Chapter I. Legislative texts concerning the legal status of the United Nations
and related inter-governmental organizations |
1. |
Tax and customs exemption Regulation for diplomatic and other non-diplomatic missions enjoying privileges, and for foreign consular representations and their members in Afghanistan |
3 |
2. |
Province of Quebec Order-in-Council No. 1174 of 20 July 1966, concerning certain fiscal concessions to non-Canadian representatives to the International Civil Aviation Organization |
5 |
3. |
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges Act, 1966 |
6 |
4. |
Note dated 1 June 1967 from the Permanent Representative of the Netherlands to the United Nations |
10 |
5. |
New Zealand |
(b) |
The Immunities and Privileges (Extension and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance, ]964: Addition to Third Schedule |
11 |
(c) |
The Immunities and Privileges (Extension and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance: Notice |
12 |
6. |
Legislative Ordinance of 23 October 1964 determining the rules governing diplomatic immunities in tax and customs matters and the rules governing related matters |
12 |
7. |
Act of 16 December 1966 (No. 664) with certain stipulations on immunity and privileges |
23 |
8. |
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Statute on diplomatic and consular missions of foreign States on the territory of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics |
24 |
9. |
Decision by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning the granting ofprivileges and immunities to technical assistance experts |
24 |
10. |
Yugoslavia |
(a) |
Article 8, paragraph 4, of the Basic Law on institutions |
25 |
(b) |
Paragraph 1, item 5, of the Rule on the conditions for exemption of giving guarantees for temporary imported goods |
25 |
(c) |
Article 3 of the Basic Law on contribution for the use of building site |
25 |
(d) |
Article 20 of the Basic Law on disability insurance |
25 |
(e) |
Article 15 of the Regulation governing the calculation and payment of contribution from personal income |
25 |
(f) |
Article 5 of the Basic Law on tax and immovable property and rights |
26 |
(g) |
Article 36 of the Basic Law on administrative taxes |
26 |
(h) |
Article 25, paragraph 1, of the Law on general legal procedure |
26 |
Chapter II. Treaty provisions concerning the legal status of the United Nations and related
inter-governmental organizations |
A. |
Treaty provisions concerning the legal status of the United Nations |
1. |
Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations. Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 13 February 1946 |
27 |
2. |
Agreements relating to to meetings and installations |
27 |
(a) |
Exchange of letters constituting an Agreement between the United Nations and the Government of Mexico regarding the arrangements for the session of the Special Committee of Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States to be held in Mexico City from 27 August to 1 October 1964. New York, 16 and 17 July 1964 |
27 |
(b) |
Agreement between the United Nations and Brazil concerning the seminar on apartheid to be held in Brasilia from 23 August to 5 September 1966. Signed at New York on 24 March 1966 |
30 |
(c) |
Agreement between the United Nations and Senegal relating to a United Nations seminar on human rights in developing countries to be held at Dakar from 8 to 22 February 1966. Signed at New York on 12 January 1966 |
31 |
(d) |
Agreement between the United Nations and Hungary concerning the seminar on participation in local administration as a means ofpromoting human
rights to be held at Budapest from 14 to 27 June 1966. Signed at New York on 4 March 1966 |
31 |
(e) |
Agreement between the United Nations and the Philippines relating to the seminar on measures required for the advancement of women with special
reference to the establishment of a long-term programme. Signed at New York on 5 April 1966 |
31 |
(f) |
Agreement between the United Nations and Jamaica relating to a United Nations seminar on the effective realization of civil and political rights at the national level, to be held at Kingston from 25 April to 8 May 1967. Signed at Kingston on 24 November 1966 and at New York on 6 December 1966 |
32 |
(g) |
Agreement between the United Nations and Italy regarding the arrangement for the second session of the Governing Council of the United Nations
Development Programme. Signed at Geneva and Rome on 23 May 1966 |
32 |
(h) |
Agreement between the United Nations and Tunisia regarding the organization of the Second United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for
Africa. Signed at Addis Ababa on 4 August 1966 |
33 |
(i) |
