Sixty-third Session (2011)
Daily Bulletin
TUESDAY, 26 April 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3080th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3080)
- The Commission observed a minute of silence in the memory of Ms. Paula Escarameia.
- Election of officers
- The Commission elected Mr. Maurice Kamto (Cameroon) as its Chair, Ms. Marie G. Jacobsson (Sweden) as the First Vice-Chair, Mr. Bernd H. Niehaus (Costa Rica) as Second Vice-Chair, Mr. Teodor Viorel Melescanu (Romania) as Chair of the Drafting Committee, and Mr. A. Rohan Perera (Sri Lanka) as Rapporteur.
- Adoption of the agenda
- The Commission adopted its provisional agenda (A/CN.4/634)
- Programme, procedures, working methods of the Commission and its documentation
- The Commission established a Working Group on Reservations to treaties under the Chairship of Mr. Vázquez-Bermúdez. The Chair of the Working Group on Reservations to treaties announced the composition of the Working Group as follows: Chair: Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez; Special Rapporteur: Mr. Alain Pellet; Members: Mr. Enrique J.A. Candioti, Mr. Salifou Fomba, Mr. Giorgio Gaja, Mr. Huikang Huang, Mr. Maurice Kamto, Mr. Donald M. McRae, Mr. Georg Nolte, Mr. Michael Wood and Mr. A. Rohan Perera (ex officio).
- Responsibility of international organizations
- The Special Rapporteur, Mr. Giorgio Gaja, introduced the first part of his eighth report on the topic (A/CN.4/640). The Commission began its consideration of the first part of the eighth report on the topic.
WEDNESDAY, 27 April 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3081st meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3081)
- Commemoration of Ms. Paula Escarameia
- Statements were made by members of the Commission to pay tribute to the late Ms. Paula Escarameia.
- Responsibility of international organizations
- The Commission continued its consideration of the first part of the Special Rapporteur's eighth report on the topic (A/CN.4/640).
- Programme, procedures, working methods of the Commission and its documentation
- The Chair of the Drafting Committee announced the composition of the Drafting Committee on Effects of armed conflicts on treaties as follows: Chair: Mr. Teodor Viorel Melescanu; Special Rapporteur: Mr. Lucius Caflisch; Members: Mr. Enrique J.A. Candioti, Mr. Salifou Fomba, Mr. Zdzislaw Galicki, Mr. Huikang Huang, Ms. Marie G. Jacobsson, Mr. Maurice Kamto, Mr. Donald M. McRae, Mr. Shinya Murase, Mr. Georg Nolte, Mr. Ernest Petric, Mr. Gilberto Vergne Saboia, Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. Nugroho Wisnumurti, Mr. Michael Wood and Mr. A. Rohan Perera (ex officio).
- The Chair of the Drafting Committee announced the composition of the Drafting Committee on Responsibility of international organizations as follows: Chair: Mr. Teodor Viorel Melescanu; Special Rapporteur: Mr. Giorgio Gaja; Members: Mr. Enrique J.A. Candioti, Mr. Salifou Fomba, Mr. Huikang Huang, Ms. Marie G. Jacobsson, Mr. Maurice Kamto, Mr. Donald M. McRae, Mr. Shinya Murase, Mr. Georg Nolte, Mr. Ernest Petric, Mr. Gilberto Vergne Saboia, Mr. Eduardo Valencia-Ospina, Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. Nugroho Wisnumurti, Mr. Michael Wood and Mr. A. Rohan Perera (ex officio).
THURSDAY, 28 April 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3082nd meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3082)
- Filling of casual vacancies in the Commission
- The Commission elected Ms. Concepción Escobar Hernández (Spain) to fill the casual vacancy following the death of Ms. Paula Escarameia.
- Responsibility of international organizations
- The Commission continued its consideration of the first part of the Special Rapporteur's eighth report on the topic (A/CN.4/640). The Special Rapporteur summarized the debate on the first part of his eighth report. The Commission referred draft articles 1 to 18 to the Drafting Committee.
TUESDAY, 3 May 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3083rd meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3083)
- Responsibility of international organizations
- The Special Rapporteur introduced the second part of his eighth report on the topic (A/CN.4/640). The Special Rapporteur summarized the debate on the first part of his eighth report. The Commission began its consideration of the second part of the eighth report on the topic.
THURSDAY, 5 May 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3084th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3084)
- Responsibility of international organizations
- The Commission continued its consideration of the second part of the Special Rapporteur's eighth report on the topic (A/CN.4/640).
FRIDAY, 6 May 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3085th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3085)
- Responsibility of international organizations
- The Commission continued its consideration of the second part of the Special Rapporteur's eighth report on the topic (A/CN.4/640). The Special Rapporteur summarized the debate on the second part of his eighth report. The Commission referred draft articles 19 to 66 to the Drafting Committee.
TUESDAY, 10 May 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3086th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3086)
- Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction
- The Special Rapporteur, Mr. Kolodkin, introduced his second report on the topic (A/CN.4/631). The Commission began its consideration of the second report on the topic.
THURSDAY, 12 May 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3087th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3087)
- Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction
- The Commission continued its consideration of the Special Rapporteur's second report on the topic (A/CN.4/631).
FRIDAY, 13 May 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3088th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3088)
- Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction
- The Commission continued its consideration of the Special Rapporteur's second report on the topic (A/CN.4/631).
TUESDAY, 17 May 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3089th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3089)
- Filling of casual vacancies in the Commission
- The Commission elected Mr. Mohammad Bello Adoke (Nigeria) to fill the casual vacancy following the resignation of Mr. Bayo Ojo.
- Effects of armed conflicts on treaties
- The Chair of the Drafting Committee presented the report of the Drafting Committee on Effects of armed conflicts on treaties (A/CN.4/L.777). The Commission considered the report and adopted on second reading the following draft articles: 1 (Scope/Champ d'application), 2 (Definitions/Définitions), 3 (General principle/Principe général), 4 (Provisions on the operation of treaties/Dispositions portant sur l'application des traités), 5 (Application of rules on treaty interpretation/Application des règles sur l'interprétation des traités), 6 (Factors indicating whether a treaty is susceptible to termination, withdrawal or suspension/Facteurs indiquant une possibilité d'extinction, de retrait ou de suspension de l'application d'un traité), 7 (Continued operation of treaties resulting from their subject matter/Maintien en vigueur de traités en raison de leur matière), 8 (Conclusion of treaties during armed conflict/Conclusion de traités pendant un conflit armé), 9 (Notification of intention to terminate or withdraw from a treaty or to suspend its operation/Notification de l'intention de mettre fin à un traité, de s'en retirer ou d'en suspendre l'application), 10 (Obligations imposed by international law independently of a treaty/Obligations imposées par le droit international indépendamment d'un traité), 11 (Separability of treaty provisions/Divisibilité des dispositions d'un traité), 12 (Loss of the right to terminate or withdraw from a treaty or to suspend its operation/Perte du droit de mettre fin au traité, de s'en retirer ou d'en suspendre l'application), 13 (Revival or resumption of treaty relations subsequent to an armed conflict/Remise en vigueur ou en application de relations conventionnelles après un conflit armé), 14 (Effect of the exercise of the right to self-defence on a treaty/Effet de l'exercice du droit de légitime défense sur un traité), 15 (Prohibition of benefit to an aggressor State/Interdiction pour l'État qui commet une aggression d'en tirer avantage), 16 (Decisions of the Security Council/Décisions du Conseil de sécurité), 17 (Rights and duties arising from the laws of neutrality/Droits et obligations découlant du droit de la neutralité), 18 (Other cases of termination, withdrawal or suspension/Autres cas d'extinction, de retrait ou de suspension) and Annex — Indicative list of treaties referred to in draft article 7/Annexe — Liste indicative de traités visés dans le projet d'article 7.
- Statement of the Chair of the Drafting Committee.
- The Chair of the Drafting Committee presented the report of the Drafting Committee on Effects of armed conflicts on treaties (A/CN.4/L.777). The Commission considered the report and adopted on second reading the following draft articles: 1 (Scope/Champ d'application), 2 (Definitions/Définitions), 3 (General principle/Principe général), 4 (Provisions on the operation of treaties/Dispositions portant sur l'application des traités), 5 (Application of rules on treaty interpretation/Application des règles sur l'interprétation des traités), 6 (Factors indicating whether a treaty is susceptible to termination, withdrawal or suspension/Facteurs indiquant une possibilité d'extinction, de retrait ou de suspension de l'application d'un traité), 7 (Continued operation of treaties resulting from their subject matter/Maintien en vigueur de traités en raison de leur matière), 8 (Conclusion of treaties during armed conflict/Conclusion de traités pendant un conflit armé), 9 (Notification of intention to terminate or withdraw from a treaty or to suspend its operation/Notification de l'intention de mettre fin à un traité, de s'en retirer ou d'en suspendre l'application), 10 (Obligations imposed by international law independently of a treaty/Obligations imposées par le droit international indépendamment d'un traité), 11 (Separability of treaty provisions/Divisibilité des dispositions d'un traité), 12 (Loss of the right to terminate or withdraw from a treaty or to suspend its operation/Perte du droit de mettre fin au traité, de s'en retirer ou d'en suspendre l'application), 13 (Revival or resumption of treaty relations subsequent to an armed conflict/Remise en vigueur ou en application de relations conventionnelles après un conflit armé), 14 (Effect of the exercise of the right to self-defence on a treaty/Effet de l'exercice du droit de légitime défense sur un traité), 15 (Prohibition of benefit to an aggressor State/Interdiction pour l'État qui commet une aggression d'en tirer avantage), 16 (Decisions of the Security Council/Décisions du Conseil de sécurité), 17 (Rights and duties arising from the laws of neutrality/Droits et obligations découlant du droit de la neutralité), 18 (Other cases of termination, withdrawal or suspension/Autres cas d'extinction, de retrait ou de suspension) and Annex — Indicative list of treaties referred to in draft article 7/Annexe — Liste indicative de traités visés dans le projet d'article 7.
