- Consideration of the replies that had been submitted by Governments to the questionnaire.
- First report of the Special Rapporteur, Mr. Richard D. Kearney (28th session of the ILC (1976))
- Introductory chapter dealing with the nature of the topic, Chapter II — treatment of the topic by the Commission and the scope of its work, Chapter III — utility of "user agreements" and Chapter IV on regulation of data collection and exchange.
- First Report of the Special Rapporteur, Mr. Stephen Schwebel (31st session of the ILC (1979))
- Six draft articles were proposed dealing with: "scope" (article 1), "system States" (article 2), "system agreements" (article 4), "parties to the negotiation and conclusion of system agreements" (article 5), "collection and exchange of information" (article 6) and "a shared natural resource" (article 7). It also contained a draft article 3 on "meaning of terms".
- Second report of the Special Rapporteur, Mr. Stephen Schwebel (32nd session of the ILC (1980))
- Discussion on the status of the work of the topic, together with a set of proposed draft general principles, including: "equitable participation", the ascertainment of equitable use, and responsibility for appreciable harm etc. Several further questions, such as river regulation, hydraulic installations and water security, interaction with navigational uses, administrative arrangements, and the avoidance and settlement of disputes, were considered by the Special Rapporteur.
- Third report of the Special Rapporteur, Mr. Stephen Schwebel (34th session of the ILC (1982))
- A brief outline of the work together with a tentative draft Convention on the law of the non-navigational uses of international watercourses.
- First report of the Special Rapporteur, Mr. Jens Evensen (35th session of the ILC (1983))
- Revised tentative draft of a convention on the law of the non-navigational uses of international watercourses. The draft consisted of 41 draft articles contained in six chapters as follows: introductory articles (chap. I); general principles, rights and duties of watercourse States (chap. II); co-operation and management in regard to international watercourses (chap. III); environmental protection, pollution, health hazards, natural hazards, safety and national and regional sites (chap. IV); peaceful settlement of disputes (chap. V); final provisions (chap. VI).
- Second Report of the Special Rapporteur, Mr. Jens Evensen (36th session of the ILC (1984))
- Preliminary report which reviewed Commission's work thus far and indicated his preliminary views as to general lines along which Commission's work could proceed: draft articles 1 to 9 should be taken up by Drafting Committee at the 38th session, and the general organizational structure for further draft articles proposed by the previous Special Rapporteur should be followed.
- Preliminary Report of the Special Rapporteur, Mr. Stephen C. McCaffrey (37th session of the ILC (1985))
- Status of the Commission's work on the topic; views on draft articles 1 to 9 as submitted by the previous Special Rapporteur; and set of five draft articles concerning procedural rules applicable in cases involving proposed new uses of watercourses.
- Second Report of the Special Rapporteur, Mr. Stephen C. McCaffrey (38th session of the ILC (1986))
- Reviewed status of the work (chap. I); set forth general considerations on procedural rules relating to the utilization of international watercourses (chap. II); submitted six draft articles (arts. 10–15) concerning general principles of cooperation and notification (chap. III); and addressed the question of exchange of data and information (chap. IV).
- Third Report of the Special Rapporteur, Mr. Stephen C. McCaffrey (39th session of the ILC (1987))
- A/CN.4/406, Corr.1, Add.1, Add.1/Corr.1, Add.2 and Add.2/Corr.1 (in Yearbook, 1987, vol. II(1))
- ILC Report, A/42/10, 1987, chap. III(B), paras. 84–116
- Report divided into three chapters: "Status of work on the topic and plan for future work" (chap. I); "Exchange of data and information" (chap. II) submitting draft article 15; and "Environmental protection, pollution and related matters" (chap. III) submitting draft articles 16, 17, and 18.
- Fourth Report of the Special Rapporteur, Mr. Stephen C. McCaffrey (40th session of the ILC (1988))
- Chapter I of the report dealt with parts VI of the draft and contained draft article 22 (Water-related hazards, harmful conditions and other adverse effects) and article 23 (Water-related dangers and emergency situations); chapter II and III dealt with the relationship between non-navigational and navigational uses and with the regulation of international watercourses and contained two draft articles (arts. 24 and 25) on those sub-topics for part VII and VIII of the draft, respectively.
- Fifth Report of the Special Rapporteur, Mr. Stephen C. McCaffrey (41st session of the ILC (1989))
- Draft article 26 (Joint institutional management), article 27 (Protection of water resources and installations), article 28 (Status of international watercourses and water installations in time of armed conflict) and annex I "Implementation of the articles".
- Sixth Report of the Special Rapporteur, Mr. Stephen C. McCaffrey (42nd session of the ILC (1990))
- Chapters on the structure of part I of the draft articles and on the use of terms; proposal for article [1][2] on the use of terms.
