Complete PDF |
Table of Contents |
Page |
Introduction |
First Part: Legislative Texts |
Première partie. — Textes législatifs |
Australia: |
(a) |
International Finance Corporation Act No. 66 of 1955 |
3 |
(b) |
International Finance Corporation Regulations |
4 |
Austria: |
(a) |
Ordinance of the Federal Government of 18 January 1955, as amended by the ordinance of 9 December 1958, on the granting of privileges and immunities to international Organizations |
6 |
(b) |
Ordinance of the Federal Government of 28 June 1955 to grant certain privileges and immunities to the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation and the Customs Co-operation Council |
7 |
Canada: |
(a) |
Order-in-Council P.C. 6417 of November 29, 1951 — Revenue Exemptions granted to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization |
7 |
(b) |
Order-in-Council P.C. 1946 of April 4, 1952 — Revenue Exemptions granted to the Food and Agriculture Organization |
9 |
(c) |
Order-in-Council P.C. 1027 of July 2, 1953 — Certain privileges granted to the World Meteorological Organization |
10 |
(d) |
Order-in-Council P.C. 456 of March 31, 1954 — Privileges and Immunities of the International Labour Office |
17 |
(e) |
Order-in-Council P.C. 1791 of November 18, 1954 — Privileges and Immunities of the International Civil Aviation Organization |
20 |
(f) |
Order-in-Council P.C. 25/1530 of October 7, 1955 — Revenue Exemptions granted to the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development |
22 |
Colombia: |
Editorial note |
23 |
Cuba: |
Editorial note |
23 |
Denmark: |
Editorial note |
23 |
Finland: |
Editorial note |
23 |
Germany (Federal Republic of): |
(a) |
Act concerning the accession of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations dated 21 November 1947 and concerning the granting of Privileges and Immunities to other International Organizations, of 22 June 1954 |
25 |
(b) |
Act amending the act concerning the accession of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations dated 21 November 1947 and concerning the granting of Privileges and Immunities to other International Organizations, of 3 June 1957 |
26 |
(c) |
Order granting Privileges and Immunities to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, national representatives, international staff and experts employed by the Organization, Dated 30 May 1958 |
26 |
(d) |
Announcement concerning the entry into force for the Federal Republic of Germany of the Agreement on the Status of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, national representatives and international staff and concerning the entry into force of the order granting Privileges and Immunities to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, national representatives, international staff and experts employed by the Organization, Dated 12 August 1918 |
27 |
Ghana: |
(a) |
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges Order (No. 3) |
28 |
(b) |
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Amendment) Order, 1956 |
30 |
(c) |
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (No. 2) Order, 1956 |
31 |
(d) |
World Meteorological Organization (Protection) Act, 1959 (No. 20 of 1959) |
33 |
(e) |
World Health Organization (Protection) Act, 1958 (No. 41 of 1958) |
34 |
Greece: |
Editorial note |
34 |
Guatemala: |
Editorial note |
34 |
Hungary: |
Note of 27 August 1959 received from the Permanent Representative of the Hungarian People's Republic to the United Nations |
34 |
Italie: |
Note de renvoi |
35 |
Japan: |
Editorial note |
35 |
Korea (Republic of): |
Editorial note |
35 |
Luxembourg: |
a) |
Arrêté grand-ducal du 13 octobre 1950 relatif à l'exécution de la Convention sur les privilèges et immunités des institutions spécialisées reliées à l'Organisation des Nations Unies |
35 |
b) |
Loi du 7 août 1956 concernant l'octroi de certains privilèges à la Communauté européenne du charbon et de l'acier et aux missions accréditées auprès de la Communauté |
37 |
Netherlands: |
Editorial note |
37 |
New Zealand: |
(a) |
Diplomatic Privileges (FAO) Order 1959 No. 52 |
37 |
(b) |
Diplomatic Privileges (ICAO) Order 1959 No. 53 |
40 |
(c) |
Diplomatic Privileges (ILO) Order 1959 No. 54 |
41 |
(d) |
Diplomatic Privileges (ITU) Order 1959 No. 55 |
42 |
(e) |
Diplomatic Privileges (South Pacific Commission) Order 1959 No. 56 |
43 |
(f) |
Diplomatic Privileges (UNESCO) Order 1959 No. 57 |
45 |
(g) |
Diplomatic Privileges (UPU) Order 1959 No. 58 |
46 |
(h) |
Diplomatic Privileges (WHO) Order 1959 No. 59 |
46 |
(i) |
Diplomatic Privileges (WMO) Order 1959 No. 60 |
47 |
Nicaragua: |
Editorial note |
48 |
Norway: |
Editorial note |
48 |
Pakistan: |
Editorial note |
49 |
Peru: |
Editorial note |
49 |
Poland: |
Editorial note |
49 |
Suisse: |
Arrêté du Conseil fédéral suisse concernant le statut des Bureaux internationaux réunis pour la protection de la propriété industrielle, littéraire et artistique, 16 août 1960 |
49 |
Sweden: |
Editorial note |
52 |
Thailand: |
Royal decree specifying the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations, B.E. 2499 (1956), as amended B.E. 2499 (1956) and B.E. 2500 (1957) |
