International Economic Law
Introduction Dispute Settlement UNCITRAL
Commercial Law Foreign Investment World Trade Organization (WTO)
Competition Law Trade  
La réglementation internationale du commerce, des investissements et de la monnaie: mise en perspective des développements du droit international économique
Ms. Hélène Ruiz Fabri
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La singularidad y los límites del Derecho Internacional Económico contemporáneo
Mr. Manuel Monteagudo Valdez
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Horizontes del Derecho Internacional Económico: en busca de una Antropología
Mr. Manuel Monteagudo Valdez
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Derecho Internacional del Comercio y Derecho Internacional de las Inversiones
Mr. Victor Saco
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Commercial Law
Legal Aspects of Electronic Commerce in International Trade (Part I) - Electronic Contracting: Economic Context and Private Law
Mr. José Angelo Estrella-Faria
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Legal Aspects of Electronic Commerce in International Trade (Part II) - Electronic Authentication and Signature Methods: Legal Issues and Public Policy
Mr. José Angelo Estrella-Faria
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The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), Lecture I: Purposes, Background, History, Nature, Scope and Application
strong>Mr. Harry M. Flechtner
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The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), Lecture II: Issues Covered and Key Substantive Provisions
Mr. Harry M. Flechtner
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Competition Law
Developing Countries, Markets and Competition Laws: How Developing Countries are Trying to Improve Their Economic Wellbeing by Harnessing Markets to Work for Them
Ms. Eleanor M. Fox
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Competition Law and World Systems: Extraterritoriality, Convergence, and the Prospects for a Unified World System through an International Law of Antitrust
Ms. Eleanor M. Fox
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Dispute Settlement
Investment Treaty Arbitration and Non-Investment Considerations
Mr. Eric De Brabandere
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Will an International Investment Court Restore Legitimacy to Investor State Dispute Settlement?
Ms. Andrea K. Bjorklund
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Ответственность юридического лица в
транснациональном праве

Людмила Никифоровна Галенская
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State Responsibility for Breach of Investment Contracts
Dr. Jean Ho
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La responsabilité d’Etat et la rupture des contrats d’Etat
Dr. Jean Ho
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Dr. Jean Ho
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Le choix de la méthode de règlement des différends dans un contrat commercial international
Ms. Catherine Kessedjian
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La validité des clauses d'élection de for et des clauses compromissoires
Ms. Catherine Kessedjian
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Les mesures provisoires et conservatoires
Ms. Catherine Kessedjian
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La reconnaissance et l'exécution des décisions judiciaires et des sentences arbitrales
Ms. Catherine Kessedjian
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La responsabilité internationale de l’Etat dans le contentieux arbitral d’investissement
Mr. Franck Latty
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International Commercial Arbitration
Mr. Jernej Sekolec
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An Appellate Mechanism for Investment Treaty Disputes?
Mr. Christopher Thomas
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The WTO Dispute Settlement System
Mr. Peter Van den Bossche
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Foreign Investment
An Introduction to the Evolving International Investment Regimes
Mr. José E. Alvarez
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The United States’ Contribution to the International Investment Regime Part I: Introduction and History (from the 1780s to the early 1990s)
Mr. José E. Alvarez
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The United States’ Contribution to the International Investment Regime Part II: The Rise and Evolution of US Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs)
Mr. José E. Alvarez
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The United States’ Contribution to the International Investment Regime Part III: The 'Spaghetti Bowl' of International Investment Agreements (IIAs)
Mr. José E. Alvarez
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La subjetividad internacional del inversionista: a propósito de la demanda reconvencional en arbitrajes inversionista-Estado
Sr. Roberto Fernando Claros Abarca
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New Horizons and Mechanisms: International Law, Trade and Investment (Seminar in Honour of Sir Elihu Lauterpacht)
Mr. David C. Caron
Mr. Charles N. Brower
Mr. Donald M. McRae
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Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in International Investment Law
Ms. Diane A. Desierto
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The Work of the International Law Commission on the "Most-Favoured-Nation" Clause
Mr. Donald M. McRae
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A State's Power to Make Meaningful Promises to Foreigners
Mr. Jan Paulsson
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Foreign Investment, Economic Development and National Sovereignty
Mr. W. Michael Reisman
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The Legal Framework Governing Foreign Direct Investment: The Case for Korea
Mr. Hi-Taek Shin
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Coherence in Trade and Investment Law
Mr. Michael Ewing-Chow
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Евразийская экономическая интеграция:
международно-правовая концептуализация

Анатолий Яковлевич Капустин
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United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)
From New York to Singapore: A Journey into the UNCITRAL Framework on Dispute Resolution
Ms. Anna Joubin-Bret
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The Role of UNCITRAL in the Harmonization and the Modernization of the Law of International Trade
Mr. Jernej Sekolec
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World Trade Organization (WTO)
Взаимодействие международного экологического права и международного торгового права
Дарья Сергеевна Боклан
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Interpretation of Treaties: The Experience of the Appellate Body, WTO
Justice Florentino P. Feliciano
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World Trade Organization Rules on Subsidies
Mr. Jesse Kreier
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The Relationship between WTO Law and General International Law
Mr. Pascal Lamy
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The General Basic Legal Principles that Underpin the International Trading System (The Basic Legal Principles of the WTO)
Ms. Gabrielle Marceau
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The Principle of Non-discrimination in International Trade Law
Mr. Makane Moïse Mbengue
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The National Treatment Clause in WTO Law
Mr. Makane Moïse Mbengue
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Partie I - L’histoire du GATT/de l’OMC
Mr. Makane Moïse Mbengue
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Partie II - L’OMC comme organisation internationale
Mr. Makane Moïse Mbengue
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Partie III - La structure juridique de l’OMC
Mr. Makane Moïse Mbengue
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Partie IV - Les caractéristiques du système de règlement des différends de l’OMC
Mr. Makane Moïse Mbengue
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Partie V - Les principes fondamentaux du système GATT/OMC
Mr. Makane Moïse Mbengue
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The Promotion of Health and Environmental Policies in the Jurisprudence of the WTO
Mr. Fabio Morosini
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The First Years of the Appellate Body and the WTO Dispute Settlement System: A Historical Perspective
Mr. Julio Lacarte Muró
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El mecanismo de solución de differencias del GATT y OMC: enseñanzas del pasado
Mr. Julio Lacarte Muró
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The Evolution of WTO Dispute Settlement
Mr. August Reinisch
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The World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement System
Mr. Giorgio Sacerdoti
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