- Programme, procedures, working methods of the Commission and its documentation
- The Chair of the Planning Group announced the composition of the Planning Group as follows: Chair: Ms. Marie G. Jacobsson. Members: Mr. Lucius Caflisch, Mr. Enrique Candioti, Mr. Pedro Comissario Afonso, Mr. Christopher John Robert Dugard, Ms. Concepción Escobar Hernández, Mr. Giorgio Gaja, Mr. Zdzislaw Galicki, Mr. Hussein A. Hassouna, Mr. Maurice Kamto, Mr. Fathi Kemicha, Mr. Roman A. Kolodkin, Mr. Teodor Viorel Melescanu, Mr. Donald M. McRae, Mr. Shinya Murase, Mr. Bernd Niehaus, Mr. Georg Nolte, Mr. Alain Pellet, Mr. Ernest Petri?, Mr. Gilberto V. Saboia, Mr. Narinder Singh, Mr. Eduardo Valencia-Ospina, Mr. Edmundo Vargas Carreño, Mr. Stephen Vasciannie, Mr. Marcel Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. Nugroho Wisnumurti, Mr. Michael Wood, and Mr. A. Rohan Perera (ex officio).
FRIDAY, 20 May 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3090th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3090)
- Reservations to treaties
- The Chair of the Working Group on Reservations to treaties presented an oral report on the outcome of the work of the Working Group (see document A/CN.4/L.779). The Commission took note of the oral report.
- Programme, procedures, working methods of the Commission and its documentation
- The Chair of the Drafting Committee announced the composition of the Drafting Committee on Expulsion of aliens which is as follows: Chair: Mr. Teodor Viorel Melescanu; Special Rapporteur: Mr. Maurice Kamto; Members: Mr. Pedro Commissário Afonso, Ms. Concepción Escobar Hernández, Mr. Salifou Fomba, Mr. Zdzislaw Galicki, Mr. Mahmoud D. Hmoud, Mr. Donald M. McRae, Mr. Gilberto V. Saboia, Mr. Narinder Singh, Mr. Eduardo Valencia-Ospina, Mr. Edmundo Vargas Carreño, Mr. Stephen C. Vasciannie, Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. Nugroho Wisnumurti, Mr. Michael Wood and Mr. A. Rohan Perera (ex officio).
TUESDAY, 24 May 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3091st meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3091)
- Expulsion of aliens
- The Special Rapporteur on Expulsion of aliens, Mr. Maurice Kamto, introduced the remaining part of his sixth report on the topic (A/CN.4/625/Add.2).
WEDNESDAY, 25 May 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3092nd meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3092)
- Expulsion of aliens
- The Commission began its consideration of the remaining part of the Special Rapporteur's sixth report on the topic (A/CN.4/625/Add.2).
- Programme, procedures, working methods of the Commission and its documentation
- The Chair of the Study Group on Treaties over time announced the composition of the Study Group which is as follows: Chair: Mr. Georg Nolte; Members: Mr. Enrique Candioti, Mr. Pedro Commissário Afonso, Mr. Christopher J.R. Dugard, Ms. Concepción Escobar Hernández, Mr. Giorgio Gaja, Mr. Mahmoud D. Hmoud, Ms. Marie G. Jacobsson, Mr. Maurice Kamto, Mr. Donald M. McRae, Mr. Teodor V. Melescanu, Mr. Shinya Murase, Mr. Bernd H. Niehaus, Mr. Ernest Petri?, Mr. Narinder Singh, Mr. Eduardo Valencia-Ospina, Mr. Edmundo Vargas Carreño, Mr. Stephen C. Vasciannie, Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. Nugroho Wisnumurti, Mr. Michael Wood and Mr. A. Rohan Perera (ex officio).
- Visit of the Legal Counsel
- The Legal Counsel made a statement informing the Commission of the activities of the Office of Legal Affairs and recent developments of international law in the context of the United Nations. An exchange of views followed.
THURSDAY, 26 May 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3093rd meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3093)
- Expulsion of aliens
- The Commission continued its consideration of the remaining part of the Special Rapporteur's sixth report on the topic (A/CN.4/625/Add.2).
FRIDAY, 27 May 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3094th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3094)
- Expulsion of aliens
- The Commission continued its consideration of the remaining part of the Special Rapporteur's sixth report on the topic (A/CN.4/625/Add.2). The Special Rapporteur summarized the debate. The Commission decided to refer the following draft articles to the Drafting Committee: D1, E1, G1, H1, I1 and J1 as contained in document A/CN.4/625/Add.2, F1 as revised by the Special Rapporteur and 8 as reproduced in footnote 1268 of A/65/10.
- Programme, procedures, working methods of the Commission and its documentation
- The Chair of the Working Group on Methods of work announced the membership of the Working Group which is as follows: Chair: Mr. Hussein A. Hassouna; Members: Mr. Lucius Caflisch, Mr. Enrique Candioti, Mr. Salifou Fomba, Mr. Zdzislaw Galicki, Ms. Marie G. Jacobsson, Mr. Teodor Viorel Melescanu, Mr. Shinya Murase, Mr. Ernest Petric, Mr. Gilberto V. Saboia, Mr. Narinder Singh, Mr. Eduardo Valencia-Ospina, Mr. Stephen Vasciannie, Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. Nugroho Wisnumurti, Mr. Michael Wood and Mr. A. Rohan Perera (ex officio).
TUESDAY, 31 May 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3095th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3095)
- Other business
- The Commission began its consideration of a paper on Peaceful settlement of disputes prepared by Sir Michael Wood (A/CN.4/641).
- Programme, procedures, working methods of the Commission and its documentation
- The Co-Chair of the Study Group on the Most-Favoured-Nation clause announced the membership of the Working Group which is as follows: Co-Chairs: Mr. Donald M. McRae and Mr. A. Rohan Perera; Members: Mr. Lucius Caflisch, Mr. Enrique J.A. Candioti, Ms. Concepción Escobar Hernández, Mr. Giorgio Gaja, Mr. Mahmoud D. Hmoud, Mr. Shinya Murase, Mr. Bernd H. Niehaus, Mr. Georg Nolte, Mr. Gilberto V. Saboia, Mr. Narinder Singh, Mr. Stephen C. Vasciannie, Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. Nugroho Wisnumurti, Mr. Michael Wood and Mr. A. Rohan Perera (ex officio).
WEDNESDAY, 1 June 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3096th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3096)
- Other business
- The Commission continued its consideration of a paper on Peaceful settlement of disputes prepared by Sir Michael Wood (A/CN.4/641).