- Seventh Report of the Special Rapporteur, Mr. Stephen C. McCaffrey (43rd session of the ILC (1991))
- Analysed the written comments and observations received from Governments and made some changes in the articles adopted on first reading; raised two issues of a general character: whether the eventual form of the articles should be a convention or model rules; and the question of dispute settlement procedure. Examined arts. 1 to 10 of Parts I and II of the topic: scope of the present articles (art.1), use of terms (art.2), watercourse agreements (art.3), parties to watercourse agreements (art.4), equitable and reasonable utilization and participation (art.5), factors relevant to equitable and reasonable utilization (art.6), obligation not to cause appreciable harm (art.7), general obligation to cooperate (art.8), regular exchange of data and information (art.9), relationship between uses (art.10).
- First Report of the Special Rapporteur, Mr. Robert Rosenstock (45th session of the ILC (1993))
- Contained, in addition to a few amendments to the draft articles adopted on a second reading by the Drafting Committee at the previous session, new texts proposed by the Special Rapporteur for the draft articles not yet considered by the Drafting Committee, namely draft articles 7 and 11 to 32, as well as a new draft article on the settlement of disputes.
- Second Report of the Special Rapporteur, Mr. Robert Rosenstock (46th session of the ILC (1994))
- Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its twenty-third session, 26 April to 30 June 1971
- Decided to include the topic in the Commission's general programme of work without prejudging the priority to be given to its study.
- Discussion in Plenary: 1128th meeting (2 July 1971)
- Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its twenty-fourth session, 2 May to 7 July 1972
- Concluded that the topic was of both substantial urgency and complexity, and requested the Secretariat to continue compiling material relating to the topic with specific reference to the problems of international watercourses.
- Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its twenty-fifth session, 7 May to 13 July 1973
- Formal decision on the commencement of work on the topic should be taken after members have had an opportunity to review the Secretary-General's supplementary report expected before the 26th session.
- Discussion in Plenary: 1233rd, 1234th, 1235th, 1236th, and 1237th meetings (25 to 29 June 1973)
- Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its twenty-sixth session, 6 May to 26 July 1974
- The Commission set up a sub-committee to consider the question pursuant to resolution 3071 (XXVIII) of 30 November 1973. It adopted the report of the Sub-Committee, and appointed Mr. Richard D. Kearney as Special Rapporteur for the topic.
- Discussion in Plenary: 1297th meeting (22 July 1974)
- Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its twenty-seventh session, 5 May to 25 July 1975
- Pending the receipt of answers form Governments of Member States to a questionnaire circulated by the Secretary-General, the Commission did not consider the topic during the session.
- Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its twenty-eighth session, 3 May to 23 July 1976
- Decided that attention should be devoted to beginning the formulation of general principles applicable to legal aspects of the uses of the international watercourses. Decided that the question of determining the range of the term "international watercourses" need not be pursued at the outset of the work.
- Discussion in Plenary: 1406th, 1407th, 1408th and 1409th meetings (14 to 19 July 1976)
- Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its twenty-ninth session, 9 May to 29 July 1977
- Appointed Mr. Stephen M. Schwebel as Special Rapporteur for the topic.
- Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its thirtieth session, 8 May to 28 July 1978
- The Commission took note of the presentation made by the Special Rapporteur.
- Discussion in Plenary: 1526th meeting (26 July 1978)
- Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its thirty-first session, 14 May to 3 August 1979
- The Commission considered and engaged in a general debate on the issues raised in the Special Rapporteur's report and on questions relating to the topic as a whole.
- Discussion in Plenary: 1554th, 1555th and 1556th meetings (18 to 20 June 1979), 1577th meeting (26 July 1979) and 1578th meeting (27 July 1979)
- Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its thirty-second session, 5 May to 25 July 1980
- The Commission provisionally adopted draft articles 1–5 and article X, with commentaries. It also decided to use the provisional working hypothesis recommended by the Drafting Committee as to the meaning of the term "international watercourse system".
- Discussion in Plenary: 1607th, 1608th, 1609th, 1610th, 1611th and 1612th meetings (9 to 16 June 1980) and 1636th meeting (17 July 1980)
- Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its thirty-fourth session, 3 May to 23 July 1982
- The Commission appointed Mr. Jens Evensen as Special Rapporteur for the topic.
- Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its thirty-fifth session, 3 May to 22 July 1983
- Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its thirty-sixth session, 7 May to 27 July 1984
- The Commission, after considering the Special Rapporteur's second report (its discussion was focused on draft articles 1 to 9 and questions related thereto), decided to refer draft articles 1 to 9 contained in the second report to the Drafting Committee. Owing to lack of time, the Committee was unable to consider those articles at the session.
- Discussion in Plenary: 1831st and 1832nd meetings (30 May and 1 June 1984), 1853rd, 1854th, 1855th, 1856th and 1857th meetings (3 to 9 July 1984), 1859th and 1860th meetings (11 and 12 July 1984)
- Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its thirty-seventh session, 6 May to 26 July 1985
- Appointed Mr. Stephen C. McCaffrey Special Rapporteur upon the resignation of Mr. Jens Evenson. Considered the preliminary report of the new Special Rapporteur.