Agreement between the United Nations and the Sudan relating to the conduct of a pilot course in photoprocessing and photogrammetry. Signed at
Addis Ababa on 8 November 1966 |
34 |
3. |
Agreements relating to the United Nations Children's Fund: revised model Agreement concerning the activities of UNICEF |
35 |
(a) |
Agreements between UNICEF and the Governments of Bulgaria, Liberia and Indonesia concerning the activities of UNICEF. Signed respectively at Neuilly-sur-Seine on 23 December 1965, at Dakar on 8 June 1966 and at Djakarta on 17 November 1966 |
35 |
(b) |
Revised Agreement between UNICEF and Guinea concerning the activities of UNICEF in Guinea. Signed at Conakry on 14 December 1966 and at Dakar on 22 December 1966 |
35 |
4. |
Agreements relating to technical assistance: model Revised Standard Agreement concerning technical assistance |
36 |
(a) |
Revised Standard Agreement between the United Nations, ILO, FAO, UNESCO, ICAO, WHO, ITU, WMO, IAEA, UPU and IMCO, and Singapore concerning technical assistance. Signed at Singapore on 23 September 1966 |
36 |
(b) |
Revised Standard Agreement between the United Nations, ILO, FAO, UNESCO, ICAO, WHO, ITU, WMO, IAEA, UPU and IMCO, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo concerning technical assistance. Signed
at Kinshasa on 6 August 1966 |
36 |
5. |
Agreements relating to the Special Fund: model Agreement concerning assistance from the Special Fund |
38 |
Agreements between the United Nations Development Programme (Special Fund) and the Governments of Mongolia, Bulgaria and Singapore concerning assistance from the United Nations Development Programme (Special Fund). Signed respectively at New York on 26 January 1966, at Sofia on 26 May 1966 and at Singapore on 23 September 1966 |
38 |
6 |
Agreements relating to operational assistance: Standard Agreement on operational assistance |
38 |
Standard agreements between the United Nations, the ILO, FAO, UNESCO, ICAO, WHO, ITU, WMO, IAEA, UPU, and IMCO and the Governments of the Congo (Brazzaville), Malta and Singapore on operational assistance. Signed respectively at Brazzaville on 5 July 1965, at Malta on 12 May 1966 and at Singapore on 23 September 1966 |
38 |
7. |
Agreements relating to the settlement of claims filed against the United Nations in the Congo |
39 |
(a) |
Exchange of letters constituting an agreement between the United Nations and Greece relating to the settlement of claims filed against the United Nations in the Congo by Greek nationals. New York, 20 June 1966 |
39 |
(b) |
Exchange of letters constituting an agreement between the United Nations and Luxembourg relating to the settlement of claims filed against the United Nations in the Congo by Luxembourg nationals. New York, 28 December 1966 |
39 |
8. |
Agreements concerning the service with the United Nations Peace-Keeping Force in Cyprus of the national contingents provided by Governments |
41 |
(a) |
Exchange of letters constituting an agreement between the United Nations and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning the service with the United Nations Peace-Keeping Force in Cyprus of the national contingent provided by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. New York, 21 February 1966 |
41 |
(b) |
Exchange of letters constituting an agreement between the United Nations and Finland concerning the service with the United Nations Peace-Keeping Force in Cyprus of the national contingent provided by the Government of Finland. New York, 21 February 1966 |
45 |
(c) |
Exchange of letters constituting an Agreement between the United Nations and New Zealand concerning the service with the United Nations PeaceKeeping
Force in Cyprus of the national contingent provided by the Government of New Zealand. New York, 21 February 1966 |
45 |
(d) |
Exchange of letters constituting an agreement between the United Nations and Canada concerning the service with the United Nations Peace-Keeping Force in Cyprus of the national contingent provided by the Government of Canada. New York, 21 February 1966 |
45 |
(e) |
Exchange of letters constituting an agreement between the United Nations and Denmark concerning the service with the United Nations PeaceKeeping Force in Cyprus of the national contingent provided by the Government of Denmark. New York, 21 February 1966 |
46 |
(f) |
Exchange of letters (with related letter) constituting an agreement between the United Nations and Sweden concerning the service with the United Nations Peace-Keeping Force in Cyprus of the national contingent provided by the Government of Sweden. New York, 21 February 1966 |
47 |
(g) |
Exchange of letters constituting an agreement between the United Nations and Australia concerning the service with the United Nations PeaceKeeping Force in Cyprus of the national contingent provided by the Government of Australia. New York, 21 and 25 February 1966 |