FRIDAY, 3 June 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3097th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3097)
- Responsibility of international organizations
- The Chair of the Drafting Committee presented the report of the Drafting Committee on Responsibility of international organizations (A/CN.4/L.778). The Commission considered the report and adopted on second reading the texts and titles of the following draft articles: 1 (Scope of the present draft articles/Champ d'application du présent projet d'articles), 2 (Use of terms/Définitions), 3 (Responsibility of an international organization for its internationally wrongful acts/Responsabilité d'une organisation internationale pour fait internationalement illicite), 4 (Elements of an internationally wrongful act of an international organization/Éléments du fait internationalement illicite d'une organisation internationale), 5 (Characterization of an act of an international organization as internationally wrongful/Qualification du fait d'une organisation internationale comme internationalement illicite), 6 (Conduct of organs or agents of an international organization/Comportement des organes ou des agents d'une organisation internationale), 7 (Conduct of organs of a State or organs or agents of an international organization placed at the disposal of another international organization/Comportement des organes d'un État ou des organes ou agents d'une organisation internationale mis à la disposition d'une autre organisation internationale), 8 (Excess of authority or contravention of instructions/Excès de pouvoir ou comportement contraire aux instructions), 9 (Conduct acknowledged and adopted by an international organization as its own/Comportement reconnu et adopté comme étant sien par une organisation internationale), 10 (Existence of a breach of an international obligation/Existence de la violation d'une obligation internationale), 11 (International obligation in force for an international organization/Obligation internationale en vigueur à l'égard d'une organisation internationale), 12 (Extension in time of the breach of an international obligation/Extension dans le temps de la violation d'une obligation internationale), 13 (Breach consisting of a composite act/Violation constituée par un fait composite), 14 (Aid or assistance in the commission of an internationally wrongful act/Aide ou assistance dans la commission du fait internationalement illicite), 15 (Direction and control exercised over the commission of an internationally wrongful act/Directives et contrôle dans la commission du fait internationalement illicite), 16 (Coercion of a State or another international organization/Contrainte exercée sur un État ou une autre organisation internationale), 17 (Circumvention of international obligations through decisions and authorizations addressed to members/Contournement des obligations internationales par l'intermédiaire des décisions et autorisations adressées aux membres), 18 (Responsibility of an international organization member of another international organization/Responsabilité d'une organisation internationale membre d'une autre organisation internationale), 19 (Effect of this Chapter/Effet du présent chapitre), 20 (Consent/Consentement), 21 (Self-defence/Légitime défense), 22 (Countermeasures/Contre-mesures), 23 (Force majeure/Force majeure), 24 (Distress/Détresse), 25 (Necessity/État de nécessité), 26 (Compliance with peremptory norms/Respect de normes impératives), 27 (Consequences of invoking a circumstance precluding wrongfulness/Conséquences de l'invocation d'une circonstance excluant l'illicéité), 28 (Legal consequences of an internationally wrongful act/Conséquences juridiques d'un fait internationalement illicite), 29 (Continued duty of performance/Maintien du devoir d'exécuter l'obligation), 30 (Cessation and non-repetition/Cessation et non-répétition), 31 (Reparation/Réparation), 32 (Relevance of the rules of the organization/Pertinence des règles de l'organisation), 33 (Scope of international obligations set out in this Part/Portée des obligations internationales énoncées dans la présente partie), 34 (Forms of reparation/Formes de la réparation), 35 (Restitution/Restitution), 36 (Compensation/Indemnisation), 37 (Satisfaction/Satisfaction), 38 (Interest/Intérêts), 39 (Contribution to the injury/Contribution au préjudice), 40 (Ensuring the fulfilment of the obligation to make reparation/Mesures visant à assurer l'exécution effective de l'obligation de réparation), 41 (Application of this Chapter/Application du présent Chapitre), 42 (Particular consequences of a serious breach of an obligation under this Chapter/Conséquences particulières d'une violation grave d'une obligation en vertu du présent chapitre), 43 (Invocation of responsibility by an injured State or international organization/Invocation de la responsabilité par un État ou une organisation internationale lésés), 44 (Notice of claim by an injured State or international organization/Notification par l'État ou l'organisation internationale lésés), 45 (Admissibility of claims/Recevabilité de la demande), 46 (Loss of the right to invoke responsibility/Perte du droit d'invoquer la responsabilité), 47 (Plurality of injured States or international organizations/Pluralité d'États ou organisations internationales lésés), 48 (Responsibility of an international organization and one or more States or international organizations/Responsabilité d'une organisation internationale et d'un ou plusieurs États ou une ou plusieurs organisations internationales), 49 (Invocation of responsibility by a State or an international organization other than an injured State or international organization/Invocation de la responsabilité par un État ou une organisation internationale autres qu'un État ou une organisation internationale lésés), 50 (Scope of this Chapter/Portée du présent chapitre), 51 (Objects and limits of countermeasures/Objet et limites des contre-mesures), 52 (Conditions for taking countermeasures by members of an international organization/Conditions de prise des contre-mesures par des membres d'une organisation internationale), 53 (Obligations not affected by countermeasures/Obligations ne pouvant être affectées par des contre-mesures), 54 (Proportionality of countermeasures/Proportionnalité des contre-mesures), 55 (Conditions relating to resort to countermeasures/Conditions du recours à des contre-mesures), 56 (Termination of countermeasures/Cessation des contre-mesures), 57 (Measures taken by States or international organizations other than an injured State or organization/Mesures prises par des États ou des organisations internationales autres qu'un État ou une organisation lésés), 58 (Aid or assistance by a State in the commission of an internationally wrongful act by an international organization/Aide ou assistance d'un État dans la commission d'un fait internationalement illicite par une organisation internationale), 59 (Direction and control exercised by a State over the commission of an internationally wrongful act by an international organization/Directives données et contrôle exercé par un État dans la commission d'un fait internationalement illicite par une organisation internationale), 60 (Coercion of an international organization by a State/Contrainte exercée sur une organisation internationale par un État), 61 (Circumvention of international obligations of a State member of an international organization/Contournement des obligations internationales d'un État membre d'une organisation internationale), 62 (Responsibility of a State member of an international organization for an internationally wrongful act of that organization/Responsabilité d'un État membre d'une organisation internationale à raison d'un fait internationalement illicite de cette organisation), 63 (Effect of this Part/Effet de la présente partie), 64 Lex specialis/Lex specialis), 65 (Questions of international responsibility not regulated by these draft articles/Questions de responsabilité internationale non régies par les présents projets d'articles), 66 (Individual responsibility/Responsabilité individuelle), 67 (Charter of the United Nations/Charte des Nations Unies).
- Statement of the Chair of the Drafting Committee.
- The Chair of the Drafting Committee presented the report of the Drafting Committee on Responsibility of international organizations (A/CN.4/L.778). The Commission considered the report and adopted on second reading the texts and titles of the following draft articles: 1 (Scope of the present draft articles/Champ d'application du présent projet d'articles), 2 (Use of terms/Définitions), 3 (Responsibility of an international organization for its internationally wrongful acts/Responsabilité d'une organisation internationale pour fait internationalement illicite), 4 (Elements of an internationally wrongful act of an international organization/Éléments du fait internationalement illicite d'une organisation internationale), 5 (Characterization of an act of an international organization as internationally wrongful/Qualification du fait d'une organisation internationale comme internationalement illicite), 6 (Conduct of organs or agents of an international organization/Comportement des organes ou des agents d'une organisation internationale), 7 (Conduct of organs of a State or organs or agents of an international organization placed at the disposal of another international organization/Comportement des organes d'un État ou des organes ou agents d'une organisation internationale mis à la disposition d'une autre organisation internationale), 8 (Excess of authority or contravention of instructions/Excès de pouvoir ou comportement contraire aux instructions), 9 (Conduct acknowledged and adopted by an international organization as its own/Comportement reconnu et adopté comme étant sien par une organisation internationale), 10 (Existence of a breach of an international obligation/Existence de la violation d'une obligation internationale), 11 (International obligation in force for an international organization/Obligation internationale en vigueur à l'égard d'une organisation internationale), 12 (Extension in time of the breach of an international obligation/Extension dans le temps de la violation d'une obligation internationale), 13 (Breach consisting of a composite act/Violation constituée par un fait composite), 14 (Aid or assistance in the commission of an internationally wrongful act/Aide ou assistance dans la commission du fait internationalement illicite), 15 (Direction and control exercised over the commission of an internationally wrongful act/Directives et contrôle dans la commission du fait internationalement illicite), 16 (Coercion of a State or another international organization/Contrainte exercée sur un État ou une autre organisation internationale), 17 (Circumvention of international obligations through decisions and authorizations addressed to members/Contournement des obligations internationales par l'intermédiaire des décisions et autorisations adressées aux membres), 18 (Responsibility of an international organization member of another international organization/Responsabilité d'une organisation internationale membre d'une autre organisation internationale), 19 (Effect of this Chapter/Effet du présent chapitre), 20 (Consent/Consentement), 21 (Self-defence/Légitime défense), 22 (Countermeasures/Contre-mesures), 23 (Force majeure/Force majeure), 24 (Distress/Détresse), 25 (Necessity/État de nécessité), 26 (Compliance with peremptory norms/Respect de normes impératives), 27 (Consequences of invoking a circumstance precluding wrongfulness/Conséquences de l'invocation d'une circonstance excluant l'illicéité), 28 (Legal consequences of an internationally wrongful act/Conséquences juridiques d'un fait internationalement illicite), 29 (Continued duty of performance/Maintien du devoir d'exécuter l'obligation), 30 (Cessation and non-repetition/Cessation et non-répétition), 31 (Reparation/Réparation), 32 (Relevance of the rules of the organization/Pertinence des règles de l'organisation), 33 (Scope of international obligations set out in this Part/Portée des obligations internationales énoncées dans la présente partie), 34 (Forms of reparation/Formes de la réparation), 35 (Restitution/Restitution), 36 (Compensation/Indemnisation), 37 (Satisfaction/Satisfaction), 38 (Interest/Intérêts), 39 (Contribution to the injury/Contribution au préjudice), 40 (Ensuring the fulfilment of the obligation to make reparation/Mesures visant à assurer l'exécution effective de l'obligation de réparation), 41 (Application of this Chapter/Application du présent Chapitre), 42 (Particular consequences of a serious breach of an obligation under this Chapter/Conséquences particulières d'une violation grave d'une obligation en vertu du présent chapitre), 43 (Invocation of responsibility by an injured State or international organization/Invocation de la responsabilité par un État ou une organisation internationale lésés), 44 (Notice of claim by an injured State or international organization/Notification par l'État ou l'organisation internationale lésés), 45 (Admissibility of claims/Recevabilité de la demande), 46 (Loss of the right to invoke responsibility/Perte du droit d'invoquer la responsabilité), 47 (Plurality of injured States or international organizations/Pluralité d'États ou organisations internationales lésés), 48 (Responsibility of an international organization and one or more States or international organizations/Responsabilité d'une organisation internationale et d'un ou plusieurs États ou une ou plusieurs organisations internationales), 49 (Invocation of responsibility by a State or an international organization other than an injured State or international organization/Invocation de la responsabilité par un État ou une organisation internationale autres qu'un État ou une organisation internationale lésés), 50 (Scope of this Chapter/Portée du présent chapitre), 51 (Objects and limits of countermeasures/Objet et limites des contre-mesures), 52 (Conditions for taking countermeasures by members of an international organization/Conditions de prise des contre-mesures par des membres d'une organisation internationale), 53 (Obligations not affected by countermeasures/Obligations ne pouvant être affectées par des contre-mesures), 54 (Proportionality of countermeasures/Proportionnalité des contre-mesures), 55 (Conditions relating to resort to countermeasures/Conditions du recours à des contre-mesures), 56 (Termination of countermeasures/Cessation des contre-mesures), 57 (Measures taken by States or international organizations other than an injured State or organization/Mesures prises par des États ou des organisations internationales autres qu'un État ou une organisation lésés), 58 (Aid or assistance by a State in the commission of an internationally wrongful act by an international organization/Aide ou assistance d'un État dans la commission d'un fait internationalement illicite par une organisation internationale), 59 (Direction and control exercised by a State over the commission of an internationally wrongful act by an international organization/Directives données et contrôle exercé par un État dans la commission d'un fait internationalement illicite par une organisation internationale), 60 (Coercion of an international organization by a State/Contrainte exercée sur une organisation internationale par un État), 61 (Circumvention of international obligations of a State member of an international organization/Contournement des obligations internationales d'un État membre d'une organisation internationale), 62 (Responsibility of a State member of an international organization for an internationally wrongful act of that organization/Responsabilité d'un État membre d'une organisation internationale à raison d'un fait internationalement illicite de cette organisation), 63 (Effect of this Part/Effet de la présente partie), 64 Lex specialis/Lex specialis), 65 (Questions of international responsibility not regulated by these draft articles/Questions de responsabilité internationale non régies par les présents projets d'articles), 66 (Individual responsibility/Responsabilité individuelle), 67 (Charter of the United Nations/Charte des Nations Unies).
