International Law Commission International Law Commission

Last update: July 2, 2024

Seventy-fifth Session (2024)

Daily Bulletin

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MONDAY, 29 April 2024
Seventy-fifth session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3658th meeting  (A/CN.4/SR.3658)

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  • Election of officers
    • The Commission elected Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez (Ecuador) as its Chair, Mr. Mārtiņš Paparinskis (Latvia) as the First Vice-Chair, Ms. Vilawan Mangklatanakul (Thailand) as Second Vice-Chair, Ms. Phoebe Okowa (Kenya) as Chair of the Drafting Committee, and Ms. Penelope Ridings (New Zealand) as Rapporteur.
  • Programme of work
  • Settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties
    • The Special Rapporteur, Mr. August Reinisch, introduced his second report on the topic “Settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties” (A/CN.4/766). The Commission began its consideration of the Special Rapporteur’s second report on the topic.

TUESDAY, 30 April 2024
Seventy-fifth session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3659th meeting  (A/CN.4/SR.3659)

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  • Settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties
    • The Commission continued its consideration of the Special Rapporteur’s second report on the topic (A/CN.4/766).
  • Programme, procedures, working methods of the Commission and its documentation
    • The Co-Chair of the Study Group on “Sea level rise in relation to international law”, Ms. Patrícia Galvão Teles, announced the composition of the Study Group on “Sea level rise in relation to international law”, which is as follows: Co-Chairs: Mr. Yacouba Cissé, Ms. Patrícia Galvão Teles, Ms. Nilüfer Oral and Mr. Juan José Ruda Santolaria; Members: Mr. Dapo Akande, Mr. Masahiko Asada, Mr. Rolf Einar Fife, Mr. Mathias Forteau, Mr. George Rodrigo Bandeira Galindo, Mr. Claudio Grossman Guiloff, Mr. Huikang Huang, Mr. Ahmed Laraba,  Mr. Keun-Gwan Lee, Ms. Vilawan Mangklatanakul, Mr. Andreas D. Mavroyiannis, Mr. Giuseppe Nesi, Mr. Hong Thao Nguyen, Ms. Phoebe Okowa, Mr. Hassan Ouazzani Chahdi, Mr. Mario Oyarzábal, Mr. Mārtinš Paparinskis, Mr. Bimal N. Patel, Mr. August Reinisch, Mr. Louis Savadogo, Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez and Ms. Penelope Ridings (ex officio).

WEDNESDAY, 1 May 2024
Seventy-fifth session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3660th meeting  (A/CN.4/SR.3660)

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  • Filling of a casual vacancy in the Commision
    • The Commission elected Ms. Alina Orosan (Romania) to fill the casual vacancy following the resignation of Mr. Bogdan Aurescu.
  • Settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties
    • The Commission continued its consideration of the Special Rapporteur’s second report on the topic (A/CN.4/766).

THURSDAY, 2 May 2024
Seventy-fifth session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3661st meeting  (A/CN.4/SR.3661)

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  • Subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law
    • The Commission adopted the titles and texts of the following draft conclusions on “Subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law” (A/CN.4/L.985/Add.1) which were taken note of at last year’s session by the Commission: 4 (Decisions of courts and tribunals/Décisions de juridictions) and 5 (Teachings/Doctrine), as orally revised.
  • Settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties
    • The Commission continued its consideration of the Special Rapporteur’s second report on the topic (A/CN.4/766).

FRIDAY, 3 May 2024
Seventy-fifth session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3662nd meeting  (A/CN.4/SR.3662)

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  • Settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties
    • The Commission continued its consideration of the Special Rapporteur’s second report on the topic (A/CN.4/766). The Special Rapporteur summed up the debate. The Commission referred draft guidelines 3 to 6 as recommended by the Special Rapporteur to the Drafting Committee.
  • Programme, procedures, working methods of the Commission and its documentation
    • The Chair of the Drafting Committee, Ms. Phoebe Okowa, announced the composition of the Drafting Committee on “Settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties”, which is as follows: Chair: Ms. Phoebe Okowa; Special Rapporteur: Mr. August Reinisch; Members: Mr. Dapo Akande, Mr. Masahiko Asada, Mr. Ahmed Amin Fathalla, Mr. Rolf Einar Fife, Mr. Mathias Forteau, Mr. George Rodrigo Bandeira Galindo, Ms. Patricia Galvão Teles, Mr. Claudio Grossman Guiloff, Mr. Huikang Huang, Mr. Charles Chernor Jalloh, Mr. Keun-Gwan Lee, Ms. Vilawan Mangklatanakul, Mr. Andreas D. Mavroyiannis, Mr. Giuseppe Nesi, Mr. Hong Thao Nguyen, Ms. Nilüfer Oral, Mr. Mario Oyarzábal, Mr. Mārtinš Paparinskis, Mr. Bimal N. Patel, Mr. Juan José Ruda Santolaria, Mr. Alioune Sall, Mr. Louis Savadogo, Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez and Ms. Penelope Ridings (ex officio).

