International Law Commission International Law Commission

Last update: December 3, 2024

Seventy-fifth Session (2024)


The general and limited distribution documents of the International Law Commission (in the “A/CN.4” series) are issued, in all six official languages, as official documents of the United Nations. The Commission’s Summary Records are first made available in provisional form, in English and French only. They are subsequently edited and translated into the other official languages, and published in the Yearbook of the International Law Commission. Some of the Commission’s other documents are also later edited and published in the Yearbook, together with the Commission’s annual report to the General Assembly.

General Documents

Symbol Title
A/CN.4/762 Provisional agenda for the seventy-fifth session
A/CN.4/763 Topical summary of the discussion held in the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly during its seventy-eighth session, prepared by the Secretariat
A/CN.4/764 Settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties — Memorandum by the Secretariat
A/CN.4/765 Subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law — Memorandum by the Secretariat
A/CN.4/766 Second report on the settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties, by August Reinisch, Special Rapporteur
A/CN.4/767 Prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea — Writings relevant to the definitions of piracy and of armed robbery at sea — Memorandum by the Secretariat
A/CN.4/768 Sea-level rise in relation to international law — Elements in the previous work of the International Law Commission that could be particularly relevant to the topic — Memorandum by the Secretariat
A/CN.4/769 Second report on subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law, by Charles Chernor Jalloh, Special Rapporteur
A/CN.4/770 Second report on prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea, by Yacouba Cissé, Special Rapporteur
A/CN.4/771 + Add.1 + Add.2 Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction: Additional comments and observations received from Governments
A/CN.4/772 First report on non-legally binding international agreements, by Mathias Forteau, Special Rapporteur
A/CN.4/773 + Add.1 Filling of casual vacancies in the Commission: Note by the Secretariat
A/CN.4/774 + Add.1 Sea-level rise in relation to international law — Additional paper to the second issues paper (2022) by Patrícia Galvão Teles and Juan José Ruda Santolaria, Co-Chairs of the Study Group on sea-level rise in relation to international law
A/CN.4/775 First report on immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction, by Claudio Grossman Guiloff, Special Rapporteur
A/CN.4/776 + Add.1 Filling of casual vacancies in the Commission: Note by the Secretariat

Limited Documents

Symbol Title
A/CN.4/L.987 Draft report: Chapter I — Introduction
A/CN.4/L.988 Draft report: Chapter II — Summary of the work of the Commission at its seventy-fifth session
A/CN.4/L.989 Draft report: Chapter III — Specific issues on which comments would be of particular interest to the Commission
A/CN.4/L.990 + Add.1 Draft report: Chapter IV — Settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties
A/CN.4/L.991 + Add.1 Draft report: Chapter V — Subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law
A/CN.4/L.992 Draft report: Chapter VI — Prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea
A/CN.4/L.993 Draft report: Chapter VII — Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction
A/CN.4/L.994 Draft report: Chapter VIII — Non-legally binding international agreements
A/CN.4/L.995 Draft report: Chapter IX — Succession of States in respect of State responsibility
A/CN.4/L.996 Draft report: Chapter X — Sea-level rise in relation to international law
A/CN.4/L.997 Draft report: Chapter XI — Other decisions and conclusions of the Commission
A/CN.4/L.998 + Add.1 Settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties: Titles of Part One and Part Two, and texts and titles of draft guidelines 3, 4, 5 and 6 as provisionally adopted by the Drafting Committee
A/CN.4/L.999 Subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law: Texts and titles of draft conclusions 6, 7 and 8 as provisionally adopted by the Drafting Committee
A/CN.4/L.1000 Prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea: Title and text of draft article 4 provisionally adopted by the Drafting Committee
A/CN.4/L.1001 Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction: Texts and titles of draft articles 1, 3, 4 and 5 [6] as provisionally adopted by the Drafting Committee on 9 to 22 July 2024
A/CN.4/L.1002 Study Group on sea-level rise in relation to international law: Report
A/CN.4/L.1003 Succession of States in respect of State responsibility: Report of the Working Group

Summary Records

Symbol Title
A/CN.4/SR.3658 Summary record of the 3658th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3659 Summary record of the 3659th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3660 Summary record of the 3660th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3661 Summary record of the 3661st meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3662 Summary record of the 3662nd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3663 Summary record of the 3663rd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3664 Summary record of the 3664th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3665 Summary record of the 3665th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3666 Summary record of the 3666th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3667 Summary record of the 3667th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3668 Summary record of the 3668th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3669 Summary record of the 3669th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3670 Summary record of the 3670th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3671 Summary record of the 3671st meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3672 Summary record of the 3672nd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3673 Summary record of the 3673rd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3674 Summary record of the 3674th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3675 Summary record of the 3675th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3676 Summary record of the 3676th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3677 Summary record of the 3677th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3678 Summary record of the 3678th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3679 Summary record of the 3679th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3680 Summary record of the 3680th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3681 Summary record of the 3681st meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3682 Summary record of the 3682nd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3683 Summary record of the 3683rd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3684 Summary record of the 3684th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3685 Summary record of the 3685th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3686 Summary record of the 3686th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3687 Summary record of the 3687th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3688 Summary record of the 3688th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3689 Summary record of the 3689th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3690 Summary record of the 3690th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3691 Summary record of the 3691st meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3692 Summary record of the 3692nd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3693 Summary record of the 3693rd meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3694 Summary record of the 3694th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3695 Summary record of the 3695th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3696 Summary record of the 3696th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3697 Summary record of the 3697th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3698 Summary record of the 3698th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3699 Summary record of the 3699th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3700 Summary record of the 3700th meeting
A/CN.4/SR.3701 Summary record of the 3701st meeting

Some documents are not available on this website for the following reasons:

  • In some cases, documents have deliberately been excluded from this website, including draft documents such as the draft report of the International Law Commission, which serves as the basis for the Commission adoption of its annual report, and which, accordingly, is superceded as soon as the final version is adopted;
  • In connection with more recent documentation (post-1995), where a Yearbook of the International Law Commission volume does not yet exist, links are provided to the version available on the United Nations Optical Disk System, i.e. the version which the Commission itself considered (and not the final edited version to be included in a Yearbook); in some cases such documents (or particular language versions thereof) are not available on that System, for technical reasons.
  • Unless otherwise indicated, summary records are available in English and French only. Additional language versions are made available as and when the respective volumes of the Yearbook are published.
  • In the case of documents issued in mimeograph format in earlier years, those that were subsequently reproduced in the Yearbook of the International Law Commission have been made available. Where hard copies of the individual documents not in the Yearbook still exist, attempts have been made to also have those digitized and placed on this site to provide as complete a collection as possible;
  • Up until 1955 documents were issued in the original language of submission, and the other linguistic versions were not always produced, i.e. some documents were only issued in English or in French or in Spanish;