52 |
Union of South Africa: |
Editorial note |
53 |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: |
(a) |
Diplomatic Privileges (International Labour Organisation) Order in Council, 1949, as amended |
53 |
(b) |
Diplomatic Privileges (International Civil Aviation Organization) Order in Council, 1949, as amended |
57 |
(c) |
Diplomatic Privileges (World Health Organization) Order in Council, 1949, as amended |
57 |
(d) |
International Organisations (Immunities and Privileges of the World Health Organization) (Amendment No. 2) Order, 1955 |
58 |
(e) |
Diplomatic Privileges (Food and Agriculture Organization) Order in Council, 1949 |
58 |
(f) |
Diplomatic Privileges (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) Order in Council, 1949 |
58 |
(g) |
Diplomatic Privileges (Organisation for European Economic Co-operation) Order in Council, 1949 |
59 |
(h) |
International Organisations (Immunities and Privileges of the Council of Europe) Order in Council, 1950, as amended |
60 |
(i) |
International Organisations (Immunities and Privileges of the International Telecommunication Union) Order, 1954 |
64 |
(j) |
International Organisation (Immunities and Privileges of the Universal Postal Union) Order, 1954 |
67 |
(k) |
International Organisations (Immunities and Privileges of the World Meteorological Organization) Order, 1954 |
68 |
(l) |
International Organisations (Immunities and Privileges of the Customs Co-operation Council) Order, 1954 |
68 |
(m) |
International Organisations (Immunities and Privileges of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) Order, 1954 |
70 |
(n) |
International Organisations (Immunities and Privileges of the Commission for Technical Co-operation in Africa South of the Sahara) Order, 1955 |
74 |
(o) |
International Organisations (Immunities and Privileges of Western European Union) Order, 1955 |
75 |
(p) |
International Organisations (Immunities and Privileges of the International Tin Council) Order, 1956 |
77 |
(q) |
International Organisations (Immunities and Privileges of the International Tin Council) (Amendment) Order, 1957 |
78 |
(r) |
International Sugar Council (Immunities and Privileges) Order, 1958 |
79 |
(s) |
International Wheat Council (Immunities and Privileges) Order, 1959 |
80 |
(t) |
Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organisation (Immunities and Privileges) Order, 1959 |
81 |
(u) |
Bretton Woods Agreements Act, 1945 |
84 |
(v) |
Bretton Woods Agreements Order in Council, 1946 |
86 |
(w) |
Finance Act, 1951 |
89 |
(x) |
Finance Act, 1954 |
90 |
(y) |
German Conventions Act, 1955 |
90 |
(z) |
European Coal and Steel Community Act, 1955 |
91 |
(aa) |
European Coal and Steel Community Act (Commencement) Order, 1955 |
92 |
(bb) |
International Finance Corporation Act, 1955 |
93 |
(cc) |
International Finance Corporation Order, 1955 |
94 |
United States of America: |
Editorial note |
97 |
Venezuela: |
Editorial note |
98 |
Yugoslavia: |
Editorial note |
98 |
Second Part: Treaty Provisions |
Deuxième partie. — Dispositions de traités |
A. |
Treaties concerning the Intergovernmental Organizations related to the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency |
A. |
Traités concernant les organisations intergouvernementales reliées à l'Organisation des Nations Unies avis que l'Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique |
1. |
Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies. Approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 21 November 1947 |
101 |
2. |
Constitution of the International Labour Organisation |
127 |
3. |
Modus vivendi de 1921 relatif au régime des immunités diplomatiques du personnel de la Société des Nations et du Bureau International du Travail |
127 |
4. |
Modus vivendi de 1926 (Communications du Conseil fédéral suisse concernant le régime des immunités diplomatiques du personnel de la Société des Nations et du Bureau international du Travail) |
134 |
5. |
Amendement, en date du 24 avril 1928, â l'article VIII du modus vivendi de 1926 |
137 |
6. |
Accord entre la Suisse et l'Organisation internationale du Travail, arrangement d'exécution de l'accord, et déclaration concernant le statut juridique en Suisse de l'Organisation internationale du Travail après la dissolution de la Société des Nations signée le 11 mars 1946, et échange de notes des 28 mai et 7 juin 1946 confirmant l'entrée en vigueur de l'accord et de l'arrangement |
138 |
7. |
Exchange of letters between the Director-General of the International Labour Organisation and the Minister Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Peru in Switzerland, concerning the legal status of the ILO field office for Latin America at Lima, May 1954 |
149 |
8. |
Agreement between the International Labour Organisation and the Government of the United States of Mexico regarding the establishment of a field office at Mexico City and the Privileges and Immunities necessary for its operation. Signed at Mexico City, on 5 January 1955 |
151 |
9. |