THURSDAY, 9 May 2024
Seventy-fifth session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3663rd meeting  (A/CN.4/SR.3663)

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  • Subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law
    • The Special Rapporteur, Mr. Charles Chernor Jalloh, introduced his second report on the topic “Subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law” (A/CN.4/769). The Commission began its consideration of the Special Rapporteur’s second report on the topic.

FRIDAY, 10 May 2024
Seventy-fifth session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3664th meeting  (A/CN.4/SR.3664)

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  • Subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law
    • The Commission continued its consideration of the Special Rapporteur’s second report on the topic (A/CN.4/769).

MONDAY, 13 May 2024
Seventy-fifth session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3665th meeting  (A/CN.4/SR.3665)

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  • Subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law
    • The Commission continued its consideration of the Special Rapporteur’s second report on the topic (A/CN.4/769).
  • Programme, procedures, working methods of the Commission and its documentation
    • The Chair of the Planning Group, Mr. Mārtinš Paparinskis, announced the composition of the Planning Group which is as follows:  Chair:  Mr. Mārtinš Paparinskis; Members: Mr. Masahiko Asada, Mr. Yacouba Cissé, Mr. Mathias Forteau, Mr. George Rodrigo Bandeira Galindo, Ms. Patrícia Galvão Teles, Mr. Claudio Grossman Guiloff, Mr. Huikang Huang, Mr. Charles Chernor Jalloh, Mr. Keun-Gwan Lee, Ms. Vilawan Mangklatanakul, Mr. Andreas D. Mavroyiannis,  Mr. Giuseppe Nesi, Mr. Hong Thao Nguyen, Ms. Nilüfer Oral, Mr. Hassan Ouazzani Chahdi, Mr. Mario Oyarzábal, Mr. Bimal N. Patel, Mr. Juan José Ruda Santolaria, Mr. Alioune Sall, Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. Evgeny Zagaynov and Ms. Penelope Ridings (ex officio).

TUESDAY, 14 May 2024
Seventy-fifth session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3666th meeting  (A/CN.4/SR.3666)

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  • Subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law
    • The Commission continued its consideration of the Special Rapporteur’s second report on the topic (A/CN.4/769).
  • Programme, procedures, working methods of the Commission and its documentation
    • The Planning Group reconstituted the Working Group on Long-term programme of work which is composed as follows: Chair, Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez:  Members: Mr. Dapo Akande, Mr. Carlos J. Argüello,  Mr. Masahiko Asada,  Mr. Ahmed Amin Fathalla, Mr. Rolf Einar Fife, Mr. Mathias Forteau, Mr. George Rodrigo Bandeira Galindo, Ms. Patrícia Galvão Teles, Mr. Claudio Grossman Guiloff, Mr. Huikang Huang, Mr. Charles Chernor Jalloh, Mr. Keun-Gwan Lee, Ms. Vilawan Mangklatanakul, Mr. Andreas D. Mavroyiannis,  Mr. Ivon Mingashang, Mr. Giuseppe Nesi, Mr. Hong Thao Nguyen, Ms. Phoebe Okowa, Ms. Nilüfer Oral, Ms. Alina Orosan, Mr. Hassan Ouazzani Chahdi, Mr. Mario Oyarzábal, Mr. Mārtinš Paparinskis,  Mr. Bimal N. Patel, Mr. August Reinisch, Mr. Juan José Ruda Santolaria, Mr. Alioune Sall, Mr. Louis Savadogo, Mr. Evgeny Zagaynov and Ms. Penelope Ridings (ex officio).

WEDNESDAY, 15 May 2024
Seventy-fifth session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3667th meeting  (A/CN.4/SR.3667)

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  • Subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law
    • The Commission continued its consideration of the Special Rapporteur’s second report on the topic (A/CN.4/769). The Special Rapporteur summed up the debate.  The Commission decided to refer draft conclusions 6, 7 and 8 to the Drafting Committee.
  • Programme, procedures, working methods of the Commission and its documentation
    • The Chair of the Drafting Committee, Ms. Phoebe Okowa, announced the composition of the Drafting Committee on “Subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law”, which is as follows: Chair: Ms. Phoebe Okowa; Special Rapporteur: Mr. Charles Chernor Jalloh; Members: Mr. Dapo Akande, Mr. Masahiko Asada, Mr. Ahmed Amin Fathalla, Mr. Rolf Einar Fife, Mr. Mathias Forteau, Mr. George Rodrigo Bandeira Galindo, Mr. Claudio Grossman Guiloff, Mr. Huikang Huang, Mr. Keun-Gwan Lee, Ms. Vilawan Mangklatanakul, Mr. Andreas D. Mavroyiannis, Mr. Ivon Mingashang, Mr. Giuseppe Nesi, Mr. Hong Thao Nguyen, Ms. Alina Orosan,  Mr. Mario Oyarzábal, Mr. Mārtinš Paparinskis, Mr. Bimal N. Patel, Mr. Juan José Ruda Santolaria, Mr. Alioune Sall, Mr. Louis Savadogo, Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. Evgeny Zagaynov and Ms. Penelope Ridings (ex officio).