MONDAY, 4 July 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3098th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3098)
- The Commission observed a minute of silence in the memory of Mr. Constantin Economides.
- The Commission observed a minute of silence in the memory of Mr. Francis Mahon Hayes.
- Expulsion of aliens
- The Commission considered the Special Rapporteur's seventh report on the topic (A/CN.4/642).
WEDNESDAY, 6 July 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3099th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3099)
- Reservations to treaties
- The Commission considered the Special Rapporteur's seventeenth report on the topic (A/CN.4/647).
THURSDAY, 7 July 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3100th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3100)
- Cooperation with other bodies
- The President of the International Court of Justice, Judge Hisashi Owada, addressed the Commission, followed by an exchange of views.
FRIDAY, 8 July 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3101st meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3101)
- Cooperation with other bodies
- The Chair of the Committee of Legal Advisers on Public international Law (CAHDI), Ms. Edwige Belliard, and the Director of Legal Advice and Public International Law of the Council of Europe, Mr. Manuel Lezertua, addressed the Commission. An exchange of views followed.
- Reservations to treaties
- The Commission began consideration of Chapter IV of its report on Reservations to treaties and adopted draft guideline 1.1 (Definition of reservations/Définition des réserves) with commentaries (part of A/CN.4/L.783/Add.3), as amended.
MONDAY, 11 July 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3102nd meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3102)
- Protection of persons in the event of disasters
- The Commission adopted the following draft articles of which the Commission took note at its 62nd session (A/CN.4/L.776): 6 (Humanitarian principles in disaster response/Principes humanitaires de la réaction en cas de catastrophe), 7 (Human dignity/Dignité humaine), 8 (Human rights/Droits de l’homme) and 9 (Role of the affected State/Rôle de l’État affecté).
- The Special Rapporteur on Protection of persons in the event of disasters, Mr. Eduardo Valencia-Ospina, introduced his fourth report on the topic (A/CN.4/643 and Corr.1). The Commission began its consideration of the Special Rapporteur’s fourth report.
TUESDAY, 12 July 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3103rd meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3103)
- Protection of persons in the event of disasters
- The Commission continued its consideration of the Special Rapporteur’s fourth report on the topic (A/CN.4/643 and Corr.1).
- Reservations to treaties
- The Commission continued consideration of Chapter IV of its report on Reservations to treaties, and adopted a further part of this Chapter including the commentary to draft guidelines 1.1.1 (Statements purporting to limit the obligations of their author/Déclarations visant à limiter les obligations de leur auteur), 1.1.2 (Statements purporting to discharge an obligation by equivalent means/Déclarations visant à s’acquitter d’une obligation par équivalence), 1.1.3 (Reservations relating to the territorial application of the treaty/Réserves concernant l’application territoriale du traité), 1.1.4 (Reservations formulated when extending the territorial application of a treaty/Réserves formulées à l’occasion de l’extension de l’application territoriale d’un traité), (part of A/CN.4/L.783/Add.3), as amended.
WEDNESDAY, 13 July 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3104th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3104)
- Protection of persons in the event of disasters
- The Commission continued its consideration of the Special Rapporteur’s fourth report on the topic (A/CN.4/643 and Corr.1).
- Reservations to treaties
- The Special Rapporteur on Reservations to treaties, Mr. Alain Pellet, introduced the Addendum 1 of his seventeenth report on the topic (A/CN.4/647/Add.1). The Commission began its consideration of the Addendum 1 of the Special Rapporteur’s seventeenth report.
- The Commission continued consideration of Chapter IV of its report on Reservations to treaties and adopted a further part of this Chapter including the commentary to draft guidelines 1.1.5 (Reservations formulated jointly/Réserves formulées conjointement), 1.1.6 (Reservations formulated by virtue of clauses expressly authorizing the exclusion or the modification of certain provisions of a treaty/Réserves formulées en vertu de clauses autorisant expressément l’exclusion ou la modification de certaines dispositions d’un traité), 1.2 (Definition of interpretative declarations/Définition des déclarations interprétatives) (part of A/CN.4/L.783/Add.3), as amended.
THURSDAY, 14 July 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3105th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3105)
- Protection of persons in the event of disasters
- The Commission continued its consideration of the Special Rapporteur’s fourth report on the topic (A/CN.4/643 and Corr.1).
- Programme, procedures, working methods of the Commission and its documentation
- The Chair of the Drafting Committee announced the composition of the Drafting Committee on Protection of persons in the event of disasters which is as follows: Chair: Mr. Teodor Viorel Melescanu; Special Rapporteur: Mr. Eduardo Valencia-Ospina; Members: Mr. Christopher John Robert Dugard, Mr. Mahmoud D. Hmoud, Ms. Marie G. Jacobsson, Mr. Donald M. McRae, Mr. Shinya Murase, Mr. Georg Nolte, Mr. Ernest Petric, Mr. Gilberto Vergne Saboia, Mr. Narinder Singh, Mr. Edmundo Vargas Carreño, Mr. Stephen C. Vasciannie, Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. Nugroho Wisnumurti, Mr. Michael Wood and Mr. A. Rohan Perera (ex officio).
FRIDAY, 15 July 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3106th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3106)
- Reservations to treaties
- The Commission continued its consideration of Addendum 1 to the Special Rapporteur’s seventeenth report on the topic (A/CN.4/647/Add.1) and referred to the Working Group on Reservations to treaties the proposal on a draft recommendation on technical assistance and assistance in the settlement of disputes concerning reservations, contained in paragraph 101 of the Special Rapporteur’s report.
- The Commission continued consideration of Chapter IV of its report on Reservations to treaties and adopted a further part of Chapter IV including the commentary to draft guidelines 1.2.1 (Interpretative declarations formulated jointly/Déclarations interprétatives formulées conjointement), 1.3 (Distinction between reservations and interpretative declarations/Distinction entre réserves et déclarations interprétatives), 1.3.1 (Method of determining the distinction between reservations and interpretative declarations/Méthode de détermination de la distinction entre réserves et déclarations interprétatives), 1.3.2 (Phrasing and name/Libellé et désignation), 1.3.3 (Formulation of a unilateral statement when a reservation is prohibited/Formulation d’une déclaration unilatérale lorsqu’une réserve est interdite) (part of A/CN.4/L.783/Add.3, as amended.
MONDAY, 18 July 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3107th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3107)
- The Commission paid tribute to the memory of Francisco Villagrán Kramer, former member of the Commission.
- Protection of persons in the event of disasters
- The Special Rapporteur, Mr. Valencia-Ospina, summarized the debate on his fourth report on the topic (A/CN.4/643 and Corr.1). The Commission referred draft articles 10 to12 to the Drafting Committee.
- Programme, procedures, working methods of the Commission and its documentation
- The Chair of the Drafting Committee announced the inclusion of another two members to the Drafting Committee on Protection of persons in the event of disasters, which are as follows: Mr. Enrique Candioti and Ms. Concepción Escobar Hernández.
WEDNESDAY, 20 July 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3108th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3108)
- Cooperation with other bodies
- The representative of the Inter-American Juridical Committee, Ms. Hyacinth Lindsay, addressed the Commission. An exchange of views followed.
THURSDAY, 21 July 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3109th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3109)
- Reservations to treaties
- The Commission continued consideration of Chapter IV of its report on Reservations to treaties and adopted a further part of Chapter IV including the commentary to draft guidelines 1.4 (Conditional interpretative declarations/Déclarations interprétatives conditionnelles), 1.5 (Unilateral statements other than reservations and interpretative declarations/Déclarations unilatérales autres que les réserves et les déclarations interprétatives), 1.5.1 (Statements of non-recognition/Déclarations de non-reconnaissance), 1.5.2 (Statements concerning modalities of implementation of a treaty at the internal level/Déclarations relatives à la mise en œuvre d'un traité au plan interne), 1.5.3 (Unilateral statements made under a clause providing for options/Déclarations unilatérales faites en vertu d'une clause d'option), 1.6 (Unilateral statements in respect of bilateral treaties/Déclarations unilatérales relatives aux traités bilatéraux), 1.6.1 ("Reservations" to bilateral treaties/"Réserves" aux traités bilatéraux), 1.6.2 (Interpretative declarations in respect of bilateral treaties/Déclarations interprétatives de traités bilatéraux), 1.6.3 (Legal effect of acceptance of an interpretative declaration made in respect of a bilateral treaty by the other party/Effet juridique de l'acceptation de la déclaration interprétative d'un traité bilatéral par l'autre partie), 1.7 (Alternatives to reservations and interpretative declarations/Alternatives aux réserves et déclarations interprétatives), 1.7.1 (Alternatives to reservations/Alternatives aux réserves), 1.7.2 (Alternatives to interpretative declarations/Alternatives aux déclarations interprétatives), 1.8 (Scope of definitions/Portée des définitions), 2. (Procedure/Procédure), 2.1 (Form and notification of reservations/Forme et notification des réserves), 2.1.1 (Form of reservations/Forme des réserves), 2.1.2 (Statement of reasons for reservations/Motivation des réserves), 2.1.3 (Representation for the purpose of formulating a reservation at the international level/Représentation aux fins de la formulation d'une réserve au plan international), 2.1.4 (Absence of consequences at the international level of the violation of internal rules regarding the formulation of reservations/Absence de conséquence au plan international de la violation des règles internes relatives à la formulation des réserves), 2.1.5 (Communication of reservations/Communication des réserves), 2.1.6 (Procedure for communication of reservations/Procédure de communication des réserves), 2.1.7 (Functions of depositaries/Fonctions du dépositaire), 2.2 (Confirmation of reservations/Confirmation des réserves), 2.2.1 (Formal confirmation of reservations formulated when signing a treaty/Confirmation formelle des réserves formulées lors de la signature du traité), 2.2.2 (Instances of non-requirement of confirmation of reservations formulated when signing a treaty/Cas de non-exigence de confirmation des réserves formulées lors de la signature du traité), 2.2.3 (Reservations formulated upon signature when a treaty expressly so provides/Réserves à la signature expressément prévues par le traité), 2.2.4 (Form of formal confirmation/Forme de la confirmation formelle), 2.3 (Late formulation of a reservation/Formulation tardive d'une réserve), 2.3.1 (Acceptance of the late formulation of a reservation/Acceptation de la formulation tardive d'une réserve) and 2.3.2 (Time period for formulating an objection to a reservation that is formulated late/Délai de formulation d'une objection à une réserve formulée tardivement (A/CN.4/L.783/Add.3 and A/CN.4/L.783/Add.4), as amended.
