International Law Commission International Law Commission

Last update: July 15, 2015

Thirty-first Session (1979)


The general and limited distribution documents of the International Law Commission (in the “A/CN.4” series) are issued, in all six official languages, as official documents of the United Nations. The Commission’s Summary Records are first made available in provisional form, in English and French only. They are subsequently edited and translated into the other official languages, and published in the Yearbook of the International Law Commission. Some of the Commission’s other documents are also later edited and published in the Yearbook, together with the Commission’s annual report to the General Assembly.

General Documents

Symbol Title
A/CN.4/316 Provisional agenda
A/CN.4/317 + Add.1 + Add.1/Corr.1 + Add.2 Filling of casual vacancies in the Commission — Note by the Secretariat
A/CN.4/318 + Add.1–4 + Add.5–7 + Add.8 Eighth report on State responsibility by Mr. Roberto Ago, Special Rapporteur
A/CN.4/319 Eighth report on the question of treaties concluded between States and international organizations or between two or more international organizations, by Mr. Paul Reuter, Special Rapporteur — draft articles, with commentaries (continued)
A/CN.4/320 + Corr.1 First Report on the law of the non-navigational uses of international watercourses, by Mr. Stephen Schwebel, Special Rapporteur
A/CN.4/321 + Add.1–7 Comments of States
A/CN.4/322 + Corr.1 + Add.1–2 Eleventh report on succession of States in respect of matters other than treaties, by Mr. Mohamed Bedjaoui, Special Rapporteur — draft articles on succession in respect of State archives, with commentaries
A/CN.4/323 Preliminary report on the topic of jurisdictional immunities of States and their property, by Mr. Sompong Sucharitkul, Special Rapporteur
A/CN.4/324 Replies of Governments to the Commission's questionnaire
A/CN.4/325 Report of the Working Group on review of the multilateral treaty-making process

Limited Documents

Symbol Title
A/CN.4/L.289/Rev.1 Draft articles on State responsibility: text of article 28 proposed by Mr. Tsuruoka — reproduced in A/CN.4/SR.1536, para.2
A/CN.4/L.290 Draft articles on State responsibility: text of article 28 proposed by Mr. Jagota — reproduced in A/CN.4/SR.1535, para. 16
A/CN.4/L.291 Draft articles on State responsibility: text of article 29 proposed by Mr. Tsuruoka — reproduced in A/CN.4/SR.1540, para.4
A/CN.4/L.292 Draft articles on State responsibility: text of article 29 proposed by Mr. Jagota — reproduced in A/CN.4/SR.1542, paras. 28–31
A/CN.4/L.293 Draft articles on State responsibility: text of article 29 proposed by Mr. Ushakov — reproduced in A/CN.4/SR.1544, para. 5
A/CN.4/L.294 Draft articles on State responsibility: text of article 30 proposed by Mr. Jagota — reproduced in A/CN.4/SR.1545, para. 18
A/CN.4/L.295 Draft articles on State responsibility: text of article 30 proposed by Mr. Yankov — reproduced in A/CN.4/SR.1545, para. 24
A/CN.4/L.296 Draft articles on treaties concluded between States and international organizations or between international organizations: text of article 46 proposed by Mr. Ushakov — reproduced in A/CN.4/SR.1552, para. 15
A/CN.4/L.297 + Add.1 Draft articles on State responsibility — texts adopted by the Drafting Committee: articles 28–32 and title of chapter V of the draft — reproduced in A/CN.4/SR.1567, para.1 and SR.1579, para.1
A/CN.4/L.298 Succession of States in respect of matters other than treaties — draft afticles relating to succession of State archives: text of articles X, Y and Z proposed by Mr. Tsuruoka — reproduced in A/CN.4/SR.1564, para.30
A/CN.4/L.299/Rev.1 + Add.1 Draft articles on succession of States in respect of matters other than treaties — texts adopted by the Drafting Committee: articles 1–23 and titles of the corresponding parts and sections of the draft — reproduced in A/CN.4/SR.1568, para.3
A/CN.4/L.300 Draft articles on treaties concluded between States and international organizations or between international organizations — texts adopted by the Drafting Committee: articles 39–60 and titles of the corresponding parts and sections of the draft — in A/CN.4/SR.1576, para. 2
A/CN.4/L.301 + Corr.1 Draft report of the International Law Commission on the work of its thirty-first session: chap. I
A/CN.4L.302 + Add.1–4 Draft report of the International Law Commission on the work of its thirty-first session: chap. II
A/CN.4L.303 + Add.1–6 Draft report of the International Law Commission on the work of its thirty-first session: chap. III
A/CN.4/L.304 Draft report of the International Law Commission on the work of its thirty-first session: chap. IV
A/CN.4/L.305 Draft report of the International Law Commission on the work of its thirty-first session: chap. V
A/CN.4/L.306 Draft report of the International Law Commission on the work of its thirty-first session: chap. VI
A/CN.4/L.307 Draft report of the International Law Commission on the work of its thirty-first session: chap. VII
A/CN.4/L.308 Draft report of the International Law Commission on the work of its thirty-first session: chap. VIII
A/CN.4/L.309 + Add.1 Draft report of the International Law Commission on the work of its thirty-first session: chap. IX
A/CN.4/L.310 Report of the Working Group on the status of the diplomatic courier and the diplomatic bag not accompanied by diplomatic courier