48 |
(h) |
Exchange of letters constituting an agreement between the United Nations and Austria concerning the service with the United Nations Peace-Keeping Force in Cyprus of the national contingent provided by the Government of Austria. New York, 21 February 1966 |
50 |
B. |
Treaty provisions concerning the legal status of the inter-governmental organizations related tothe United Nations |
1. |
Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the specialized agencies. Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 21 November 1947 |
51 |
2. |
International Labour Organisation |
53 |
Agreement between the Government of Lebanon and the International Labour Organisation concerning the establishment of an office of the Organisation in Beirut. Signed at Beirut on 14 May 1966 |
53 |
3. |
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization |
53 |
(a) |
Agreement relating to a UNESCO Mission |
53 |
(b) |
Agreements relating to conferences, seminars and other meetings |
53 |
4. |
International Atomic Energy Agency |
57 |
Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the IAEA. Approved by the Board of Governors of the Agency on 1 July 1959 |
57 |
Chapter III. Selected decisions, recommendations and reports of a legal character by the
United Nations and related inter-governmental organizations |
A. |
Decisions, recommendations and reports of a legal character by the United Nations - United Nations General Assembly - twenty-first session |
1. |
Non-proliferation of nuclear weapons: report of the Conference of the Eighteen-Nation Committee on Disarmament (agenda item 26) |
Resolution [2153 (XXI)] adopted by the General Assembly |
63 |
2. |
Question of general and complete disarmament: report of the Conference of the Eighteen-Nation Committee on Disarmament (agenda item 27) |
Resolution [2162B (XXI)] adopted by the General Assembly |
65 |
3. |
Urgent need for suspension of nuclear and thermonuclear tests: report of the Conference ofthe Eighteen-Nation Committee on Disarmament (agenda item 28) |
Resolution [2163 (XXI)] adopted by the General Assembly |
65 |
4. |
International co-operation in the peaceful uses of outer space: report of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (agenda item 30) |
66 |
Conclusion of an international treaty on principles governing the activities of States in the exploration and use of outer space, the Moon and other celestial bodies (agenda item 89) |
66 |
Treaty governing the exploration and use ofouter space including the Moon and other celestial bodies (agenda item 91) |
66 |
Resolution [2222 (XXI)] adopted by the General Assembly |
66 |
5. |
Permanent sovereignty over natural resources (agenda item 45) |
Resolution [2158 (XXI)] adopted by the General Assembly |
67 |
6. |
Draft International Covenants on Human Rights (agenda item 62) |
Resolution [2200 (XXI)] adopted by the General Assembly |
69 |
7. |
Question of South West Africa: Report ofthe Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting ofIndependence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (agenda item 65) |
Resolution [2145 (XXI)] adopted by the General Assembly |
71 |
8.. |
Reports of the International Law Commission on the secondpart ofits seventeenth session and on its eighteenth session (agenda item 84) |
(a) |
Report of the Sixth Committee |
72 |
(b) |
Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly |
104 |
9. |
Consideration of principles of international law concerning friendly relations and co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations (a) Report of the 1966 Special Committee on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States (b) Report of the Secretary-General on methods of fact-finding (agenda item 87) |
(a) |
Report of the Sixth Committee |
107 |
(b) |
Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly |
128 |
10. |
Progressive development of the law ofinternational trade (agenda item 88) |
(a) |
Report of the Sixth Committee |
131 |
(b) |
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly |
142 |
11. |
Strict observance of the prohibition of the threat or use of force in international relations, and of the right of peoples to self-determination (agenda item 92) |
Resolution [2160 (XXI)] adopted by the General Assembly |
145 |
B. |
Decisions, recommendations and reports of a legal character by inter-governmental organizations related to the United Nations |
1. |
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization |
(a) |
Application of the Agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
regarding the Headquarters of UNESCO and the privileges and immunities of the Organization on French territory (2 July 1954) |
146 |
(b) |
Declaration of the principles of international cultural co-operation |