Agreement between the International Labour Office and the Government of the Republic of Turkey concerning the setting up in Istanbul of a manpower field office for the Near and Middle East. Signed at Geneva, on 21 March 1952 |
153 |
10. |
Agreement between the International Labour Office and the Government of the Federation of Nigeria concerning the establishment of an African field office in Lagos. Signed at Lagos, on 14January 1959 |
154 |
11. |
Convention on International Civil Aviation, opened for signature at Chicago, 7 December 1944 |
155 |
12. |
Échange de lettres constituant un accord entre l'Organisation provisoire de l'Aviation civile internationale et le Gouvernement de la République française relatif aux privilèges et immunités. Paris, 28 février et 14 mars 1947 |
156 |
13. |
Agreement between the International Civil Aviation Organization and the Government of Canada regarding the headquarters of the International Civil Aviation Organization. Signed at Montreal, on 14 April 1951 |
161 |
14. |
Agreement between the International Civil Aviation Organization and the Government of Egypt regarding Privileges, Immunities and Facilities in Egyptian Territory. Signed at Cairo, on 27 August 1953 |
170 |
15. |
Agreement between the International Civil Aviation Organization and the Government of the United Mexican States regarding the Organization's regional office for North America and the Caribbean, at Mexico City. Signed on 20 December 1956 |
180 |
16. |
Constitution of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Signed at Quebec, on 16 October 1945 |
186 |
17. |
Agreement between the Government of the Italian Republic and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations regarding the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Signed at Washington, on 31 October 1950 |
187 |
18. |
Agreement between the Government of Chile and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations regarding the Latin American regional office of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Signed on 14 June 1952 |
206 |
19. |
Agreement between the Government of Egypt and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations regarding the Near East regional office of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Signed on 17 August 1952 |
212 |
20. |
Agreement between the Government of Thailand and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations regarding the Far East Regional office of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Entered into force on 6 February 1957 |
220 |
21. |
Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Signed at London, 16 November 1945 |
230 |
22. |
Échange de lettres entre le Gouvernement de la République de Cuba et l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’éducation, la science et la culture, en date des 30 août et 9 septembre 1949 |
230 |
23. |
Agreement between UNESCO and the Mexican Government regarding the establishment of a regional centre for the training of personnel and for the preparation of fundamental education material in Latin America. Signed on 11 September 1950 |
234 |
24. |
Exchange of letters between the Republic of Indonesia and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, dated 29 January and 15 February 1951 |
236 |
25. |
Accord entre le Gouvernement royal égyptien et l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’éducation, la science et la culture relatif à l’établissement en Egypte d'un centre international d'éducation de base, en date du 25 avril 1952 |
237 |
26. |
Accord entre le Gouvernement royal égyptien et l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’éducation, la science et la culture, en date du 25 avril 1952 |
239 |
27. |
Accord entre le Gouvernement de la République française et l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’éducation, la science et la culture, relatif au siège de I'UNESCO et à ses privilèges et immunités sur le territoire français. Signé à Paris, le 2 juillet 1954 |
240 |
28. |
Agreement between the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the Government of India. Signed on 30 April and 16 May 1959 |
250 |
29. |
Articles of agreement of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Signed at Washington, on 22 December 1945 |
251 |
30. |
Articles of agreement of the International Monetary Fund. Signed at Washington, on 27 December 1945 |
251 |
31. |
Constitution of the World Health Organization, opened for signature at New York, 22 July 1946 |
253 |
32. |
Accord entre le Conseil fédéral suisse et l'Organisation mondiale de la santé pour régler le statut juridique de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé et arrangement en vue de l’exécution dudit accord, approuvés par la première Assemblée mondiale de la santé le 17 juillet 1948 et par le Conseil fédéral suisse le 21 août 1948, et un échange de notes relatif à l'entrée en vigueur de l'accord et de l'arrangement. Berne, 23 décembre 1948, et Genève, 12 janvier 1949 |
254 |
33. |
Agreement between the World Health Organization and the Government of India concerning the Privileges, Immunities and Facilities to be granted by the Government of India to the World Health Organization. Signed at New Delhi, on 9 November 1949 |