Summary Records

Symbol Title
A/CN.4/SR.1530 Summary record of the 1530th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1531 Summary record of the 1531st meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1532 Summary record of the 1532nd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1533 Summary record of the 1533rd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1534 Summary record of the 1534th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1535 Summary record of the 1535th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1536 Summary record of the 1536th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1537 Summary record of the 1537th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1538 Summary record of the 1538th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1539 Summary record of the 1539th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1540 Summary record of the 1540th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1541 Summary record of the 1541st meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1542 Summary record of the 1542nd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1543 Summary record of the 1543rd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1544 Summary record of the 1544th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1545 Summary record of the 1545th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1546 Summary record of the 1546th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1547 Summary record of the 1547th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1548 Summary record of the 1548th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1549 Summary record of the 1549th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1550 Summary record of the 1550th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1551 Summary record of the 1551st meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1552 Summary record of the 1552nd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1553 Summary record of the 1553rd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1554 Summary record of the 1554th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1555 Summary record of the 1555th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1556 Summary record of the 1556th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1557 Summary record of the 1557th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1558 Summary record of the 1558th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1559 Summary record of the 1559th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1560 Summary record of the 1560th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1561 Summary record of the 1561st meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1562 Summary record of the 1562nd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1563 Summary record of the 1563rd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1564 Summary record of the 1564th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1565 Summary record of the 1565th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1566 Summary record of the 1566th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1567 Summary record of the 1567th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1568 Summary record of the 1568th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1569 Summary record of the 1569th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1570 Summary record of the 1570th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1571 Summary record of the 1571st meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1572 Summary record of the 1572nd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1573 Summary record of the 1573rd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1574 Summary record of the 1574th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1575 Summary record of the 1575th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1576 Summary record of the 1576th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1577 Summary record of the 1577th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1578 Summary record of the 1578th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1579 Summary record of the 1579th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1580 Summary record of the 1580th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1581 Summary record of the 1581st meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1582 Summary record of the 1582nd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.1583 Summary record of the 1583rd meeting

Some documents are not available on this website for the following reasons:

  • In some cases, documents have deliberately been excluded from this website, including draft documents such as the draft report of the International Law Commission, which serves as the basis for the Commission adoption of its annual report, and which, accordingly, is superceded as soon as the final version is adopted;
  • In connection with more recent documentation (post-1995), where a Yearbook of the International Law Commission volume does not yet exist, links are provided to the version available on the United Nations Optical Disk System, i.e. the version which the Commission itself considered (and not the final edited version to be included in a Yearbook); in some cases such documents (or particular language versions thereof) are not available on that System, for technical reasons.
  • Unless otherwise indicated, summary records are available in English and French only. Additional language versions are made available as and when the respective volumes of the Yearbook are published.
  • In the case of documents issued in mimeograph format in earlier years, those that were subsequently reproduced in the Yearbook of the International Law Commission have been made available. Where hard copies of the individual documents not in the Yearbook still exist, attempts have been made to also have those digitized and placed on this site to provide as complete a collection as possible;
  • Up until 1955 documents were issued in the original language of submission, and the other linguistic versions were not always produced, i.e. some documents were only issued in English or in French or in Spanish;