Last update:
July 15, 2015
Eighteenth Session (1966)
Officers and Members of the Commission
- Chair: Mr. Mustafa Kamil Yaseen (Iraq)
- First Vice-Chair: Mr. Herbert W. Briggs (United States of America)
- Second Vice-Chair: Mr. Manfred Lachs (Poland)
- Rapporteur: Mr. Antonio de Luna (Spain)
- Chair of the Drafting Committee: Mr. Herbert W. Briggs (United States of America)
Members of the Commission at the Eighteenth Session (1966)
- Mr. Roberto Ago (Italy)
- Mr. Gilberto Amado (Brazil)
- Mr. Milan Bartos (Yugoslavia)
- Mr. Mohammed Bedjaoui (Algeria)
- Mr. Herbert W. Briggs (United States of America)
- Mr. Marcel Cadieux (Canada)
- Mr. Erik Castrén (Finland)
- Mr. Abdullah El-Erian (United Arab Republic)
- Mr. Taslim O. Elias (Nigeria)
- Mr. Eduardo Jiménez de Aréchaga (Uruguay)
- Mr. Manfred Lachs (Poland)
- Mr. Liu Chieh (China)
- Mr. Antonio de Luna (Spain)
- Mr. Radhabinod Pal (India)
- Mr. Angel M. Paredes (Ecuador)
- Mr. Obed Pessou (Dahomey)
- Mr. Paul Reuter (France)
- Mr. Shabtai Rosenne (Israel)
- José María Ruda (Argentina)
- Mr. Abdul Hakim Tabibi (Afghanistan)
- Mr. Senjin Tsuruoka (Japan)
- Mr. Grigory I. Tunkin (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)
- Mr. Alfred Verdross (Austria)
- Sir Humphrey Waldock (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
- Mr. Mustafa Kamil Yaseen (Iraq)
See also Membership