- Discussion in Plenary: 1910th meeting (25 June 1985), and 1928th meeting (17 July 1985)
- Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its thirty-eighth session, 5 May to 11 July 1986
- Considered the second report of the Special Rapporteur.
- Discussion in Plenary: 1976th, 1977th, 1978th, 1979th and 1980th meetings (26 June to 2 July 1986)
- Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its thirty-ninth session, 4 May to 27 July 1987
- The Commission had before it the third report of the Special Rapporteur. It referred draft articles 10 to 15 to the Drafting Committee. The Commission approved the method followed by the Drafting Committee with regard to article 1 and the question of the use of the term "system", and provisionally adopted articles 2 to 7 with commentaries.
- Discussion in Plenary: 2001st, 2002nd, 2003rd, 2004th, 2005th, 2006th, 2007th, 2008th, 2009th, 2010th, 2011th, 2012th, 2013th and 2014th meetings (21 May to 12 June 1987), 2028th, 2029th and 2030th meetings (7 to 9 July 1987), and 2033rd meeting (13 July 1987)
- Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its fortieth session, 9 May to 29 July 1988
- The Commission had before it the fourth report submitted by the Special Rapporteur. It decided to refer draft articles 16 and 17 to the Drafting Committee. But the Committee was unable to consider these articles due to lack of time. However, the Committee did adopt a report on the draft articles previously referred to it, resulting in the Commission provisionally adopting articles 8 to 21, with commentaries.
- Discussion in Plenary: 2050th, 2051st and 2052nd meetings (24 to 27 May 1988), 2062nd, 2063rd, 2064th, 2065th, 2066th, 2067th, 2068th, 2069th, 2070th, 2071st, 2072nd and 2073rd meetings (15 June to 5 July 1988), and 2076th meeting (8 July 1988)
- Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its forty-first session, 2 May to 21 July 1989
- The Commission had before it the fifth report submitted by the Special Rapporteur. It referred draft articles 22 and 23 to the Drafting Committee.
- Discussion in Plenary: 2123rd, 2124th, 2125th and 2126th meetings (22 to 28 June 1989), and 2133rd meeting (7 July 1989))
- Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its forty-second session, 1 May to 20 July 1990
- Referred draft articles 24 to 28, and 3 to 4 of annex I to the Drafting Committee. Provisionally adopted draft articles 22 to 27, with commentaries.
- Discussion in Plenary: 2162nd, 2163th, 2164th, 2165th, 2166th and 2167th meetings (23 May to 1 June 1990), 2187th and 2188th meetings (5 and 6 July 1990)
- Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its forty-third session, 29 April to 19 July 1991
- Referred articles [1][2] to the Drafting Committee. Adopted on first reading draft articles 2, 10, 26 to 33, with commentaries. It decided to transmit the complete set of draft articles through the Secretary-General to Governments of Member States for comments and observations.
- Discussion in Plenary: 2213th, 2214th, 2215th, 2216th, 2217th and 2218th meetings (23 May to 4 June 1991), 2228th, 2229th, 2230th and 2231st meetings (21 to 27 June 1991) and 2237th meeting (9 July 1991)
- Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its forty-fourth session, 4 May to 24 July 1992
- The Commission appointed Mr. Robert Rosenstock as Special Rapporteur for the topic.
- Discussion in Plenary: 2292nd meeting (22 July 1992)
- Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its forty-fifth session, 3 May to 23 July 1993
- The Commission considered the Special Rapporteur's first report and referred the 10 articles contained therein to the Drafting Committee for consideration in the light of discussion. The Commission took note of the report of the Drafting Committee containing the titles and texts of arts. 1 to 6 and 8 to 10, adopted on second reading by the Drafting Committee. The Commission decided to defer action on it until its next session pending the submission of commentaries.
- Discussion in Plenary: 2309th meeting (18 June 1993), 2311th, 2312th, 2313th and 2314th meetings (24 to 30 June 1993), 2316th meeting (6 July 1993) and 2322nd meeting (19 July 1993)
- Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its forty-sixth session, 2 May to 22 July 1994
- The Commission considered the Special Rapporteur's second report and referred the articles contained therein to the Drafting Committee. On the basis of the recommendations of the Drafting Committee, the Commission adopted on second reading a complete set of draft articles on the topic, with commentaries, and a resolution on transboundary confined groundwater. It also decided to recommend the draft articles and the resolution to the General Assembly, and to recommend the elaboration of a convention by the Assembly or by an international conference of plenipotentiaries on the basis of the draft articles.
- Discussion in Plenary: 2334th, 2335th, 2336th, 2337th, 2338th and 2339th meetings (9 to 17 May 1994), 2353rd, 2354th, 2355th and 2356th meetings (21 to 24 June 1994), 2362nd meeting (8 July 1994), 2367th and 2368th meetings (15 and 18 July 1994), and 2370th, 2371st and 2372nd meetings (19 to 20 July 1994)