TUESDAY, 21 May 2024
Seventy-fifth session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3668th meeting

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  • Prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea
    • The Special Rapporteur, Mr. Yacouba Cissé, introduced his second report on the topic “Prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea” (A/CN.4/770). The Commission began its consideration of the Special Rapporteur’s second report on the topic.

WEDNESDAY, 22 May 2024
Seventy-fifth session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3669th meeting  (A/CN.4/SR.3669)

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  • Prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea
    • The Commission continued its consideration of the Special Rapporteur’s second report on the topic (A/CN.4/770).
  • Programme, procedures, working methods of the Commission and its documentation
    • The Planning Group reconstituted the Working Group on methods of work and procedures. The Chair of the Working Group announced the membership which is as follows: Chair: Charles Chernor Jalloh; Members: Mr. Dapo Akande,  Mr. Masahiko Asada, Mr. Mathias Forteau, Mr. George Rodrigo Bandeira Galindo, Mr. Claudio Grossman Guiloff, Mr. Huikang Huang, Mr. Keun-Gwan Lee, Ms. Vilawan Mangklatanakul, Mr. Andreas D. Mavroyiannis, Mr. Giuseppe Nesi, Mr. Hong Thao Nguyen, Ms. Alina Orosan, Mr. Mario Oyarzábal, Mr. Mārtinš Paparinskis, Mr. Bimal N. Patel, Mr. Juan José Ruda Santolaria, Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez and Ms. Penelope Ridings (ex officio).

THURSDAY, 23 May 2024
Seventy-fifth session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3670th meeting

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  • Prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea
    • The Commission continued its consideration of the Special Rapporteur’s second report on the topic (A/CN.4/770).

FRIDAY, 24 May 2024
Seventy-fifth session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3671st meeting

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  • Prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea
    • The Commission continued its consideration of the Special Rapporteur’s second report on the topic (A/CN.4/770).

TUESDAY, 28 May 2024
Seventy-fifth session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3672nd meeting

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  • Prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea
    • The Commission continued its consideration of the Special Rapporteur’s second report on the topic (A/CN.4/770). The Special Rapporteur summed up the debate.  The Commission referred draft articles 4 to 7 to the Drafting Committee.
  • Programme, procedures, working methods of the Commission and its documentation
    • The Chair of the Drafting Committee, Ms. Phoebe Okowa, announced the composition of the Drafting Committee on “Prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea”, which is as follows: Chair: Ms. Phoebe Okowa; Special Rapporteur: Mr. Yacouba Cissé; Members: Mr. Dapo Akande, Mr. Masahiko Asada, Mr. Claudio Grossman Guiloff, Mr. Huikang Huang, Mr. Keun-Gwan Lee, Ms. Vilawan Mangklatanakul, Mr. Andreas D. Mavroyiannis, Mr. Giuseppe Nesi, Ms. Nilüfer Oral, Ms. Alina Orosan,  Mr. Mario Oyarzábal, Mr. Mārtinš Paparinskis, Mr. Bimal N. Patel, Mr. Juan José Ruda Santolaria, Mr. Louis Savadogo and Ms. Penelope Ridings (ex officio).

FRIDAY, 31 May 2024
Seventy-fifth session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3673rd meeting

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  • Settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties
    • The Chair of the Drafting Committee presented the report of the Drafting Committee on “Settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties” (A/CN.4/L.998 + Add.1). The Commission considered the report and adopted the titles of Part I and Part II, and the titles and texts of the following draft guidelines on “Settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties”: 3 (Scope of the present Part/Objet de la présente partie), 4 (Resort to means of dispute settlement/Recours aux moyens de règlements des différends), 5 (Accessibility of means of dispute settlement/Caractère accessible des moyens de règlements des différends) and 6 (Requirements for arbitration and judicial settlement/Exigences relatives au règlement juridictionnel).

MONDAY, 1 July 2024
Seventy-fifth session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3674th meeting

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  • Subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law
    • The Chair of the Drafting Committee presented the report of the Drafting Committee on “Subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law” (A/CN.4/L.999). The Commission considered the report and adopted the titles and texts of the following draft conclusions on “Subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law”: 6 (Nature and function of subsidiary means/Nature et function des moyens auxiliaires), 7 (Absence of legally binding precedent in international law/Absence de précédents juridiquement contraignants en droit international) and 8 (Weight of decisions of courts and tribunals/Poids des decisions des juridictions).
  • Prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea
    • The Chair of the Drafting Committee presented the interim oral report of the Drafting Committee on “Prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea” (A/CN.4/L.1000). The Commission took note of the interim oral report.
  • Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction
    • The Special Rapporteur, Mr. Claudio Grossman, introduced his first report on the topic “Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction” (A/CN.4/775).

TUESDAY, 2 July 2024
Seventy-fifth session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3675th meeting

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  • Visit of the Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and United Nations Legal Counsel
    • The Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and United Nations Legal Counsel, Mr. Miguel de Serpa Soares, made a statement informing the Commission of the activities of the Office of Legal Affairs and recent developments of international law in the context of the United Nations.  An exchange of views followed.
  • Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction
    • The Commission continued its consideration of the Special Rapporteur’s first report on the topic (A/CN.4/775).