Criminal Law and Procedure
Criminal Procedure International Crimes International Criminal Law
International Cooperation International Criminal Justice Post Conflict and Transitional Justice
Criminal Procedure
The Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court: Successes, Challenges and the Promise of International Criminal Justice
Dr. Fatou Bensouda
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Fair Trial in International Criminal Justice
Justice Hassan B. Jallow
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The Progressive Blending of Legal Traditions in the Procedure of International Criminal Courts
Judge Fausto Pocar
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War Crimes Prosecutions
Ms. Jennifer Trahan
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Maintaining Control of War Crimes Trials
Mr. Michael Scharf
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International Criminal Law and Domestic Courts
Ms. Larissa van den Herik
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International Cooperation
INTERPOL - Introduction générale
Mr. Laurent Grosse
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INTERPOL - Outil de coopération policière et judiciaire
Mr. Laurent Grosse
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International Extradition Law
Mr. Ivan Shearer
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International Crimes
Рабство, работорговля и торговля людьми как преступления
по современному международному праву

Екатерина Сергеевна Алисиевич
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Международное сотрудничество в борьбе с транснациональными преступлениями и
международным терроризмом

Светлана Владимировна Глотова
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The Crime of Aggression under International Law
Mr. Claus Kress
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International Crimes
Judge Daqun Liu
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Crimes against Humanity
Mr. Sean D. Murphy
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Los crimenes de violencia sexual en el derecho internacional penal de los siglos XX y XXI (El nuevo orden jurídico internacional a partir de 1945 y su ausencia de perspectiva de genero)
Judge Elizabeth Odio Benito
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The Concept of an “International Crime”
Dr. Roger O'Keefe
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Genocide and International Law
Mr. William A. Schabas
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International Criminal Justice
Derecho Penal Internacional: desarrollo actual y genealogía
Mr. José Antonio Burneo Labrín
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La Corte Penal Internacional
Sra. Concepción Escobar Hernández
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La Corte Penal Internacional a Veinte Años de su Creación: Consolidación o Decadencia?
Ms. Silvia Fernández de Gurmendi
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The Future of International Criminal Justice
Justice Richard Goldstone
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The Sierra Leone Special Court and Its Legacy: The Impact for Africa and International Criminal Law (Part I)
Mr. Charles C. Jalloh
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The Sierra Leone Special Court and Its Legacy: The Impact for Africa and International Criminal Law (Part II)
Mr. Charles C. Jalloh
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An Introduction to the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and its Impact on the Rule of Law in Rwanda
President Vagn Joensen
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Reflections on the Prosecution of War Crimes by International Tribunals: A Historical Perspective
President Theodor Meron
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The Mechanism: A New Model of International Criminal Tribunal
President Theodor Meron
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Justice pénale internationale: progrès et défis
Mr. Nicolas Michel
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Completing the Mandate: The Legal Challenges Facing the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
Judge Fausto Pocar
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Tribunales ad hoc y legado para el Derecho Penal Internacional
Ms. Michelle Reyes Milk
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Fairness and Efficiency in the Proceedings of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
President Patrick Robinson
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The Legacy of the Nuremberg Trials: Seventy Years Later
Ms. Leila Nadya Sadat
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The International Criminal Court at a Glance
Judge Sang Hyun Song
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The International Criminal Court: Maintaining Judicial Independence in a Political World
Judge Sang Hyun Song
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Participation of Victims at the International Criminal Court
Judge Sang Hyun Song
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The Relationship between the African Union and the International Criminal Court
Ms. Mia Swart
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International Criminal Law
What is Transnational Criminal Law?
Neil Boister
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Jurisdicción Penal Extraterritorial
Sr. Alejandro Chehtman
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The Evolution of International Criminal Law - A Personal Account
Mr. Benjamin B. Ferencz
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Sens et limites des poursuites pénales internationales
Ms. Rafaëlle Maison
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Ms. Sarah Nouwen
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The Rise of Individual Criminal Responsibility under International Law
Dr. Roger O'Keefe
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Sexual Violence and other Gender-based Crimes in the Jurisprudence of International Criminal Courts and Tribunals
Ms. Valerie Oosterveld
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Basic Ideas About International Criminal Law
Kevin Riordan
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Command Responsibility
Kevin Riordan
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Interpreting the Statute of the International Criminal Court
Ms. Leila Nadya Sadat
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Heads of State and Other Officials before the International Criminal Court
Ms. Leila Nadya Sadat
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Reparations in International Criminal Law
Ms. Mia Swart
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Post Conflict and Transitional Justice
Perspectives on Post-conflict Justice
Mr. M. Cherif Bassiouni
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Introduction to Transitional Justice
Mr. Paul van Zyl
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