150 |
(c) |
Communication from the Portuguese Government to the Director-General dated 30 June 1965 (document 14 C/34) |
153 |
3. |
International Telecommunication Union |
Resolution No. 559 regarding Rhodesia adopted by the Administrative Council of the ITU at its twenty-first session in 1966 |
164 |
Chapter IV. Treaties concerning international law concluded under the auspices of the
United Nations and related inter-governmental organizations |
A. |
Treaties concerning international law concluded under the auspices of the United Nations |
1. |
Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and other Celestial Bodies |
166 |
2. |
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, adopted and opened to signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16 December 1966 |
170 |
B. |
Treaties concerning international law concluded under the auspices of inter-governmental related to the United Nations |
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development |
Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States. Opened for signature at Washington on 18 March 1965 |
196 |
Chapter V. Decisions of administrative tribunals of the United Nations and related
inter-governmental bodies |
A. |
Decisions of the Administrative Tribunal of the United Nations |
1. |
Judgement No. 98 (11 March 1966): Gillman v. Secretary-General of the United Nations |
Termination of the employment of a staff member holding a permanent appointment on the ground of unsatisfactory service-Staff member's right to a complete, fair and reasonable procedure-Application of article 9.2 of the
Statute of the Tribunal |
213 |
2. |
Judgement No. 99 (16 March 1966): Mr. A. v. Secretary-General of the United Nations |
Claim for compensation for damage suffered by a staff member as a result of measures taken by the Medical Director and other officials-The conditions under which sick leave can be imposed constitute an element of the contractual relationship between the employee and employer-Respondent's right to impose sick leave upon a staff member but not to order him to undergo any special medical treatment |
214 |
3. |
Judgement No. 100 (16 March 1966): MeIy v. Secretary-General of the United Nations |
Right of a staff member holding a fixed-term appointment, improperly terminated before the expiration of his contract to the total amount of his salary for the period from the date of the termination to the date of the end of the contract |
215 |
4. |
Judgement No. 101 (5 October 1966): Rau v. Secretary-General of the United Nations |
Request for rescission of a decision by which a probationary appointment was converted into a fixed-term appointment not receivable, since the staff member concerned accepted the conversion-Rejection of a subsidiary request for rescission of a decision refusing a renewal of a fixed-term appointment- Discretionary power of the Secretary-General |
215 |
5. |
Judgement No. 102 (10 October 1966): Fort v. Secretary-General of the United Nations |
Rejection of a request for rescission of a decision of the Secretary-General refusing to convert a short-term appointment into a one-year fixed-term appointment, there being no legal right to such appointment-Rejection of
a subsidiary request for the payment of the allowances and benefits corresponding to such appointment |
216 |
6. |
Judgement No. 103 (11 October 1966): Azzu v. Secretary-General of the United Nations |
Request for rescission of a decision taken by the Secretary-General on the recommendation of the Advisory Board on Compensation Claims, on the grounds that the procedure did not meet the requirements of due process Duty of the Respondent to respect the general principle that the requirements of due process must be observed |
216 |
B. |
Decisions of the Adminstrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization |
1. |
Judgement No. 91 (11 October 1966): Deschamps v. International Labour Organisation |
Time-limit for appeal to the Tribunal-Mandatory character of the time-limit |
217 |
2. |
Judgement No. 92 (11 October 1966): Varlacosta Patrono v. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations |
Ground relied on for termination-Official's right to be heard before a decision to his detriment is taken-Establishment of the date of termination |
218 |
3. |
Judgement No. 93 (11 October 1966): Saini v. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations |
Termination of appointment "in the interests of the Organization"--Cases in which that ground for termination may be exercised--Requirement that extraordinary circumstances must exist--Extent of the Tribunal's authority to review when it is satisfied that such circumstances exist--Time-limit for appeal to the Tribunal |
219 |
4. |