265 |
34. |
Agreement between the World Health Organization and the Government of Egypt for the purposes of determining the Privileges, Immunities and Facilities to be granted in Egypt by the Government to the Organization, to the representatives of its members and to its experts and officials. Signed at Cairo, on 25 March 1951 |
275 |
35. |
Accord entre le Gouvernement de la République française et l'Organisation mondiale de la santé pour déterminer les privilèges, immunités et facilités accordés par le Gouvernement à l'Organisation, aux représentants de ses membres, à ses experts et ses fonctionnaires, dans les territoires français ou administrés par la France compris dans la région d'Afrique, telle qu’elle a été délimitée par la première Assemblée mondiale de la santé. Signé à Paris et à Genève les 23 juillet et 1er août 1952 |
279 |
36. |
Agreement between the Government of Denmark and the World Health Organization for the purpose of determining the Privileges, Immunities and Facilities to be granted by the Government to the Organization in respect of the representatives of its members, its experts and officials in particular with regard to its arrangements in the European region. Signed at Geneva, on 29 June 1955, and at Copenhagen, on 7 July 1955 |
287 |
37. |
Exchange of notes constituting an agreement between the Government of Denmark and the World Health Organization regarding the interpretation and application of the agreement of 29 June and 7 July 1955. Copenhagen, 7 July 1955, and Geneva, 15 July 1955 |
288 |
38. |
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Argentina and the Pan American Sanitary Bureau regarding the establishment of a zone office in the city of Buenos Aires, 21 August 1951 |
290 |
39. |
Agreement between the Government of the United States of Brazil and the Pan American Sanitary Bureau regarding the operation of the regional office of the Bureau in Rio de Janeiro, 27 August 1951 |
293 |
40. |
Agreement between the Government of the United States of Mexico and the Pan American Sanitary Bureau regarding the establishment of a zone office in Mexico City and the Privileges and Immunities necessary for its operation, 26 August 1952 |
295 |
41. |
Agreement between the Government of Peru and the Pan American Sanitary Organization, 13 August 1957 |
299 |
42. |
Convention of the World Meteorological Organization. Signed at Washington, on 11 October 1947 |
307 |
43. |
Accord entre le Conseil fédéral suisse et l'Organisation météorologique mondiale pour régler le statut juridique de cette organisation en Suisse. Signé à Genève, le 10 mars 1955 |
309 |
44. |
Arrangement d'exécution de 'accord conclu entre le Conseil fédéral suisse et l'Organisation météorologique mondiale pour régler le statut juridique de cette organisation en Suisse. Signé à Genève, le 10 mars 1955 |
314 |
45. |
Protocole relatif à l’accord conclu entre le Conseil fédéral suisse et l'Organisation météorologique mondiale concernant le statut juridique de cette organisation en Suisse et l'arrangement d'exécution dudit accord. Signé à Genève, le 10 mars 1955 |
317 |
46. |
Échange de lettres concernant le statut juridique de l'Union internationale des télécommunications (UIT), des 6 et 25 février 1948 |
319 |
47. |
Convention on the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization. Done at Geneva, on 6 March 1948 |
320 |
48. |
Échange de lettres concernant le statut juridique de l’Union postale universelle (UPU), du 5 février et 22 avril 1948 |
321 |
49. |
Articles of agreement of the International Finance Corporation. Opened for signature at Washington, on 25 May 1955 |
323 |
50. |
Statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Done at the headquarters of the United Nations, on 26 October 1956 |
326 |
51. |
Agreement between the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Republic of Austria regarding the headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Signed at Vienna, on 11 December 1957 |
327 |
52. |
Exchange of letters constituting a supplemental agreement on currency exchange facilities for the purpose of implementing article IX, section 23, of the agreement between the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Republic of Austria regarding the headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Vienna, 11 December 1957 |
344 |
53. |
Supplemental agreement on the temporary headquarters seat for the purpose of implementing article II, section 3, of the agreement between the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Republic of Austria regarding the headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Signed at Vienna, on 3 June 1958 |
345 |
54. |
Exchange of letters constituting a supplemental agreement on turnover taxes for the purpose of implementing article VIII, section 22 (b), of the agreement between the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Republic of Austria regarding the headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 17 July 1958 |
348 |
55. |
