List of Lectures
Arms Control and Disarmament
Boundary Delimitation
Courts and Tribunals
Criminal Law and Procedure
Cultural Relations
Diplomatic and Consular Relations
Diplomatic Protection
Disaster Prevention and Relief
Environmental Law
Health and Science
Human Rights
Human Security
International Civil Aviation
International Economic Law
International Labour Law
International Law
International Migration Law
International Organizations
International Watercourses
Law of Armed Conflict
Law of Outer Space
Law of the Sea
Law of Treaties
Peace and Security
Peaceful Settlement of Disputes
Regional Organizations
Rule of Law, Democracy and Good Governance
Specialized Agencies and Related Organizations
United Nations
International Organizations
International Organizations as Law-Makers
Mr. José E. Alvarez
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Immunity of International Organizations
Mr. Niels Blokker
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Les relations entre organisations universelles et organisations régionales
Ms. Laurence Boisson de Chazournes
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The Law of International Institutions
Judge Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade
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The Role of a Legal Adviser of an International Organization
Mr. Hans Corell
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How and Why International Law Binds International Organizations
Ms. Kristina Daugirdas
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An Introduction to the Law of the International Civil Service
Mr. Olufemi Elias
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The Applicability of General International Law to International Organizations
Mr. Fernando Lusa Bordin
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Consideraciones sobre organizaciones internacionales y foros o grupos a nivel internacional: significación de la personalidad jurídica internacional
Mr. Juan José Ruda Santolaria
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International Organizations and State Sovereignty
Mr. Dan Sarooshi
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The Legal Personality of International Organizations
Mr. Guglielmo Verdirame
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