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Mr. Andrew Clapham

Mr. Andrew Clapham
Professor of International Law
Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva

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Lecture Series

Publications of Prof. Andrew Clapham

War, (Oxford, Oxford University Press)( 2021) 624p.
Human Rights in the Private Sphere, (Oxford, Oxford University Press) (1993) 389p.
International Human Rights Lexicon, with Susan Marks, (Oxford, Oxford University Press) (2005) 460p.
Human Rights Obligations of Non-State Actors, (Oxford, Oxford University Press) (2006) 650p.
Human Rights: A Very Short Introduction, (Oxford, Oxford University Press) (2007) 193p.

“A Human Rights Policy for the European Community” in Yearbook of European Law (Oxford, Oxford University Press) (1991) pp. 309-366.
“Creating the High Commissioner for Human Rights: the Outside Story” in European Journal of International Law (1994) Vol. 5 No. 4 pp. 556-568.
“Where is the EU's Human Rights Common Foreign Policy, and How is it Manifested in Multilateral Fora?” in P. Alston (ed) The EU and Human Rights (1999) Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 627-683. Translated as “Où en est la politique étangère commune de l'Union européene en droits de l'homme et comment se manifeste-t-elle au sein des instances internationales?” in P. Alston (ed) L'Union européenne et les droits de làhomme  (Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2001) 651-711.
“Mainstreaming  Human Rights at the United Nations: The Task of the  First High Commissioner for Human Rights” Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, Hague, Kluwer Law International, (1999) Volume VII Book 2, pp. 159-234.
“The UN Human Rights Reporting Procedures: An NGO Perspective” in J. Crawford and P. Alston (eds) The Future of UN Human Rights Treaty Monitoring (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press) (2000) 175-198.
“On Complementarity: Human Rights in the European Legal Orders” 21 Human Rights Law Journal  (2000) 313-322.
Human Rights and the Prevention of Humanitarian Emergencies, United Nations University, WIDER, Working paper No. 211, December 2000. 55pp
“The Question of Jurisdiction Under International Criminal Law Over Legal Persons: Lessons from the Rome Conference on an International Criminal Court” in M.T. Kamminga and s. Zia-Zarifi (eds) Liability of Multinational Corporations Under International Law, (Hague, Kluwer, 2000, 139-195.
“Revisiting Human Rights in the Private Sphere: Using the European Convention on Human Rights to protect the Right of Access to the Civil Courts” and Appendix 4 “Revisiting Human Rights in the Private Sphere, Postscript: Developments Related to Pinochet as of January 2001” in C. Scott (ed) Torture as Tort: Comparative Perspectives on the Development of Transnational Human Rights Litigation (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2001)513-535 and 717-724.
“Sanctions and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights” in V. Gowlland-Debbas (ed) United Nations Sanctions and International Law (The Hague: Kluwer, 2001) 131-141.
“International Law” with Antonio Cassese in J. Krieger (ed) The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World 2nd ed (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001) 408-411.
“Categories of Corporate Complicity in Human Rights Abuses” with S. Jerbi 24 Hastings International and Comparative Law Journal (2001) 339-349.
“On Complicity” in M. Henzelin and R. Roth (eds) Le droit pénal à l'épreuve de l'internationalisation (LGDJ, Paris/Georg, Geneva/ Bruylant, Brussels, 2002) 241-275.
“The European Union before the European Court of Human Rights” in International Organizations and International Dispute Settlement: Trends and Prospects L. Boisson de Chazournes, C. Romano and R. Mackenzie (eds) (Transnational Publishers, New York, 2002) 73-88.
“Human Rights” in E. Wayne Nafziger and Raimo Vayrynen (eds) War and Destitution: The Prevention of Humanitarian Emergencies, WIDER/United Nations University, Helsinki, (Basingstoke/New York, Palgrave, 2002) 232-252.
“Issues of complexity, complicity and complementarity: from the Nuremberg trials to the dawn of the new International Criminal Court” in P. Sands (ed) From Nuremberg to the Hague: The Future of International Criminal Justice (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003) 30-67.
“Symbiosis in International Law: The Öcalan Case and the Evolving Law on the Death Sentence ”, vol. 1 Journal of International Criminal Justice, (2003) 475-489.
“Terrorism, National Measures and International Supervision”, in A. Bianchi (ed), Enforcing International Law Norms Against Terrorism, Oxford: Hart (2003) 282-305.
“National Action Challenged: Sovereignty, Immunity and Universal Jurisdiction before the International Court of Justice”, in M. Lattimer and P. Sands (eds), Justice for Crimes Against Humanity, Oxford: Hart Publishing (2003) 303-32.
“Corporate Complicity in Violations of International law: Beyond Unocal” in W.P. Heere (ed), From Government to Governance: The Growing Impact of Non-State Actors on the International and European Legal System, The Hague: TMC Asser Press (2004) 227-238.
“Remarks - Symposium on the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights: The First Ten Years of the Office, and the Next”, vol. 35 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 3, (2004) 517-21.
“Are We There Yet?” In Search of a Coherent EU Strategy on Labour Rights and External Trade” with J. Bourke Martignoni in Virginia A. Leary and Daniel Warner, eds., Social Issues, Globalization and International Institutions: Labour Rights and the EU, ILO, OECD and WTO, Koninklijke Brill, Leiden-Boston (2006) 233-306.
“Secession, Terrorism and the Right to Self-Determination” in M. Kohen (ed) Secession in International Law: Contemporary Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2006) 46-64.
“The jus cogens Prohibition of Torture and the Importance of Sovereign State Immunity”’ in M. Kohen (ed) Promoting Justice, Human Rights and Conflict Resolution through International Law / La promotion de la justice, des droits de l’homme et du règlement des conflits par le droit international Liber Amicorum Lucius Caflisch, Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff (2006) 151-170.
“Rights and Responsibilities: A Legal Perspective”, in O. Jütersonke and K. Krause (eds) From Rights to Responsibilities: Rethinking Intervention for Humanitarian Purposes, PSIS Special Study 7,  Geneva: Programme for Strategic and International Security Studies, 2006. pp. 61-85.
“Human Rights Obligations of Non-State Actors in Conflict Situations” 88 International Review of the Red Cross (2006) 491-523.
“Responsibility to Protect – Some Sort of Commitment”, in V. Chetail (ed) Conflits, sécurité et cooperation Conflits, security and cooperation: Liber Amicorum Victor-Yves Ghebali, Brussels: Bruylant, 2007, pp. 169-192.