FRIDAY, 22 July 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3110th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3110)
- Reservations to treaties
- The Commission continued consideration of Chapter IV of its report on Reservations to treaties and adopted a further part of Chapter IV including the commentary to draft guidelines 2.3.3 (Limits to the possibility of excluding or modifying the legal effect of a treaty by means other than reservations/Limite à la possibilité d'exclure ou de modifier les effets juridiques d'un traité par des procédés autres que les réserves), 2.3.4 (Widening of the scope of a reservation/Élargissement de la portée d'une réserve), 2.4 (Procedure for interpretative declarations/Procédure relative aux déclarations interprétatives), 2.4.1 (Form of interpretative declarations/Forme des déclarations interprétatives), 2.4.2 (Representation for the purpose of formulating interpretative declarations/Représentation aux fins de la formulation des déclarations interprétatives), 2.4.3 (Absence of consequences at the international level of the violation of internal rules regarding the formulation of interpretative declarations/Absence de conséquence au plan international de la violation des règles internes relatives à la formulation des déclarations interprétatives), 2.4.4 (Time at which an interpretative declaration may be formulated/Moment auquel une déclaration interprétative peut être formulée), 2.4.5 (Communication of interpretative declarations/Communication des déclarations interprétatives), 2.4.6 (Non-requirement of confirmation of interpretative declarations formulated when signing a treaty/Non-exigence de confirmation des déclarations interprétatives formulées lors de la signature du traité), 2.4.7 (Late formulation of an interpretative declaration/Formulation tardive d'une déclaration interprétative), 2.4.8 (Modification of an interpretative declaration/Modification d'une déclaration interprétative), 2.5 (Withdrawal and modification of reservations and interpretative declarations/Retrait et modification des réserves et des déclarations interprétatives), 2.5.1 (Withdrawal of reservations/Retrait des réserves), 2.5.2 (Form of withdrawal/Forme du retrait), 2.5.3 (Periodic review of the usefulness of reservations/Réexamen périodique de l'utilité des réserves), 2.5.4 (Representation for the purpose of withdrawing a reservation at the international level/Représentation aux fins du retrait d'une réserve au plan international), 2.5.5 (Absence of consequences at the international level of the violation of internal rules regarding the withdrawal of reservations/Absence de conséquence au plan international de la violation des règles internes relatives au retrait des réserves), 2.5.6 (Communication of withdrawal of a reservation/Communication du retrait d'une réserve), 2.5.7 (Effects of withdrawal of a reservation/Effets du retrait d'une réserve), 2.5.8 (Effective date of withdrawal of a reservation/Date d'effet du retrait d'une réserve), 2.5.9 (Cases in which the author of a reservation may set the effective date of withdrawal of the reservation/Cas dans lesquels l'auteur d'une réserve peut fixer la date d'effet du retrait de la réserve), 2.5.10 (Partial withdrawal of a reservation/Retrait partiel d'une réserve), 2.5.11 (Effect of a partial withdrawal of a reservation/Effet du retrait partiel d'une réserve), 2.5.12 (Withdrawal of an interpretative declaration/Retrait d'une déclaration interprétative), 2.6 (Formulation of objections/Formulation des objections), 2.6.1 (Definition of objections to reservations/Définition des objections aux réserves), 2.6.2 (Right to formulate objections/Droit de formuler des objections), 2.6.3 (Author of an objection/Auteur d'une objection), 2.6.4 (Objections formulated jointly/Objections formulées conjointement), 2.6.5 (Form of objections/Forme des objections), 2.6.6 (Right to oppose the entry into force of the treaty vis-à-vis the author of the reservation/Droit de s'opposer à l'entrée en vigueur du traité vis-à-vis de l'auteur de la réserve), 2.6.7 (Expression of intention to preclude the entry into force of the treaty/Expression de l'intention d'empêcher l'entrée en vigueur du traité), 2.6.8 (Procedure for the formulation of objections/Procédure de formulation des objections), 2.6.9 (Statement of reasons for objections/Motivation des objections), 2.6.10 (Non-requirement of confirmation of an objection formulated prior to formal confirmation of a reservation/Non-exigence de la confirmation d'une objection formulée avant la confirmation formelle de la réserve), 2.6.11 (Requirement of confirmation of an objection formulated prior to the expression of consent to be bound by a treaty/Exigence de la confirmation d'une objection formulée avant l'expression du consentement à être lié par le traité), 2.6.12 (Time period for formulating objections/Délai de formulation des objections), 2.6.13 (Objections formulated late/Objections formulées tardivement), 2.7 (Withdrawal and modification of objections to reservations/Retrait et modification des objections aux réserves), 2.7.1 (Withdrawal of objections to reservations/Retrait des objections aux réserves), 2.7.2 (Form of withdrawal of objections to reservations/Forme du retrait des objections aux réserves), 2.7.3 (Formulation and communication of the withdrawal of objections to reservations/Formulation et communication du retrait des objections aux réserves), 2.7.4 (Effect on reservation of withdrawal of an objection/Effet du retrait d'une objection sur la réserve), 2.7.5 (Effective date of withdrawal of an objection/Date d'effet du retrait d'une objection), 2.7.6 (Cases in which the author of an objection may set the effective date of withdrawal of the objection/Cas dans lesquels l'auteur d'une objection peut fixer la date d'effet du retrait de l'objection), 2.7.7 (Partial withdrawal of an objection/Retrait partiel d'une objection), 2.7.8 (Effect of a partial withdrawal of an objection/Effet du retrait partiel d'une objection), 2.7.9 (Widening of the scope of an objection to a reservation/Élargissement de la portée d'une objection à une réserve), 2.8 (Formulation of acceptances of reservations/Formulation des acceptations des réserves), 2.8.1 (Forms of acceptance of reservations/Formes d'acceptation des réserves), 2.8.2 (Tacit acceptance of reservations/Acceptation tacite des réserves), 2.8.3 (Express acceptance of reservations/Acceptation expresse des réserves), 2.8.4 (Form of express acceptance of reservations/Forme de l'acceptation expresse des réserves), 2.8.5 (Procedure for formulating express acceptance of reservations/Procédure de formulation de l'acceptation expresse des réserves), 2.8.6 (Non-requirement of confirmation of an acceptance formulated prior to formal confirmation of a reservation/Non-exigence de la confirmation d'une acceptation formulée avant la confirmation formelle de la réserve), 2.8.7 (Unanimous acceptance of reservations/Acceptation unanime des réserves), 2.8.8 (Acceptance of a reservation to the constituent instrument of an international organization/Acceptation d'une réserve à l'acte constitutif d'une organisation internationale), 2.8.9 (Organ competent to accept a reservation to a constituent instrument/Organe compétent pour accepter une réserve à un acte constitutif), 2.8.10 (Modalities of the acceptance of a reservation to a constituent instrument/Modalités de l'acceptation d'une réserve à un acte constitutif), 2.8.11 (Acceptance of a reservation to a constituent instrument that has not yet entered into force/Acceptation d'une réserve à un acte constitutif non encore entré en vigueur), 2.8.12 (Reaction by a member of an international organization to a reservation to its constituent instrument/Réaction d'un membre d'une organisation internationale à une réserve à l'acte constitutif), 2.8.13 (Final nature of acceptance of a reservation/Caractère définitif de l'acceptation d'une réserve), 2.9 (Formulation of reactions to interpretative declarations/Formulation des réactions aux déclarations interprétatives), 2.9.1 (Approval of an interpretative declaration/Approbation d'une déclaration interprétative), 2.9.2 (Opposition to an interpretative declaration/Opposition à une déclaration interprétative), 2.9.3 (Recharacterization of an interpretative declaration/Requalification d'une déclaration interprétative), 2.9.4 (Right to formulate approval or opposition, or to recharacterize/Droit de formuler une approbation, une opposition ou une requalification), 2.9.5 (Form of approval, opposition and recharacterization/Forme de l'approbation, de l'opposition et de la requalification), 2.9.6 (Statement of reasons for approval, opposition or recharacterization/Motivation de l'approbation, de l'opposition et de la requalification), 2.9.7 (Formulation and communication of approval, opposition or recharacterization/Formulation et communication de l'approbation, de l'opposition et de la requalification), 2.9.8 (Non-presumption of approval or opposition/Absence de présomption d'approbation ou d'opposition) and 2.9.9 (Silence with respect to an interpretative declaration/Le silence à l'égard d'une déclaration interprétative), (A/CN.4/L.783/Add.4), as amended.
