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  • Scholarly Writings

Mr. Abdulqawi A. Yusuf
Office of International Standards and Legal Affairs, UNESCO

Biography Biography in PDF

Historic Archives
Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, 1972

Lecture Series

Publications of Mr. Abdulqawi A. Yusuf
Legal Aspects of Trade Preferences for Developing States:A Study in the Influence of Development Needs on the Evolution of International Law, Nijhoff Publishers, 1982, 185 p.
Intellectual Property and International Trade: The TRIPs Agreement, (ed. with C. Correa)Kluwer Law International, (Wolters Kluwer Law & Business), first edition 1998, 469 p; second edition 2008, 528 p.
International Technology Transfer: The Origins and Aftermath of the United Nations Negotiations on Draft Code of Conduct (ed. with S. J. Patel and P. Roffe), Kluwer Law International, 2000, 496 p.
Standard-setting in UNESCO: Volume 1, Normative Action in Education, Science and Culture, (ed.) UNESCO Publishing and Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, edited in English and in French, 2007, 407 p.

“The Legal Status of Mercenaries in the Law of Armed Conflict” in A. Cassese (ed.), The New Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflicts, Editoriale scientifica, Naples, 1979, p. 113-127
“Towards a New Legal Framework for Marine Research: Coastal State Consent and International Co-ordination”, Virginia Journal of International Law, Volume 19, No. 2, 1979, p. 411-432
“Differential Treatment as a Dimension of the Right to Development” in R.-J. Dupuy (ed.), The Right to Development at the International Level, The Hague Academy of International Law, 1980. p. 233-245
“Differential and More Favourable Treatment of Developing Countries in International Trade: The GATT Enabling Clause”, Journal of World Trade Law, Volume 14, No. 6, 1980, p. 488-507
“L'élaboration d'un Code international de conduite pour le transfert de technologies : bilan et perspectives”, Revue générale de droit international public, Volume 88, No. 4, 1984, p. 781-824
“The Legal Framework for Stable, Remunerative and Equitable Commodity Prices in International Trade” in D. Dicke and E-U. Petersmann (ed.), Foreign Trade in the Present and a New International Economic Order, University Press, Fribourg, Switzerland, 1988, p. 122-146
“Developing Countries and Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights”, in Uruguay Round Papers on Selected Issues, New York, UNCTAD, 1989, p. 185-201
“Transfer of technology”, in M. Bedjaoui (ed.), International Law: Achievements and Prospects, UNESCO and Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1991, p. 691-705
“Intellectual Property Protection and International Trade: The Exhaustion of Rights Revisited”, (in collaboration with A. Moncayo von Hase), World Competition, Volume 16, No. 1,1992, p.115-131
“Technology and Genetic Resources in the Biodiversity Convention: Is Mutually Beneficial Access Still Possible?” inV. Sanchez and C. Juma, Biodiplomacy: Genetic Resources and International Relations, African Center for Technology Studies Press, Nairobi, 1994, p.233-240
“International Law and Sustainable Development: The U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity”, African Yearbook of International Law, Volume 2, 1994, p. 109-140
“Reflections on the Fragility of State Institutions in Africa”, African Yearbook of International Law, Volume 2, 1994, p. 3-8
“Intellectual Property Protection in the Countries of Africa”, International Journal of Technology Management, Volume 10, 1995, p. 269-292
“The Role of the Legal Adviser in the Reform and Restructuring of an International Organization - The Case of UNIDO”, Collection of Essays by Legal Advisers of States, Legal Advisers of International Organizations and Practitioners in the Field of International Law, United Nations, 1999, p. 329-349
“Developing Countries and the Multilateral Trade Rules: The Continuing Quest for an Equitable Playing Field”, in L. Boisson De Chazournes & V. Gowlland-Debbas (eds), The International Legal System in Quest of Equity and Universality, Liber Amicorum, Prof. Georges Abi-Saab, ( L.), Nijhoff, 2001, p. 389-410
“Le Conseiller juridique d'une organisation internationale face à la pratique”, La pratique et le droit international, Colloque de Genève, Société française pour le droit international, Paris, Pedone, 2004, p. 253-259
“Government Collapse and State Continuity: The Case of Somalia”, Italian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 13, 2003, p. 11-33
“The Right of Intervention by the African Union : A New Paradigm in Regional Enforcement Action”, African Yearbook of International Law, Volume 11, 2003, p. 3-21
“The UNESCO Declarations on Bioethics : Emerging Principles and Standards of an ‘International Biolaw’?”, in N. Boschiero (ed.), Bioetica e biotecnologie nel diritto internazionale e communitario, Giapichelli, 2006, p.129-140
“Cultural Rights As Collective Rights in International Law”, in Multiculturalism and International Law: 2004 International Law Session, Thesaurus Acroasium., K. Koufa (ed.), Institute of International Public Law and International Relations of Thessaloniki, Sakkoulas, 2007, p. 49-71
“UNESCO Standard-setting Activities on Bioethics: Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick”, in F. Francioni (ed.), Biotechnologies and International Human Rights, Hart Publishing, 2007, p. 85-96
“La coordination des actions dans le système des Nations Unies”, inR. Chemain and A. Pellet (ed.), La Charte des Nations Unies, Constitution mondiale ?, Editions Pedone, 2007, p. 89-94
“La nozione di beni culturali sotto protezione rafforzata e il ruolo dei comitati dell’ UNESCO per la protezione del patrimonio culturale”, (in collaboration with L. Cavicchioli)inLa tutela internazionale dei beni culturali nei conflitti armati, a cura di Paolo Benvenuti e Rosario Sapienza, Giuffrè Editore, 2007, p. 55-74