Judgement No. 94 (11 October 1966): Prasad v. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Execution of Judgement No. 90) |
Procedure for application of article VIII of the Statute of the Tribunal-Res judicata |
220 |
5. |
Judgement No. 95 (11 October 1966): L'Évêque v. International Telecommunication Union |
220 |
6. |
Judgement No. 96 (11 October 1966): Jurado v. International Labour Organisation (No. 17-Termination of Appointment) |
Challenge to the competence of the Judges who examined an earlier action brought by the same complainant-Tribunal incompetent formally to communicate the dossier of a complainant to a Government-Abuse of the right of appeal to the Tribunal |
221 |
Chapter VI. Selected legal opinions of the Secretariat of the United Nations and related
inter-governmental organizations |
A. |
Legal opinions of the Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations |
1. |
Resumed participation of Indonesia in the activities of the United Nations |
222 |
2. |
Exemption of the United Nations from central excise duty on gasoline purchased for official vehicles of the United Nations Development Programme Sections 7 (a) and 8 of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations |
224 |
3. |
Question whether telegrams sent by a United Nations Information Centre are entitled to press rates or other favourable treatment-Section 9 of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations |
225 |
4. |
Patent practice and policy of the United Nations |
225 |
5. |
Protection of the emblem of the United Nations Development Programme Article 6 ter of the Convention of Paris for the Protection of Industrial Property as revised at Lisbon on 31 October 1958-Question whether the emblem should, or could, be registered as a trademark |
226 |
6. |
Status of a draft resolution submitted at a previous session of the General Assembly |
227 |
7. |
Explanation ofvote by the proposer of a proposal or of an amendment-Rule 90 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly |
229 |
8. |
Suspension or adjournment of the meeting-Withdrawal and re-introduction of proposals-Introduction of an amendment after closure of debate-Rules 119 and 121 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly |
230 |
9. |
Responsibilities of a Chairman of a Committee of the General Assembly with respect to the circulation of communications from non-members-Rule 108 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly |
231 |
10. |
Eligibility of Western Samoa to participate in the Joint United Nations/FAO World Food Programme |
232 |
11. |
Participation by Puerto Rico in ECLA seminars and conferences |
233 |
12. |
Additional pledge by the Netherlands Government to the United Nations Development Programme for purposes of industrial development-Question of the establishment of a trust fund by the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme-Question of the establishment of a trust fund by the Secretary-General |
234 |
13. |
Use of funds from the technical assistance component of the United Nations Development Programme for the provision of operational personnel to Governments- Question whether the GoverningCouncil of the United Nations Development Programme may allocate funds for such provision without further reference to the Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly |
237 |
14. |
Fund for the economic development of Basutoland, Bechuanaland and Swaziland--Question whether contributions from non-member States should be invited--Question whether contributions from non-governmental sources should be accepted-Interpretation of paragraph 7 of General Assembly resolution 2063 (XX) of 16 December 1965 |
238 |
15. |
Draft International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights-Legal implications of a proposal to extend participation in the Covenant to all States |
239 |
16. |
Draft International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights-Question whether, in the absence of a territorial application clause, a State Party would be automatically bound to apply the Covenant's provisions to all its territories |
240 |
17. |
Draft Protocol to the Convention of28 July 1951 relating to the Status of Refugees- Question of the adoption by the General Assembly of an instrument amending or extending an international instrument concluded previously at a Conference of States |
242 |
18. |
Procedure for amending the schedules annexed to the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961-Interpretation of articles 3 and 47 of the Convention |
244 |
19. |
Procedural and organizational problems involved in a possible diplomatic conference on the law of treaties |
248 |
20. |
Question whether the amendments to the Charter should be registered |
261 |
21. |