MONDAY, 25 July 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3111st meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3111)
- Obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare)
- The Special Rapporteur on Obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare), Mr. Zdzislaw Galicki, introduced his fourth report on the topic (A/CN.4/648). The Commission began its consideration of the Special Rapporteur's fourth report.
- Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction
- The Special Rapporteur on Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction, Mr. Roman A. Kolodkin, introduced his third report on the topic (A/CN.4/646).
TUESDAY, 26 July 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3112th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3112)
- Cooperation with other bodies
- The Secretary-General of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization, Mr. Rahmat Mohamad, addressed the Commission. An exchange of views followed.
- Obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare)
- The Commission continued its consideration of the Special Rapporteur's fourth report on the topic (A/CN.4/648).
WEDNESDAY, 27 July 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3113rd meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3113)
- Obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare)
- The Commission continued its consideration of the Special Rapporteur's fourth report on the topic (A/CN.4/648).
- Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction
- The Commission continued its consideration of the Special Rapporteur's third report on the topic (A/CN.4/646).
THURSDAY, 28 July 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3114th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3114)
- Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction
- The Commission continued its consideration of the Special Rapporteur's third report on the topic (A/CN.4/646).
- Reservations to treaties
- The Chair of the Working Group on Reservations to treaties presented an oral report. The Commission took note of the oral report and the recommendations contained therein.
FRIDAY, 29 July 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3115th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3115)
- Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction
- The Commission continued its consideration of the Special Rapporteur's third report on the topic (A/CN.4/646). The Special Rapporteur summarized the debate of the second and third report on the topic (A/CN.4/631 and A/CN.4/646).
TUESDAY, 2 August 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3116th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3116)
- Obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare)
- The Special Rapporteur summarized the debate of the fourth report on the topic (A/CN.4/648)
- Protection of persons in the event of disasters
- The Commission considered the report of the Drafting Committee on Protection of persons in the event of disasters (A/CN.4/L.794) and adopted the following draft articles: 10 (Duty of the affected State to seek assistance/Obligation de l'Etat affecté de rechercher de l'assistance) and 11 (Consent of the affected State to external assistance/Le consentement de l'Etat affecté à l'assistance extérieure).
- See: statement of the Chair of the Drafting Committee.
- Effects of armed conflicts on treaties
- The Commission began consideration of Chapter VI of its report on Effects of armed conflicts on treaties and adopted sections A, B, C, D and part of section E including the commentary to draft articles 1 (Scope/Champ d'application), 2 (Definitions/Définitions), 3 (General principle/Principe général), 4 (Provisions on the operation of treaties/Dispositions portant sur l'application des traités), 5 (Application of rules on treaty interpretation/Application des règles sur l'interprétation des traités), 6 (Factors indicating whether a treaty is susceptible to termination, withdrawal or suspension/Facteurs indiquant une possibilité d'extinction, de retrait ou de suspension de l'application d'un traité, 7 (Continued operation of treaties resulting from their subject matter/Maintien en vigueur de traités en raison de leur matière) and 8 (Conclusion of treaties during armed conflict/Conclusion de traités pendant un conflit armé) (A/CN.4/L.785 and A/CN.4/L.785/Add.1), as amended.
THURSDAY, 4 August 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3117th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3117)
- Effects of armed conflicts on treaties
- The Commission continued consideration of Chapter VI of its report on Effects of armed conflicts on treaties and adopted the remaining part of section E including the commentary to draft articles 9 (Notification of intention to terminate or withdraw from a treaty or to suspend its operation/Notification de l'intention de mettre fin à un traité, de s'en retirer ou d'en suspendre l'application), 10 (Obligations imposed by international law independently of a treaty/Obligations imposées par le droit international indépendamment d'un traité), 11 (Separability of treaty provisions/Divisibilité des dispositions d'un traité), 12 (Loss of the right to terminate or withdraw from a treaty or to suspend its operation/Perte du droit de mettre fin au traité, de s'en retirer ou d'en suspendre l'application), 13 (Revival or resumption of treaty relations subsequent to an armed conflict/Remise en vigueur ou en application de relations conventionnelles après un conflit armé), 14 (Effect of the exercise of the right to self-defence on a treaty/Effect de l'exercice du droit de légitime défense sur un traité), 15 (Prohibition of benefit to an aggressor State/(Interdiction pour l'État qui commet une aggression d'en tirer avantage), 16 (Decisions of the Security Council/Décisions du Conseil de sécurité), 17 (Rights and duties arising from the laws of neutrality/Droits et obligations découlant du droit de la neutralité), 18 (Other cases of termination, withdrawal or suspension/Autres cas d'extinction, de retrait ou de suspension) and annex (Indicative list of treaties referred to in draft article 7/Liste indicative de traités visés dans le projet d'article 7) (A/CN.4/L.785, A/CN.4/L.785/Add.1 and A/CN.4/L.785/Add.2), as amended.
FRIDAY, 5 August 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3118th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3118)
- Effects of armed conflicts on treaties
- The Commission continued consideration of Chapter VI of its report on Effects of armed conflicts on treaties and adopted the remaining part of section C (A/CN.4/L.785), as amended.
- Responsibility of international organizations
- The Commission began consideration of Chapter V of its report on Responsibility of international organizations and adopted sections A, B, D and E including the General commentary and the commentary to draft articles 1 (Scope of the present draft articles/Champ d'application du présent projet d'articles), 2 (Use of terms/Définitions), 3 (Responsibility of an international organization for its internationally wrongful acts/Responsabilité d'une organisation internationale pour fait internationalement illicite), 4 (Elements of an internationally wrongful act of an international organization/Éléments du fait internationalement illicite d'une organisation internationale), 5 (Characterization of an act of an international organization as internationally wrongful/Qualification du fait d'une organisation internationale comme internationalement illicite), 6 (Conduct of organs or agents of an international organization/Comportement des organes ou des agents d'une organisation internationale), 7 (Conduct of organs of a State or organs or agents of an international organization placed at the disposal of another international organization/Comportement des organes d'un Etat ou des organs ou agents d'une organisation internationale mis à la disposition d'une autre organisation internationale), 8 (Excess of authority or contravention of instructions/Excès de pouvoir ou comportement contraire aux instructions), 9 (Conduct acknowledged and adopted by an international organization as its own/Comportement reconnu et adopté comme étant sien par une organisation internationale), 10 (Existence of a breach of an international obligation/Existence de la violation d'une obligation internationale), 11 (International obligation in force for an international organization/Obligation internationale en vigueur à l'égard d'une organisation internationale), 12 (Extension in time of the breach of an international obligation/Extension dans le temps de la violation d'une obligation internationale), 13 (Breach consisting of a composite act/Violation constituée par un fait composite), 14 (Aid or assistance in the commission of an internationally wrongful act/Aide ou assistance dans la commission du fait internationalement illicite), 15 (Direction and control exercised over the commission of an internationally wrongful act/Directives et contrôle dans la commission du fait internationalement illicite), 16 (Coercion of a State or another international organization/Contrainte exercée sur un État ou une autre organisation internationale), 17 (Circumvention of international obligations through decisions and authorizations addressed to members/Contournement des obligations internationales par l'intermédiaire des décisions et autorisations adressées aux members), 18 (Responsibility of an international organization member of another international organization/Responsabiilté d'une organisation internationale membre d'une autre organisation internationale), 19 (Effect of this Chapter/Effet du présent chapitre), 20 (Consent/Consentement), 21 (Self-defence/Légitime défense), 22 (Countermeasures/Contre-mesures), 23 (Force majeure/Force Majeure), 24 (Distress/Détresse), 25 (Necessity/État de nécessité), 26 (Compliance with peremptory norms/Respect de normes impératives), 27 (Consequences of invoking a circumstance precluding wrongfulness/Conséquences de l'invocation d'une circonstance excluant l'illicéité), 28 (Legal consequences of an internationally wrongful act/Conséquences juridiques d'un fait internationalement illicite), 29 (Continued duty of performance/Maintien du devoir d'exécuter l'obligation), 30 (Cessation and non-repetition/Cessation et non-répétition), 31 (Reparation/Réparation), 32 (Relevance of the rules of the organization/Pertinence des règles de l'organisation), 33 (Scope of international obligations set out in this Part/Portée des obligations internationales énoncées dans la présente partie), 34 (Forms of reparation/Formes de la réparation), 35 (Restitution/Restitution), 36 (Compensation/Indemnisation), 37 (Satisfaction/Satisfaction), 38 (Interest/Intérêts), 39 (Contribution to the injury/Contribution au préjudice), 40 (Ensuring the fulfilment of the obligation to make reparation/Mesures visant à assurer l'acquittement de l'obligation de reparation), 41 (Application of this Chapter/Application du présent chapitre), 42 (Particular consequences of a serious breach of an obligation under this Chapter/Conséquences particulières d'une violation grave d'une obligation en vertu du présent chapitre), 43 (Invocation of responsibility by an injured State or international organization/Invocation de la responsabilité par un État ou une organisation internationale lésés), 44 (Notice of claim by an injured State or international organization/Notification par l'État ou l'organisation internationale lésés), 45 (Admissibility of claims/Recevabilité de la demande), 46 (Loss of the right to invoke responsibility/Perte du droit d'invoquer la responsabilité), 47 (Plurality of injured States or international organizations/Pluralité d'États ou organisations internationales lésés), 48 (Responsibility of an international organization and one or more States or international organizations/Responsabilité d'une organisation internationale et d'un ou plusieurs États ou une ou plusieurs organisations internationales), 49 (Invocation of responsibility by a State or an international organization other than an injured State or international organization/Invocation de la responsabilité par un État ou une organisation internationale autres qu'un État ou une organisation internationale lésés), 50 (Scope of this Chapter/Portée du présent chapitre), 51 (Objects and limits of countermeasures/Objet et limites des contre-mesures), 52 (Conditions for taking countermeasures by members of an international organization/Conditions de prise des contre-mesures par des members d'une organisation internationale), 53 (Obligations not affected by countermeasures/Obligations ne pouvant être affectées par des contre-mesures), 54 (Proportionality of countermeasures/Proportionnalité des contre-mesures), 55 (Conditions relating to resort to countermeasures/Conditions du recours à des contre-mesures), 56 (Termination of countermeasures/Cessation des contre-mesures), 57 (Measures taken by States or international organizations other than an injured State or international organization/Mesures prises par des États ou des organisations internationales autres qu'un État ou une organisation lésés), 58 (Aid or assistance by a State in the commission of an internationally wrongful act by an international organization/Aide ou assistance d'un État dans la commission d'un fait internationalement illicite par une organisation internationale), 59 (Direction and control exercised by a State over the commission of an internationally wrongful act by an international organization/Directives données et contrôle exercé par un État dans la commission d'un fait internationalement illicite par une organisation internationale), 60 (Coercion of an international organization by a State/Contrainte exercée sur une organisation internationale par un État), 61 (Circumvention of international obligations of a State member of an international organization/Contournement des obligations internationales d'un État member d'une organisation internationale), 62 (Responsibility of a State member of an international organization for an internationally wrongful act of that organization/Responsabilité d'un État member d'une organisation internationale à raison d'un fait internationalement illicite de cette organisation), 63 (Effect of this Part/Effet de la présente partie), 64 Lex specialis/Lex specialis), 65 (Questions of international responsibility not regulated by these draft articles/Questions de responsabilité internationale non régies par les presents projets d'articles), 66 (Individual responsibility/Responsabilité individuelle) and 67 (Charter of the United Nations/Charte des Nations Unies) (A/CN.4/L.784, A/CN.4/L.784/Add.1 and A/CN.4/L.784/Add.2), as amended.
