità giurisdizionali degli Stati e degli altri enti internazionali, Collana del Dipartimento di Scienze giuridiche, LUISS “Guido Carli” (Padova, CEDAM, 2008)
(ed. with Fischer-Lescano, A, Gasser, H-P and Marauhn, T) Frieden in Freiheit - Peace in liberty - Paix en liberté. Festschrift für Michael Bothe zum 70. Geburtstag (Baden-Baden/Zürich, Nomos/Dike, 2008)
“Il seggio europeo alle Nazioni Unite, in (2008) 91 Rivista di diritto internazionale, 79-98.
“US Military Bases in Italy: In Keeping with International Law? Still Needed?”, in (2-2008) The International Spectator, 79-84.