Obligation to register international agreements under Article 102 of the Charter -Legal effect of the registration by one of the Parties-Article 3 of the Regulations to give effect to Article 102 of the Charter (General Assembly resolution 97 (I) of 14 December 1946). |
261 |
22. |
Request by the Government of a Member State that the privileges and immunities of United Nations officials assigned to a seminar to be held in that State should not apply in case of traffic infringements-Section 18 (a) of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations |
263 |
23. |
Special international status of an OPEX officer-Interpretation of Article II, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the model Agreement for the provision of operational, executive and administrative personnel |
264 |
B. |
Legal opinions of the secretariat of inter-governmental organizations related to the United Nations |
1. |
International Labour Office |
265 |
2. |
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization |
(a) |
The autonomy of the International Institute for Educational Planning |
266 |
(b) |
Suspension and resumption of participation in the activities of UNESCO by Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland |
267 |
(c) |
Re-eligibility of members of the Executive Board (part of a term of office) |
269 |
(d) |
Interpretation of Article XIV, paragraph 2, of the Convention for the Establishment of the International Computation Centre |
270 |
(e) |
Memorandum on the practice regarding the implementation of Article XIII of the Constitution of UNESCO |
271 |
Chapter IX. Legal documents index of the United Nations and related inter-governmental
organizations |
A. |
Legal documents index of the United Nations |
I. |
General Assembly and subsidiary organs |
1. |
Plenary General Assembly and Main Committees |
(A) |
Documents relating to agenda items of legal interest (twenty-first session) |
288 |
(B) |
Other documents of legal interest |
296 |
2. |
Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees |
Documents of legal interest |
296 |
3. |
Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space |
Documents relating to an agenda item of legal interest (eighth session) |
Report of the Committee to the General Assembly |
296 |
4. |
Special Committee on the Policies of Apartheid of the Government of the Republic of South Africa |
Documents of legal interest |
297 |
5. |
1966 Special Committee on principles of international law concerning friendly relations and co-operation among States |
Documents relating to an agenda item of legal interest |
297 |
6. |
International Law Commission |
(A) |
(i) Documents relating to an agenda item of legal interest (seventeenth session, second part) |
298 |
(ii) Documents relating to agenda items of legal interest (eighteenth session) |
298 |
(B) |
Other documents of legal interest |
298 |
7. |
United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (Stockholm, 1965) |
Documents of legal interest |
299 |
8. |
International Conference on Human Rights |
Preparatory Committee for the International Conference on Human Rights |
299 |
II. |
Disarmament Commission |
Documents of legal interest |
299 |
III. |
Economic and Social Council and subsidiary organs |
1. |
Economic and Social Council and sessional committees |
(A) |
(i) Documents relating to agenda items of legal interest (fortieth session) |
299 |
(ii) Documents relating to agenda items of legal interest (forty-first session) |
300 |
(B) |
Other document of legal interest |
302 |
2. |
Committee for Industrial Development |
Document of legal interest |
302 |
3. |
Commission on Human Rights |
(A) |
Documents relating to agenda items of legal interest (twenty-second session) |
302 |
(B) |
Other documents of legal interest |
304 |
4. |
Commission on the Status of Women |
Documents relating to agenda items of legal interest (nineteenth session) |
304 |
5. |
Commission on Narcotic Drugs |
Documents of legal interest |
305 |
6. |
Economic Commission for Europe |
Documents of legal interest |
305 |
7. |
Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East |
Documents of legal interest |
305 |
8. |
Economic Commission for Africa |
Documents of legal interest |
305 |
IV. |
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development |
Documents of legal interest |
306 |
V. |
Secretariat |
1. |
Bureau of Technical Assistance Operations |
306 |
2. |
Economic Commission for Europe |
307 |
IV. |
International Court of Justice |
1. |
General |
307 |
2. |
Reports of Judgements, Advisory Opinions and Orders, 1966 |
307 |
3. |
Pleadings, Oral Arguments, Documents |
307 |
B. |
Legal documents index of the United Nations |
I. |
International Labour Organisation |
(A) |
Representative Organs |
1. |
Conventions and Recommendations adopted in 1966 |