MONDAY, 8 August 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3119th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3119)
- Treaties over time
- The Chair of the Study Group on Treaties over time, Mr. Georg Nolte, presented an oral report on the topic of which the Commission took note.
- The Most-Favoured-Nation clause
- The Co-Chair of the Study Group on the Most-Favoured-Nation clause, Mr. A. Rohan Perera, presented an oral report on the topic of which the Commission took note.
- Responsibility of international organizations
- The Commission continued consideration of Chapter V of its report on Responsibility of international organizations and adopted section C (A/CN.4/L.784), as amended.
MONDAY, 8 August 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3120th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3120)
- Reservations to treaties
- The Commission continued consideration of Chapter IV of its report on Reservations to treaties and adopted a further part of Chapter IV including the commentary to draft guidelines 3. (Permissibility of reservations and interpretative declarations/Validité substantielle des réserves et des déclarations interprétatives), 3.1 (Permissible reservations/Validité substantielle d'une réserve), 3.1.1 (Reservations prohibited by the treaty/Réserves interdites par le traité), 3.1.2 (Definition of specified reservations/Définition des réserves déterminées), 3.1.3 (Permissibility of reservations not prohibited by the treaty/Validité substantielle des réserves non interdites par le traité), 3.1.4 (Permissibility of specified reservations/Validité substantielle des réserves déterminées) and 3.1.5 (Incompatibility of a reservation with the object and purpose of the treaty/Incompatibilité d'une réserve avec l'objet et le but du traité) (A/CN.4/L.783/Add.4 and A/CN.4/L.783/Add.5), as amended.
TUESDAY, 9 August 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3121st meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3121)
- Reservations to treaties
- The Commission continued consideration of Chapter IV of its report on Reservations to treaties and adopted a further part of Chapter IV including the commentary to draft guidelines (Determination of the object and purpose of the treaty/Détermination de l'objet et du but du traité), (Vague or general reservations/Réserves vagues ou générales), (Reservations to a provision reflecting a customary rule/Réserves portant sur une disposition reflétant une règle coutumière), (Reservations to provisions concerning rights from which no derogation is permissible under any circumstances/Réserves à des dispositions portant sur des droits auxquels il n'est permis de déroger en aucune circonstance), (Reservations relating to internal law/Réserves relatives au droit interne), (Reservations to treaties containing numerous interdependent rights and obligations/Réserves aux traités contenant de nombreux droits et obligations interdépendants), (Reservations to treaty provisions concerning dispute settlement or the monitoring of the implementation of the treaty/Réserves aux clauses conventionnelles de règlement des différends ou de contrôle de la mise en œuvre du traité), 3.2 (Assessment of the permissibility of reservation/Appréciation de la validité substantielle des réserves), 3.2.1 (Competence of the treaty monitoring bodies to assess the permissibility of reservations/Compétence des organes de contrôle de l'application de traités en matière d'appréciation de la validité substantielle d'une réserve), 3.2.2 (Specification of the competence of treaty monitoring bodies to assess the permissibility of reservations/Détermination de la compétence des organes de contrôle de l'application de traités en matière d'appréciation de la validité substantielle des réserves), 3.2.3 (Consideration of the assessments of treaty monitoring bodies/Prise en considération de l'appréciation des organes de contrôle de l'application de traités), 3.2.4 (Bodies competent to assess the permissibility of reservations in the event of the establishment of a treaty monitoring body/Instances compétentes pour apprécier la validité substantielle des réserves en cas de création d'un organe de contrôle de l'application d'un traité), 3.2.5 (Competence of dispute settlement bodies to assess the permissibility of reservations/Compétence des organes de règlement des différends pour apprécier la validité substantielle des réserves), 3.3 (Consequences of the non-permissibility of a reservation/Conséquences de la non-validité substantielle d'une réserve), 3.3.1 (Irrelevance of distinction among the grounds for non-permissibility/Indifférence de la distinction entre les chefs d'invalidité), 3.3.2 (Non-permissibility of reservations and international responsibility/Non-validité substantielle des réserves et responsabilité internationale), 3.3.3 (Absence of effect of individual acceptance of a reservation on the permissibility of the reservation/Absence d'effet de l'acceptation individuelle d'une réserve sur la validité substantielle de la réserve), 3.4 (Permissibility of reactions to reservations/Validité substantielle des réactions aux réserves), 3.4.1 (Permissibility of the acceptance of a reservation/Validité substantielle d'une acceptation d'une réserve), 3.4.2 (Permissibility of an objection to a reservation/Validité substantielle d'une objection à une réserve), 3.5 (Permissibility of an interpretative declaration/Validité substantielle d'une déclaration interprétative), 3.5.1 (Permissibility of an interpretative declaration which is in fact a reservation/Validité substantielle d'une déclaration interprétative constituant une réserve), 3.6 (Permissibility of reactions to interpretative declarations/Validité substantielle des réactions à une déclaration interprétative), 4. (Legal effects of reservations and interpretative declarations/Effets juridiques d'une réserve et d'une déclaration interprétative), 4.1 (Establishment of a reservation with regard to another State or international organization/Établissement d'une réserve à l'égard d'un autre État ou d'une autre organisation internationale), 4.1.1 (Establishment of a reservation expressly authorized by a treaty/Établissement d'une réserve expressément autorisée par un traité) and 4.1.2 (Establishment of a reservation to a treaty which has to be applied in its entirety/Établissement d'une réserve à un traité devant être appliqué intégralement) (A/CN.4/L.783/Add.5 and A/CN.4/L.783/Add.6), as amended.
TUESDAY, 9 August 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3122nd meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3122)
- Protection of persons in the event of disasters
- The Commission adopted Chapter IX of its report on Protection of persons in the event of disasters including the commentary to draft articles 6 (Humanitarian principles in disaster response/Principes humanitaires de la réaction en cas de catastrophe), 7 (Human dignity/Dignité humaine), 8 (Human rights/Droits de l'homme), 9 (Role of the affected State/Rôle de l'État touché), 10 (Duty of the affected State to seek assistance/Obligation de l'État affecté de rechercher de l'assistance) and 11 (Consent of the affected State to external assistance/Le consentement de l'État affecté à l'assistance extérieure) (A/CN.4/L.788, A/CN.4/L.788/Add.1 and A/CN.4/L.788/Add.2), as amended.
- Reservations to treaties
- The Commission continued consideration of Chapter IV of its report on Reservations to treaties and adopted a further part of Chapter IV including the commentary to draft guidelines 4.1.3 (Establishment of a reservation to a constituent instrument of an international organization/Établissement d'une réserve à un acte constitutif d'une organisation internationale), 4.2 (Effects of an established reservation/Effets d'une réserve établie), 4.2.1 (Status of the author of an established reservation/Qualité de l'auteur d'une réserve établie), 4.2.2 (Effect of the establishment of a reservation on the entry into force of a treaty/Effet de l'établissement de la réserve sur l'entrée en vigueur du traité), 4.2.3 (Effect of the establishment of a reservation on the status of the author as a party to the treaty/Effet de l'établissement d'une réserve sur la qualité de son auteur en tant que partie au traité), 4.2.4 (Effect of an established reservation on treaty relations/Effet d'une réserve établie sur les relations conventionnelles), 4.2.5 (Non-reciprocal application of obligations to which a reservation relates/Absence d'application réciproque d'obligations sur lesquelles porte une réserve) and 4.2.6 (Interpretation of reservations/Interprétation des réserves) (A/CN.4/L.783/Add.6), as amended.
