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- Books 26–30
- Books 21–25
- Book 25: Materials on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts (2nd ed., 2023)
- Book 24: National Laws and Regulations on the Prevention and Suppression of International Terrorism (vol. II, M-Z) (2005)
- Book 23: National Laws and Regulations on the Prevention and Suppression of International Terrorism (vol. II, A-L) (2005)
- Book 22: National Laws and Regulations on the Prevention and Suppression of International Terrorism (vol. I) (2002)
- Book 21: Review of the Multilateral Treaty-Making Process (1985)
- Books 16–20
- Book 20: Materials on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and their Property (1982)
- Book 19: National Legislation and Treaties Relating to the Law of the Sea (1980)
- Book 18: National Legislation and Treaties Relating to the Law of the Sea (1976)
- Book 17: Materials on Succession of States in Respect of Mattters Other than Treaties (1978)
- Book 16: National Legislation and Treaties Relating to the Law of the Sea (1974)
- Books 11–15
- Book 15: National Legislation and Treaties Relating to the Territorial Sea, the Contiguous Zone, the Continental Shelf, the High Seas and to Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources of the Sea (1970)
- Book 14: Materials on Succession of States (1967)
- Book 13: Supplement to the Volume on Laws and Regulations Regarding Diplomatic and Consular Privileges and Immunities (1963)
- Book 12: Legislative Texts and Treaty Provisions Concerning the Utilization of International Rivers for Other Purposes than Navigation (1963)
- Book 11: Legislative Texts and Treaty Provisions Concerning the Legal Status, Privileges and Immunities of International Organizations (vol. II) (1961)
- Books 6–10
- Book 10: Legislative Texts and Treaty Provisions Concerning the Legal Status, Privileges and Immunities of International Organizations (vol. I) (1959)
- Book 9: Supplement to the volume on Laws Concerning Nationality 1954 (1959)
- Book 8: Supplement to Laws and Regulations on the Regime of the High Seas (Volumes I and II) and Laws Concerning the Nationality of Ships (1959)
- Book 7: Laws and Regulations Regarding Diplomatic and Consular Privileges and Immunities (1958)
- Book 6: Laws and Regulations on the Regime of the Territorial Sea (1957)
- Books 1–5
- Book 5: Laws Concerning the Nationality of Ships (1955)
- Book 4: Laws Concerning Nationality (1954)
- Book 3: Laws and Practices concerning the Conclusion of Treaties with a Select Bibliography on the Law of Treaties (1953)
- Book 2: Laws and Regulations on the Regime of the High Seas: (vol. II) (1952)
- Book 1: Laws and Regulations on the Regime of the High Seas: (vol. I) (1951)
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