307 |
(a) Convention concerning Fishermen's Certificates of Competency. Convention concerning accommodation on board fishing vessels. Recommendation concerning the Vocational Training of Fishermen |
307 |
(b) Recommendation concerning the employment of women with family responsibilities |
308 |
2. |
Questions relating to the "Rules concerning the Powers, Functions and Procedure of Regional Conferences" |
309 |
(B) |
Quasi-judicial bodies and committees of experts |
1. |
Reports of the Governing Body Committee on Freedom of Association |
309 |
2. |
Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations |
309 |
3. |
Report of the Fact-Finding and Conciliation Commission on Freedom of Association concerning Persons Employed in the Public Sector in Japan |
310 |
II. |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations |
(A) |
Constitutional questions |
310 |
(B) |
Bodies established under articles V, Vi and XIV of the FAO Constitution |
310 |
(C) |
Substantive legal questions |
311 |
(D) |
Periodicals |
313 |
III. |
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization |
(A) |
Constitutional and procedural questions |
313 |
(B) |
Member States and Associate Members |
314 |
(C) |
Agreements with other organizations |
315 |
(D) |
Conventions, recommendations and declarations |
315 |
(E) |
Committees and other bodies |
317 |
(F) |
Conferences and other meetings |
318 |
(G) |
Human Rights |
318 |
(H) |
Copyright |
318 |
(I) |
Others |
318 |
IV. |
International Civil Aviation Organization |
(1) |
Request for an interpretation of the second sentence of Article 7 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation |
318 |
(2) |
Procedure for the appointment of the Secretary-General |
319 |
(3) |
Limits of liability under the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air, signed at Warsaw on 12 October 1929, and the Protocol to Amend the Warsaw Convention, signed at The Hague on 28 September 1955 |
319 |
(4) |
Proposed Revision of the Convention on Damage caused by Foreign Aircraft to Third Parties on the Surface (Rome, 7 October 1952) |
319 |
(5) |
Privileges, Immunities and Facilities-Agreement with the Government of Senegal on facilities, immunities and privileges |
319 |
(6) |
Annexes to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS), Regional Supplementary Procedures (SUPPS) |
319 |
V. |
International Atomic Energy Agency |
(1) |
Statute and membership of the Agency |
320 |
(2) |
Agreements |
320 |
(3) |
Other documents |
320 |
Chapter X. Legal bibliography of the United Nations and related inter-governmental organizations |
A. |
International organizations in general |
1. |
General |
321 |
2. |
Particular questions |
322 |
B. |
United Nations |
1. |
General |
322 |
2. |
Particular organs |
325 |
Administrative tribunal |
325 |
Economic and Social Council |
325 |
General Assembly |
325 |
International Court of Justice |
326 |
Regional Economic Commissions |
329 |
Secretariat |
329 |
Security Council |
330 |
Trusteeship Council |
330 |
United Nations Forces |
330 |
3. |
Particular questions or activities |
Charter revision |
331 |
Civil war |
331 |
Commercial arbitration |
332 |
Consular relations |
332 |
Definition of aggression |
332 |
Diplomatic relations |
332 |
Disarmament |
333 |
Domestic jurisdicition |
333 |
Financing |
333 |
Friendly relations and co-operation among States |
334 |
Human rights |
336 |
International criminal law |
337 |
International waterways |
338 |
Law of the sea |
338 |
Law of treaties |
340 |
Law of war |
341 |
Membership and representation |
342 |
Outer space |
342 |
Peace-keeping |
344 |
Permanent sovereignty over natural resources |
345 |
Political and security questions |
345 |
Privileges and immunities |
346 |
Progressive development and codification of international law (in general) |
346 |
Recognition of States |
347 |
Refugees |
347 |
Right of asylum |
348 |
Rule of law |
348 |
Self-determination |
348 |
South West Africa |
349 |
State succession |
350 |
Technical assistance |
350 |
Trade and development |
350 |
C. |
Inter-governmental organizations related to the United Nations |
1. |
General |
351 |
2. |
Particular organizations |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations |
351 |
Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization |
351 |
International Atomic Energy Agency |
351 |
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development |
352 |
International Civil Aviation Organization |
353 |
International Labour Organization |
354 |
International Monetary Fund |
355 |
International Telecommunication Union |
355 |
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization |
355 |
Universal Postal Union |
356 |
World Health Organization |
356 |
World Meteorological Organization |
356 |