WEDNESDAY, 10 August 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3123rd meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3123)
- Reservations to treaties
- The Commission continued consideration of Chapter IV of its report on Reservations to treaties and adopted a further part of Chapter IV including the commentary to draft guidelines 4.3 (Effect of an objection to a valid reservation/Effet d'une objection à une réserve valide), 4.3.1 (Effect of an objection on the entry into force of the treaty as between the author of the objection and the author of a reservation/Effet d'une objection sur l'entrée en vigueur du traité entre son auteur et l'auteur d'une réserve), 4.3.2 (Effect of an objection to a reservation that is formulated late/Effet d'une objection à une réserve formulée tardivement), 4.3.3 (Entry into force of the treaty between the author of a reservation and the author of an objection/Entrée en vigueur du traité entre l'auteur d'une réserve et l'auteur d'une objection), 4.3.4 (Non-entry into force of the treaty for the author of a reservation when unanimous acceptance is required/Non-entrée en vigueur du traité pour l'auteur d'une réserve lorsque l'acceptation unanime est nécessaire), 4.3.5 (Non-entry into force of the treaty as between the author of a reservation and the author of an objection with maximum effect/Non-entrée en vigueur du traité entre l'auteur d'une réserve et l'auteur d'une objection à effet maximum), 4.3.6 (Effect of an objection on treaty relations/Effet d'une objection sur les relations conventionnelles), 4.3.7 (Effect of an objection on provisions other than those to which the reservation relates/Effet d'une objection sur des dispositions du traité autres que celles sur lesquelles porte la réserve), 4.3.8 (Right of the author of a valid reservation not to comply with the treaty without the benefit of its reservation/Droit de l'auteur d'une réserve valide de ne pas respecter le traité sans le bénéfice de sa réserve), 4.4 (Effect of a reservation on rights and obligations independent of the treaty/Effets d'une réserve sur les droits et obligations indépendants du traité), 4.4.1 (Absence of effect on rights and obligations under other treaties/Absence d'effet sur les droits et obligations découlant d'autres traités), 4.4.2 (Absence of effect on rights and obligations under customary international law/Absence d'effet sur les droits et obligations découlant d'une règle de droit international coutumier), 4.4.3 (Absence of effect on a peremptory norm of general international law (jus cogens)/Absence d'effet sur une norme impérative du droit international général (jus cogens)), 4.5 (Consequences of an invalid reservation/Conséquences d'une réserve non valide), 4.5.1 (Nullity of an invalid reservation/Nullité d'une réserve non valide), 4.5.2 (Reactions to an invalid reservation/Réactions à une réserve considérée comme non valide (A/CN.4/L.783/Add.6), as amended.
WEDNESDAY, 10 August 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3124th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3124)
- Reservations to treaties
- The Commission continued consideration of Chapter IV of its report on Reservations to treaties and adopted a further part of Chapter IV including the commentary to draft guidelines 4.5.3 (Status of the author of an invalid reservation in relation to the treaty/Statut de l'auteur d'une réserve non valide à l'égard du traité), 4.6 (Absence of effect of a reservation on the relations between the other parties to the treaty/Absence d'effet d'une réserve dans les relations entre les autres parties au traité), 4.7 (Effect of an interpretative declaration/Effets des déclarations interprétatives), 4.7.1 (Clarification of the terms of the treaty by an interpretative declaration/Clarification des termes du traité par une déclaration interprétative), 4.7.2 (Effect of the modification or the withdrawal of an interpretative declaration/Effet de la modification ou du retrait d'une déclaration interprétative), 4.7.3 (Effect of an interpretative declaration approved by all the contracting States and contracting organizations/Effet d'une déclaration interprétative approuvée par tous les États contractants et organisations contractantes), 5. (Reservations, acceptances of reservations, objections to reservations, and interpretative declarations in cases of succession of States/Réserves, acceptations des réserves, objections aux réserves et déclarations interprétatives en cas de succession d'États), 5.1 (Reservations in cases of succession of States/Réserves en cas de succession d'États), 5.1.1 (Newly independent States/Cas d'un État nouvellement indépendant), 5.1.2 (Uniting or separation of States/Cas d'unification ou de séparation d'États), 5.1.3 (Irrelevance of certain reservations in cases involving a uniting of States/Non-pertinence de certaines réserves en cas d'unification d'États), 5.1.4 (Maintenance of the territorial scope of reservations formulated by the predecessor State/Principe du maintien de la portée territoriale des réserves de l'État prédécesseur), 5.1.5 (Territorial scope of reservations in cases involving a uniting of States/Application territoriale des réserves en cas d'unification d'États), 5.1.6 (Territorial scope of reservations of the successor State in cases of succession involving part of territory/Application territoriale des réserves de l'État successeur en cas de succession concernant une partie de territoire), 5.1.7 (Timing of the effects of non-maintenance by a successor State of a reservation formulated by the predecessor State/Effets dans le temps du non-maintien, par un État successeur, d'une réserve formulée par l'État prédécesseur), 5.1.8 (Late formulation of reservations by a successor State/Formulation tardive d'une réserve par un État successeur), 5.2 (Objections to reservations in cases of succession of States/Objections aux réserves en cas de succession d'États), 5.2.1 (Maintenance by the successor State of objections formulated by the predecessor State/Maintien par l'État successeur des objections formulées par l'État prédécesseur), 5.2.2 (Irrelevance of certain objections in cases involving a uniting of States/Non-pertinence de certaines objections en cas d'unification d'États), 5.2.3 (Maintenance of objections to reservations of the predecessor State/Maintien des objections à l'égard de réserves de l'État prédécesseur), 5.2.4 (Reservations of the predecessor State to which no objections have been made/Réserves de l'État prédécesseur n'ayant pas soulevé d'objection), 5.2.5 (Right of a successor State to formulate objections to reservations/Droit pour un État successeur de formuler des objections à des réserves), 5.2.6 (Objections by a successor State other than a newly independent State in respect of which a treaty continues in force/Objections d'un État successeur autre qu'un État nouvellement indépendant à l'égard duquel un traité reste en vigueur), 5.3 (Acceptances of reservations in cases of succession of States/Acceptation des réserves en cas de succession d'États), 5.3.1 (Maintenance by a newly independent State of express acceptances formulated by the predecessor State/Maintien par un État nouvellement indépendant des acceptations expresses formulées par l'État prédécesseur), 5.3.2 (Maintenance by a successor State other than a newly independent State of express acceptances formulated by the predecessor State/Maintien par un État successeur autre qu'un État nouvellement indépendant des acceptations expresses formulées par l'État prédécesseur), 5.3.3 (Timing of the effects of non-maintenance by a successor State of an express acceptance formulated by the predecessor State/Effets dans le temps du non-maintien, par un État successeur, d'une acceptation expresse formulée par l'État prédécesseur), 5.4 (Legal effects of reservations, acceptances and objections in cases of succession of States/Effets juridiques des réserves, acceptations et objections en cas de succession d'États), 5.5 Interpretative declarations in cases of succession of States/Déclarations interprétatives en cas de succession d'États) (A/CN.4/L.783/Add.2, A/CN.4/L.783/Add.6 and A/CN.4/L.783/Add.7), as amended.
THURSDAY, 11 August 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3125th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3125)
- Reservations to treaties
- The Commission continued consideration of Chapter IV of its report on Reservations to treaties and adopted the remaining part of Chapter IV (A/CN.4/L.783, A/CN.4/L.783/Add.1 and A/CN.4/L.783/Add.8), as amended.
THURSDAY, 11 August 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3126th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3126)
- Expulsion of aliens
- The Chair of the Drafting Committee made a progress report on the work of the Drafting Committee on the topic.
- The Commission adopted Chapter VIII of its report on Expulsion of aliens (A/CN.4/L.787), as amended.
- The obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare)
- The Commission adopted Chapter X of its report on The obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare) (A/CN.4/L.789), as amended.
- Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction
- The Commission adopted Chapter VII of its report on Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction (A/CN.4/L.786 and A/CN.4/L.786/Add.1), as amended.
- The Most-Favoured-Nation clause
- The Commission adopted Chapter XII of its report on the Most-Favoured-Nation clause (A/CN.4/L.791), as amended.
- Treaties over time
- The Commission adopted part of Chapter XI of its report on Treaties over time (A/CN.4/L.790), as amended.
- Summary of the work of the Commission at its sixty-third session
- The Commission adopted Chapter II of its report on the Summary of the work of the Commission at its sixty-third session (A/CN.4/L.781 and A/CN.4/L.781/Add.1), as amended.
- Specific issues on which comments would be of particular interest to the Commission
- The Commission adopted part of Chapter III of its report on Specific issues on which comments would be of particular interest to the Commission (A/CN.4/L.782), as amended.
FRIDAY, 12 August 2011
Sixty-third session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3127th meeting (A/CN.4/SR.3127)
- Specific issues on which comments would be of particular interest to the Commission
- The Commission adopted the remaining part of Chapter III of its report on Specific issues on which comments would be of particular interest to the Commission (A/CN.4/L.782), as amended.
- Treaties over time
- The Commission adopted the remaining part of Chapter XI of its report on Treaties over time (A/CN.4/L.790/Add.1), as amended.
- Introduction
- The Commission adopted Chapter I of its report related to the topic (A/CN.4/L.780), as amended.
- Other decisions and conclusions
- The Commission adopted Chapter XIII of its report on Other decisions and conclusions of the Commission (A/CN.4/L.792), as amended.
- Adoption of the Report
- The Commission adopted its report of the sixty-third session as a whole and thus concluded its work for that session.