Exchange of letters constituting a supplemental agreement on the establishment of an agency commissary for the purpose of implementing article XV, section 38 (j) (iii), of the agreement between the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Republic of Austria' regarding the headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Vienna, 17 July 1958 |
349 |
56. |
Agreement between the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Federal Government of the Republic of Austria concerning the social insurance of officials of the IAEA. Signed at Vienna, on 29 December 1958 |
352 |
57. |
Agreement between the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Republic of Austria concerning the regulation of pension insurance for officials of the IAEA. Signed at Vienna, on 12 February 1959 |
355 |
58. |
Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Atomic Energy Agency |
357 |
B. |
Treaties concerning Other Intergovernmental International Organizations |
B. |
Traités concernant d'autres organisations internationales intergouvernementales |
1. |
Statut organique de l'Institut international pour l'unification du droit privé du 15 mars 1940, modifié le 18 janvier 1952 |
367 |
2. |
Protocole à la convention douanière belgo-luxembourgeoise-néerlandaise. Signé à La Haye, le 14 mars 1947 |
368 |
3. |
Supplementary protocol No. 1 to the convention for European Economic Co-operation on the legal capacity, privileges and immunities of the organisation, 16 April 1948 |
369 |
4. |
Accord entre la France et l'Organisation européenne de coopération économique sur l'application de la législation française de sécurité sociale au personnel employé par ladite Organisation, 5 mars 1959 |
373 |
5. |
Convention relative au régime de la navigation sur le Danube. Signée à Belgrade, le 18 août 1948 |
376 |
6. |
Charter of the Organization of American States. Signed at Bogotá, on 30 April 1948 |
377 |
7. |
Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Organization of American States, opened for signature on 15 May 1949 |
377 |
8. |
Bilateral agreement between the Organization of American States and the Government of the United States of America relating to Privileges and Immunities of representatives and other members of delegations. Signed at Washington, on 22 July 1952 |
381 |
9. |
Agreement between the Pan American Union and the Government of the Argentine Republic regarding the establishment at Buenos Aires of an information office of the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States. Signed at Buenos Aires, on 24 January 1958 |
383 |
10. |
Agreement establishing the Inter-American Development Bank, 8 April 1959 |
387 |
11. |
Statute of the Council of Europe, 5 May 1949, as amended |
389 |
12. |
General agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe. Signed at Paris, on 2 September 1949 |
390 |
13. |
Accord spécial entre le Conseil de l'Europe et la France relatif au siège du Conseil de l'Europe. Signé à Paris, le 2 septembre 1949 |
396 |
14. |
Accord complémentaire à l'accord général sur les privilèges et immunités du Conseil de l'Europe entre le Conseil de l'Europe et le Gouvernement de la République française. Signé à Paris, le 18 mars 1950 |
398 |
15. |
Additional protocol to the general agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe. Signed at Strasbourg, on 6 November 1952 |
399 |
16. |
Traité entre la République fédérale d'Allemagne, le Royaume de Belgique, la République française, la République italienne, le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg et le Royaume des Pays-Bas instituant la Communauté européenne du charbon et de l'acier. Signé à Paris, le 18 avril 1951 |
401 |
17. |
Protocole sur les privilèges et immunités de la Communauté européenne du charbon et de l'acier. Signé à Paris, le 18 avril 1951 |
402 |
18. |
Protocole sur le statut de la Cour de justice [de la Communauté européenne du charbon et de l'acier]. Signé à Paris, le 18 avril 1951 |
406 |
19. |
Accord concernant les laissez-passer conclu entre la Haute Autorité de la Communauté européenne du charbon et de l'acier et les Gouvernements de la République fédérale d'Allemagne, du Royaume de Belgique, de la République française, de la République italienne, du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, du Royaume des Pays-Bas, 18 août 1953 |
406 |
20. |
Convention entre le Gouvernement de la République française et la Commission du Pacifique sud sur les privilèges et immunités de celle-ci. Signée le 20 février 1953 |
408 |
21. |
Convention of the Privileges and Immunities of the League of Arab States approved by the Council of the League of Arab States on 10 May, 1953 |
414 |
22. |
Agreement on the status of Western European Union, national representatives and international staff. Signed at Paris, on 11 May 1955 |
421 |
23. |
Final act of the first conference of foreign ministers of the Central American Republics held at Antigua, Guatemala, from 17 to 24 August 1955 |
429 |
24. |
Convention on the Organization and Juridical Personality of the International Hydrographic Bureau, 16 June 1958 |
430 |
25. |
International Wheat agreement, 1959 |
431 |
Index |